"Click on photos to enlarge details"
This piece altered and painted by Dore (ME)
Letting the piece define its French rural style, it started out as a six drawer chest and none of the drawers were in any shape anyone wanted to take on. I on the other hand saw the possibilities considering it's unsightly appearance, I had to alter it into a piece that would demand rustic attention while allowing it to hold onto it's history letting it tell me what it wanted to be.

Trying to not offend the pieces original purpose I removed all six drawers, then cutting out the six divided drawer supports and by leaving the main center support to the chest it allowed me to add random, less then perfect, plank boards across the center support and the bottom creating a salvaged feel to this now new chest of storage, giving the piece breathing space.

Colour was important in keeping with a piece that would lie firmly in a country side home. I knew at first glance of completion this piece had to be grey, a colour that would quietly complement any French room with a sense of calm.

It was on it's way to being that perfect piece but, I had to give it that weather-beaten look showing off the different layers of pealing paints. It had to show distressing that matures over time that looks as if it were clinging onto its history it acquired on its soulful journey with a worn-out softness of a darker white.

In my garage I select which chest of drawer get to continue being what they are and which ones move onto a new goal of proudly displaying, rather then being hidden away in a drawer. This piece achieved my goal for a simple French home that proudly displays a French life.

Decorating a home with recycled and up-cycled pieces and objects of desire make a home feel good, promoting individuality and a peaceful place that inspires.

"Click on photos to enlarge details"
I would like to think a French artist painted this amature oil painting on stretched canvas and I think I will due to the fact that it is not an artist signed piece.
The fishing boat art 16" x 20" was a treasured find at my local thrift shop for less then it deserves, I was happy to have rescued it for $1.49 yes a dollar and forty nine cents, a perfect French flea market brocante piece and I am pleased to become its new guardian, a keeper of lost pieces.

One thing painted in this artful piece that just did not make sense was that the artist painted a perfectly round quarter size bright tangerine coloured moon or sun in the center of the clouds, I took it upon myself to remove it and paint a glow of it in it's place leaving this peace hauntingly beautiful and a peace that tugs at you soulfully.

A couple of days later I was able to pick up this outdoor house lantern at the same thrift for a bit more then the painting at the price of $5.45 I loved that it had a patina of rust and lots of weather-beaten grey to it and the dome glass panels were seed glass pitted perfectly. I knew it would be a perfect fit to my new painting arranging a vignette around the two pieces while letting it speak French as if they were treasured finds from the south of France.

"Creating and inspiring French country living"
G'day My Darling Friend~You do such amazing work and I too am loving that painting and the brushes by it's side.
I have been so busy and when I go to do a post blogger says oh no you don't Ugh!I keep trying hope to blog about my special piece from you as well as Beach Cottages.I have been painting and cleaning for days and then back down next wed.
Hope you are enjoying your summer! Take care of you~Cheers Kim
I love the little oil painting of the boat and clouds and how you touched it up. I can't believe the great little thrift shop deals you find. I have to get out more often.
Love what you did with the chest of drawers!
Your paint finish turned out great.
Love it all. The final vignette is gorgeous!
The vignette has an ephemeral glow...lovely.
The endresult is quite different from what you started out with in your garage... Great job.
Love to you,
Dore, you had such great vision with this piece!! It is perfect, the art, the lantern, the color palette. It IS so calming!!
Art by Karena
Dear Dore, just amazing what you can do with seemingly so little to work with. I find this piece devine! The gray is perfect. I also love the latern, such charm! Can't wait to see what you do with the drawers...My sister in law turned a vintage chicken coop into a french county shelf for her bedroom..it is the sweetest thing. An old brass bed frame became a garden treasure for her. She "planted the foot and head into the ground, and planted flowers in a block pattern! When they all bloomed, it was the pretties quilt in her side yard! Thank you for sharing Dore, Love the magic you create, and the beauty. xoxo Christel
You do such beautiful work! I was on you Etsy admiring the items you have for sale there. That shelf is beautiful and I just can't get over your birdcage, it is calling to me! Wonderful, wonderful. I am so happy I found your blog. Oh and as far as the red circle in the painting, I was reminded of this, "Red moon at night sailor's delight. Red sun in the morning sailor take warning!"
I really enjoyed this post. Love the bookcase and the paint color.
Beautiful, Dore. You have it, that special touch to give items wonderful new life and the heart to make it happen. Always love visiting with you.
Happy Sunday, dear friend!
Amazing job... and of course your photos captured it beautifully!
Oh Dore, what a gorgeous piece of furniture that you have brought to life! Without your attention it could well have been overlooked.... you have extraordinary creative insight to have thought to cut the draw supports and paint with such love and care. The colour and finish is perfect! I also adore how you have styled it with that gorgeous display. I can't believe that painting was such a bargain, it is exactly right with those brushes! Thanks for another inspirational idea! Happy weekend! X
Ooh I love the way you shabbied up the chest, it looks wonderful!
Like all your great pieces too.
Love the makeover ~ that piece is just fantastic ;-)
I have been thinking of you and wondering about your muscle pain....are you well? I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU DO DEAREST! THis is great and that little tableau, what a find for the money! Every thing looks marvelous.
Let me know how you are feeling! Anita
Dore ~ I just love what you have done with that dresser! How cool is that to take the drawers out ~ I love the grey color too ~
Beautiful piece. I love the gray and distressed color and removing the drawers. The final vignette is perfect. Great job!
This is so you Dore! You have quite the touch with the perfect greys all distressed, it came out lovely. The lantern is awesome too.
Hi Dore,
I'm so excited to make some beautiful music together! Now we are compelled to get together whether here or there or ideally... both places!
I'm all crazy right now waiting for the work to be completed and move in and open! I have 3 wonderful partners, one of whom is an absolute genius. I can't wait for you to meet them all. When I get the date of the Grand Opening Party, I would love to have you and Hannah and Kerrie all come up for it!! You can stay with me if you want :) I'll let you know when I'm coming UCLA. I could use some help finding some thrift store furniture for Chris's frat room!!
Hope you and Hannah have a lovely Sunday!
Lots of Love,
dearest Dore...i have hung your "shelter" sign, it is at my entrance display table. every morning i wake, i walk by and delight in such beauty. it has seeped to my core, and because of your sign,my design eye has shifted to that of your beautiful greys...
i LOVE how you have transformed this cast off into a functional piece that is most lovely and soulfully done ~ down to the rescued abonandoned canvas painted ship.
...keeper of lost pieces ~ enchanting!
xo, Rosemary
As usual I love it all!
Hi Dore,
This piece is fantastic!!! I have an old dresser that the drawers don't work very well on and I've been wanting to turn into a shelf like this. Now you have inspired me to try!
I just love it!!
Have a lovely day sweet Dore.
I just love everything about this post. You take something you like and make it more YOU. What you did with the painting is just the best. Such an inspiration, thank you!
What a dramatic transformation! I had to keep looking back and forth to realize that the beautiful painted piece actually started out as a dresser.
Great job Dore! ~Delores
Beautifully done Dore...it just has such a peaceful look about it.
Loving the grey too..it suits it so well.
Deborah xoxo
It is beauty in it's new french grey calm. I had planned to distress my vintage bedside table in a similar way. For now am just enjoying to calm grey in our sitting room. I have a steady flow of creativity right now...I can't keep with up with the ideas running through my mind. Enjoying every minute though...returning to my Artistic roots. ox
'the calm grey in our sitting room'.
Dore, you are a woman after my own heart. To appreciate the history of a piece, yet see the potential for a new life. Of course I love your color scheme, and beautifully aged treasures. Always a pleasure to drop by.
Hi sweet Dore! Once again you pull the heart and soul from a piece and display it beautifully. ♥ I adore the color you chose. What is it? And will you share with me how you did the peeling paint technique in your 3rd photo? Is it just from sanding..? Your vignette is just stunning - and oh so beautifully French. :) Hugs ~
xoxo laurie
You have brought out the inner beauty in this piece Dore. I think it's quiet masculine side has come out allowing the treasures it holds to be noticed for their beauty first, then he is noticed for his...weathered and wonderfully worn from all the yesterdays and ready for all the tomorrows!
I love this piece, it just goes to show that you do not need to overlook a dresser with broken drawers, it can be made into something as beautiful as this piece.
Also, I love your opera theater, and I too love Anita. Such a beautiful and talented soul.
It is beautiful and you've added the perfect accessories!
I love what you have done with this chest!!!
Oh and that oil painting is so beautiful!!!
Keep inspiring us Dore!
Pamela xo
Dore, it has been made spectacular with the lovely finish you gave it. I love the simple yet classic lines. Perfect!
Dore, your work is so inspiring. I love the great "finds" too.
Ma belle et chère amie,
Comment vas-tu???? Est-ce que tu connais les oeuvres de LE JARDIN DE MISS CLARA? Vas ici:
Puis, ENTREZ, et au-dessus, vas à FALBALAS ET FANFRELUCHES. Puis, cherche La Fée Marraine et aussi L'Arche des Fées. C'est ça que je veux faire pour mon petit théâtre!!! Qu'en penses-tu?
This is my first time to your blog--very beautiful, very sweet!
AH! Here you are dearest....I saw your short email, but now I see you came to Castles....
OK, go to Le jardin de Miss Clara, and then click on that top bar with the silhouettes. Then you will see the different categories. CHOOSE:
Then once in there, look at:
La Fée Marraine and L'Arche des Fées.
YES. SHE IS THE ULTIMATE and I had the pleasure of emailing her and receiving TWO responses! About 3 weeks ago, I asked her about her wonderful music. She gave me the name of the composer that created it for her! But he never got back to me....
I am so glad to hear you are doing BETTER MY SWEET! I was really worried about you....
Tell me what you think! BISES, Anita
The La Fée Marraine and L'Arche des Fées, They are divine and I too am looking forward to what we create for our opera! Oh and when I pulled that muscle in my back moving the pieces of funiture to my shop space Oh my I thought I would stop breathing with such muscle spasm...I won't move and refinish that much stuff in a weeks time anytime soon :) Ugh! that was a nightmare. I am back to myself and starting to paint slowly :)
Hi Dore,
I just wanted to tell you that I loved your comment about Hannah in Chris's room... too cute!!
I can't wait till you really are here visiting and truly staying in it :)
Love what you've done with that chest. You were very clever and I LOVE the paint! So pretty and serene.
Merci de cette invitation Dore!
J'aime beaucoup votre décoration à la française. En France, on appelle ce style " Shabby Chic" .
L'Opéra est vraiment très beau.
Je reviendrai faire un petit tour.
Merci pour vos commentaires sur mon blog, j'aime tout ce que vous créez avec l'âme de toutes choses françaises. Tu es mon nouvel ami, je compte sur vous pour l'inspiration souvent.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de commenter mon théâtre de l'Opéra!
Je vais vous visiter bientôt.
DORÉ! YOU FOUND YOURSELF ANOTHER BOX MY FRIEND????? Oh, I can't wait to find out what you will be doing with it! I also found out that I don't go back to school meetings until next MONDAY, so I am going to try to spend some time this week planning how to fix up this cabinet I have!!!Oh how fun...and thank you for visiting dearest! Sending lovely harp melodies your way...Anita
Dear Dore, you have created another beautiful piece. I love that you can see her bones and are able to display your treasures in her for all to see. So inspiring!
Have a beautiful day.
It is just fantastic...what an opportunity for new purpose and beauty you have given it...Drawers can be such a problem and you solved it perfectly!
What a wonderful revision! A piece like that can be used in so many spaces. This is my first visit, and I look forward to seeing your next post!
Good job!
And I like on what you did on the drawers.
Cassy from Best Online Guitar Lessons
OH MA BELLE! Email me....I cannot find your email address! I PAINTED MY LARGE THEATRE GRAY!!! Anita
Catching up on my blog reads...love this post.
Stop by and say hi, and check my RHWoBH update...
Hi Dore,
This is all amazing, my friend!!! I just came over to say "hi" and hope things are fabulous!!
Dore, just amazing what you can do with seemingly so little to work with. I find this piece devine! That gray is perfect. Can't wait to see what you do with the drawers.
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Ooh, the little chest of drawers~ or chest of no drawers!~
is perfect! I love how you removed the drawers, and added the planks to the bottom of the top shelf, too! This is a clever idea, as well as beautiful! :)
Hugs to you~
Dear Dore, what a wonderful Sunday morning, to open my blog and see that both you, and Anita had visited me! You know, you are soul siters..teehee I feel some of the same inspiration when I visit each of you..it's like a wash of warmth, mixed with a sigh, and a gentle spring breeze, and the faint smell of Jasmine..with a tiny song bird singing his sweet melody in the distance.. that is the best way I know how to explain what you two WONDERFUL< LOVELY ladies give me!! A huge thank you to you Dore, always such a pleasure to see you have been at my door. I am excited about the Christmas Theatre..I would love to be part of that! xoxox Christel
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This piece is marvelous, it just goes to show that you do not need to overlook a dresser with broken drawers, it can be made into something as beautiful as this piece.
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