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I am painting numbers!!
I have become the keeper of treasured finds and sharing the extras. Inspired by these vintage galvanized zinc steal plaques that have taken on a soulfully aged gray patina, I could not leave well enough alone and began painting numbers on them while creating a harmonious mix of found objects recreating old world French.

Inspired to recreate French european house address numbers on the 5" x 5" 1/2 heavy gauged galvanized plaques that found me at just the right inspired moment. They have aged holes in all four corners that couldn't have been more perfect for what they were to become. Using a tinted worn black paint finish made for painting on the surfaces of galvanized metal finishes by (Val-Spar) I then got busy addressing them and became enamored with the outcome!

A perfect added element detailing your favorite meaningful numbers adding charm to the tagging of a French wire basket, or tucked in with your collections displayed in a French farmhouse hutch as well as fixed to the face of a cabinet or door. There is enormous charm in decorating with French house numbers, adding romance and visual european flea market country living.

French Bread anyone! Hanging over my desk that I painted to fit in with all things found and aged is a vintage French bread rack. This irresistible bread rack now hangs over my desk that sits in a quite corner of my kitchen where baking bread and creating is not far from my sight.

A muse to gaze upon, while holding beautiful ideas from within.

Inspiring a French address, they can be found in my peaceful etsy!
So charming and whimsical. I am off to etsy now! I just adore your desk and collection of musing objects. Hope you are having a great weekend. Jacqueline xx
Ma precieuse amie,
je suis en train de faire la décoration chez moi en gris, et je pense à toi. Ces photos me rejoindre avec toi et chaque fois que j'entre dans ma salle à séjour, ton espirt sera avec moi. Merci pour cette beauté et surtout, ton amitié qui m'est très chère....Anita
Dore ~ Those came out just awesome !!
I love how you vignette everything too ~
Thank you for sharing with us :)
oh these are gorgeous!
These are just fabulous ~ Love your inspiration board too ~ thanks for sharing ;-)
So beautiful and so frenchee.
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous....you are so inspiring and super creative, so happy you share it with us! much love Colx ~ Afrique du Sud
Dore, the numbered zinc plates are wonderful!! I adore them!!
Art by Karena
I have an amazing Giveaway from the Artisans at Novica. You will love it!
Very neat! And I love your inspiration board!
I love the 1903 pillow. I'm off to your etsy shop, too. Thanks for all your inspiration. I get so much out of your posts.
Hi Dore',
I am loving your galvanized numbers!!! You always do such a amazingly beautiful job on your creations!!
I hope your having a wonderful weekend.
You've done it again with those digits! So absolutely beautiful and so-oo cool. So glad to read your post this morn as you were on my mind while I was making a little cottage sign. I was thinking do I dare try and paint a flower, bird, swrills. Wow it takes courage. Remember, you are my inspiration.
love them!!!!!
Wonderful as always!
love everything you do Dore.. so soft,calming. original & soulful...keep it going..I will be back for more...I cherish my treasures from you. Wished we lived closer so I can give you a giant hug....so here is one...ouchhhhh..smush....xoxoxo Laura
How wonderful Dore, love the french address...I am always in awe of your gift of giving all your treasures such a soft peacefulness. They are absolutely gorgeous! Now lets talk about that beautiful {1903} pillow...did you make it?
Wishing you another inspiring week!
So lovely these little traesures are! I'm heading over to your Etsy now! Xoxoxo
Linda pad. I love this trend of letters.
You've seen the picture I took with the letters?
Your works are beautiful too.
Good week for you, all good.
BONJOUR MON AMIE...moi aussi, le décor gris me manque aussi! Mais pour l'instant, il y a des couleurs de la saison qu'il faut saisir! Mais toujours, la beauté de la couleur gris m'enchante!!! BISOUS MA CHÈRE! Anita
What a wonderful idea ~ these are beautiful!!
Happy Monday!
The numbered zinc plaques are most fabulous! And your vintage bread rack idea is brilliant - looks amazing!
Hannah I am over here from Debbies party and I am so glad I stopped in. Love the transformation! I love your blog also! My daughter is a drama student too! I am a new follower. Would love for you to follow me too!
Love 'em!
Oh Dore these are so rustic french...I love the simplicity of your numbers on the metal pieces. I am going to have to get myself one! I see your lovely vignette above your art desk and it is such a peaceful inspiration. I have a metal cord above mine that has inpirational cards and pieces hanging from it...one piece is of the tag you made me of a little girl holding a seashell to her ear and the tiny tag with the definition for ocean...all of my inspirational pieces are in soft greys and whites too. I have the window open in my studio right now with the sound of our front porch wall fountain coming in. So peaceful. I think this is one of my favorite posts of yours! ox sea kisses blowing your way always.
I just bought one! I wanted to tell you that this song on your blog is so beautiful. I also admire your St. Honore pillow. It goes so perfectly with your faded decor.
You are a FairMaiden :)
Dore, Thank you for all the fabulous information! Funny thing, I had some work to do at Fashion Island in Newport Beach on Sunday. I was walking past R.H. and saw the most beautiful pillows...had to take a peek! Much more ($) in the store...can't wait to share my (on-line) purchase with you!
Thank you for sharing...also can't wait for #4
Love your shop and it's music!
Gorgeous Dore!!! I just have a thing for numbers and don't know why! I love the rack with all the interesting things on it!
Love the colours of your painted pieces!!
Pamela xo
Just awesome, Dore! LOVE your work, your ideas, and your style, girl! ♥ And it doesn't get any better than vintage zinc goodness!
xoxo laurie
I love these zinc plaques all decked out in numbers.....what is it about numbers that we are so drawn to?
Oh wow! Now that's a number I'd like to keep!! Three is my favorite number :) You are such the creative thinker and DOer!! I love that XO, Kelly
Your numbers add up to fun! As does your inspiration board!
xo Cathy - newest follower
I love these!! :)
Be still my heart! These are total perfection, Dore!! WOW!!
Hi Dore :)
I just LOVE and ADORE your No. plaques. Imagine the decorating possibilites with those!! Beautiful!
Gorgeous! i love all your inspiring ideas! Hugs to you! oxox
Your galvanized metal, number plaques are beautiful! I LOVE them!
Very Nice! I especially like bread rack idea :-)
~ in a word... LOVE!!! And your inspration board is so gorgeous, Dore!
Je viens de découvrir votre blog et je pense que tout ce que vous faites est magnifique... J e reviendrai.
A bientot
Nicole de Florence (Française en Italie)
Love the inspiration board! I will have to check out your etsy, everything looks wonderful
Merci Nicole pour la beauté que vous avez ajouté à mon blog à vos visites. Je vais profiter apprendre à vous connaître et de tout ce que vous inspirent.
Love your French number plaques!
Dearest friend,
I loved your comments about my writing because they are very specific and help me to focus on what I am trying to learn and apply as I take in the quiet of my summer vacation. You said that you enjoy how "I SPEAK THROUGH TIME AND PLACES"...that is a very rich observation and I am going to try to accomplish my goal this short summer vacation (well, not short but for me it will be!) and try to develop a cleaner and clearer style of allowing my work to be POETRY.
May your summer be filled with awe-inspiring things my sweet Doré...Anita
Thanks for commenting a while back on my site. I appreciate it, as I don't have much of a following. Your site and photographs are inspiring, as well. Nice to meet ya!
Good morning Dore! Your French house numbers are gorgeous, what a wonderful idea! Your bread rack is perfect with all your beautiful creations hanging from it.
I hope you are well and enjoying your summer so far. Hugs to you!
Oh, I love how you numbered the old plaques like you did! They are beautiful. :) AND the aged bread rack is gorgeous hung up with all of your sweet treasures hung on it! :)
How are you doing, and did you have a good weekend? I hope so! :)
Blessings to you,
Hi Dore,
Congratulations!! You are the Winner of a $75 Gift Certificate from Novica!! Email me at kalbert1@kc.rr.com
Art by Karena
...i adore coming for a visit to your peaceful space, and see all the new inspiring, artisan wonders you are working on ~ as i read your artisic words and listen to your soulful melodies...
xo, Rosemary
so beautiful....love the pictures....total french feel to it....u have an amazing blog
Hi Dore, so glad you stopped by! I adore your zinc plaques. I am a bit obsessed with zinc at the moment.....Your blog is beautiful, I'm off to have a good look around!
Best wishes Kerry
I love the zinc plaques! And your bread rack memo board is inspired! I am going to keep a look out for one. x Sharon
This is a beauty to behold. Thank you
I just woke up to find the most beautiful, the most tender and kind words that in themselves, could be an ENTIRE POST MY DEAR!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness Doré you have touched me so. You said something in that lovely POEM that I was actually thinking about the other night....at the end of a story, one usually says, "THE END" and for a particular post I had in mind, I was actually thinking of say, "THE BEGINNING"...you already did. I thank you kindly, I appreciate YOUR beauty and I am so excited to know that ALL these possibilities are OURS for the taking...it just takes COURAGE, doesn't it?
I am so glad to see you dearest; thank you for taking the time out of your busy and WONDERFUL life to visit with me. Now, off to write another post for the week.
They are absolute perfection, I love the gorgeous vignettes as well. Your blog and art are wonderful.
Dearest Dore,
I just popped on before tucking into bed. I cannot believe your sweet Hannah would create something for me. I already know I will cry upon receiving it. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet...I have been busy outdoors enjoying the summer warmth....swimming daily, walking, biking. Doesn't it feel good to clean out your closets, unclutter, and pass on things you are not using anymore? I seem to always be weeding out our home. My hubby and children all collect so much junk...it is definetly a constant battle to downsize and unclutter. I like simple to the point of bareness. I just watched the movie Of Gods And Men and so admired the quiet simple lifestyle of the monks. The monastary is beautiful in its simplicity. I especially love the kitchen. It was a beautiful film visually and in sound. I know you are making a peaceful sanctuary for yourselves. Hope all is well with you...as well as it can be. I know somedays are better than others..but we can try to find the good, the hope, the love in all of them. Sweet dreams my dear friend. May His kindness envelope you. ox Kerrie
What else can I say...but thank you. I feel peace after visiting here...Love this series of photos..
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