June 19, 2015

Living Close To Nature In My Art Designs

 Burlap Luxe Home And Art

Creating to move Heaven and Earth.
Coarsely created to move you soulfully in wonderment.

 My strong passion for creating what I see from day to day comes to light, inspired
by nature.
Using a collection of found objects such as, aviary or chicken wires, old discarded book pages,
egg cartons all in the mix of Cartapesta~Paper Mache art.
Evidence of my life long passion for wild birds and creating Frenchly around them, can
always be found somewhat creatively in my home studio.

 The start of Cartapesta paper mache.

 My latest art piece artist created
~by Dore Callaway 
of Burlap Luxe
 Hand Sculpted Bird Lands In Peacefulness.
~ By Dore
Sits perched at its place of roadside sanctuary.

"Oh bird of my soul fly away to the sanctuary of
your aviary of rest."
~ Dore 

 Nature finds itself in the likeness of a twig chandelier.
Nature from my garden.

 Pieces of gathered and collected nesting can be added in its aviary.
Feathers of wings, twigs of nesting, eggs of beauty, clip art of vintage bird book ephemera.

 Measures: 21" in height, 7" in width, 4" 3/8 in depth...
Wild Bird 5" in length
With a bit of tatter old cloth canvas for its nesting.

 Twig Chandelier,

My pockets are always filled with natures gatherings, its my inspiration.

 "I created beyond my limitations, looking
for the bird in my soul."
~ Dore

 In agreement with creating.
The soul of a birds roadside bird wing sanctuary, a sheltered rest.

 Creating with old decayed age.
painted with washed away weathering to its detail, revealing mottled pigments of old.

 All created with paper mache Cartapesta and wire form.
Not of mass market materials, but of pieces and scraps of paper and cardboard's.

 "Put a birdcage near a window so that the bird can see the sky?
its much better to look than not to,
even if it hurts."
~Klaus Kinski
Inspiration of natures life can be found about Burlap Luxe living home.

My latest piece here...Road-Side wild bird sanctuary a sheltered rest can be found
in my Burlap Luxe esty shop on my side bar.

All fine art and designs exclusive to Burlap Luxe
artist created by (me)
~ Dore Callaway


  1. Doré,
    Seeing this newest piece of art created by you sets me in a peaceful welcoming of the weekend. You create reflective beauty from your soul.
    I will return again to comment more - but till then, the bird, the shrine, the thoughfull sanctuary encourages relaxation and peace.

  2. Just beautiful. I'm envious of your ability to creatively transform your inspiration into such stunning objects. Bisous.

  3. Absolutely stunning! You were on my mind and I was very happy to see you had posted today. Your newest creation is so gorgeous, Dore.

  4. Dore,
    It is always so nice to see your creative heart. I love this new piece. It is serene and beautiful. The creativity just flows from you. I still love my original French Hen House that I received not too long ago from your creative soul. So beautiful. Have a wonderful week end.

  5. That looks like a true antique, just gorgeous!!! xo K

  6. I love the, for lack of another description, card holder that you have created. I would use it as a card holder. And I have been looking for a vintage silver tray for ages that you have pictured in the first photo.

  7. Bonjour Doré

    Les oiseaux nous inspirent, n'est-ce pas? Je suis chez moi maintenant, après avoir de bonnes vacances en Californie, Carmel....j'ai fait la connaissance de Jan de Luz à Carmel Valley où j'ai visité son jardin. On y trouve un trésor d'antiquités! J'ai acheté son livre, "The French Touch" et il l'a signé. Mais lui aussi, il est artiste de passion!

    Tes oeuvres son delicats et magnifiques. Anita

  8. Dear Dore, I love coming to see your latest creations, your works of art, so inspiring in their meaning. Thank you for the beauty you added to my soul this morning.

    The Arts by Karena
    Closer: Michael Clinton

  9. You may notice that your wild bird is missing from your sidebar.
    It's on it's way to 34th street!
    I saw it yesterday morning as I popped in for a quick visit after I finished my fbof post. ( I had to jet out the door...not to be late to the clinic.) I am so relieved that she was available to fly to me this morning.

    You made her for me.
    I know it.
    I am going to print the words you wrote to me yesterday...fold them...and tuck them behind your precious paper sculpture, Dore.

    You have lifted me so.
    Bless you.

  10. ...your words on my blog...you didn't write them yesterday...your wrote them at the top of this amazing morning.

  11. Good Morning Dore,
    So very nice to meet you here in blogland. I saw the comment you left on
    my post over at Junk Chic cottage and just came to thank you for your sweet
    warm and encouraging comments, they were truly such a blessing.
    You have a lovely blog here, and are so creative. Your home is also very
    charming and welcoming and not hard to tell you have a love for all things
    french and Nordic.
    Your daughter is beautiful, and your lil greyhound looks so sweet and is gorgeous, what great pics .......
    Love your new art piece, very unique and creative.........lovely.
    Look forward to crossing paths again soon,
    May God Bless you really good!!

  12. I love the layers and textures of your new art piece Dore-very peaceful and soothing. I really enjoy seeing your creativeness!

  13. Dore, you always inspire! Just the thought of this sweet bird gathering pieces to make a home to shelter,protect and nest her family speaks to that spirit in all of us. How beautifully you have summed it up. The wayside traveler roams no more, she is home. Glorious!

  14. You make the most beautiful things my dear friend doré ...love it all!!..happy sunday .....love Ria...x!

  15. Your creations are so compelling as they are reflective of your heart, soul, and mind! Your latest sculpture is so divine, and I see that it has already found a new home. Wonderful!
    Mary Alice

  16. Dear Doré, so many thoughts, they are lying in this sculptured picturedream like in a a haven, a nest. This world is so often so blind to see, but you open eyes.
    Have it like in a birds nest, never stop creating as you connect with nature´s spirit.
    Hugs to you Doré, your friend Méa

  17. woooooooooooooowww! Soooo beautyfull!!!

  18. So delicate and beautiful Dore. I love that you use pieces and parts from other things and the lovely patina you create.
    xo Sally

  19. That's very pretty Dore. I'm glad I came across your blog today and am excited to go read more of your posts. :D

  20. So beautiful and special, Dore. You create the most fantastic pices.
    Hugs from here

  21. what beautiful creations do come from your hands. the birds are very much on my radar as well. a baby bird joined me yesterday on the deck, and its mama fed and attended to it as if i were not there. it felt magical, and i love to see a baby bird hop around sweetly. peace to you, friend.

  22. What a lovely creation! It loooks like a niche from centuries ago. Bravo!

  23. Such a beautiful piece you created! You have magical hands to be able to create such pretty things, you're so talented!

  24. Always lovely and serene are the photos and art you create. I love the birds and the birdcages too. All have such lovely patinas and really bring nature indoors. Blessings to you, my friend!

  25. Hello old friend!
    It was so wonderful to have you visit yesterday!
    I have missed you.
    How is Hannah?
    I see your creative spirit is ever soaring and beautiful as ever! Wishing you a lovely summer!!!


  26. Your art has so much soul, Dore. I could just see a whole wall filled with your beautiful art. I hope summer is treating you well and I am sending rain your way! The girls and I are heading to laguna beach this weekend. I am excited to just lie on the beach and breath in the ocean.

  27. Oh how beautiful Dore! I am always in awe of what you bring into this world!
    sending love....
