January 14, 2014

French Inspired Home...French Wirework

Photos BurlapLuxe Home

I strive to design with forgotten pieces of salvage pale in color that echo the
grey skies, and the naturals of earthenware putty clay's.

This French dressing chest made its way to my sitting room after I stripped off it's
painted finish of bright apple green. To then restore it's Frenchness to a finish of desire,
aging it to feel like chalk to the touch.

I alway's look for pieces then paint them allowing them to give back
a harmonious, restful, calm, rustic in style.

I have been creating in some way my whole life. As for the paint finish,
"de la conception a la finition" The design finish, I make and create my own paints.
using old world techniques as is in most modern time chalk paints.

French in designs whites are sometimes creamy and often touched with grey's, using layers,
and wiped off aging. I am comfortable creating around weathered and beaten up pieces, it's
what inspires my soul in what I gather and create.

A weathered beaten down porch post, adds the right kind of rightness,
layered with French serving trays of old.

Iron, pewters, zincs, and galvanized scattered about my home.

It's not uncommon to find a bit of unusual,
like these rocks that look like wild bird eggs ready to hatch.
Found when my daughter was enjoying nature when she was age 4.
Her small hand offering me rocks saying don't they look like bird eggs mommy?
How could I dare toss them.

She is now 3rd year college.

200 year plus door I salvaged from my grandparents home when all there
was left but memories. The key in a box of old skeleton keys passed around for
the taking, and would you believe me, in the dividing up of old keys when I got home
I noticed that the one of a few keys I took home with me fit our family's home door un-locking
beautiful memories of the home that built us.

French wirework is a passion I have been bending and twisting for years.
I love that something common can be artistically re-created into artful play with a
story of it's own.

I love seeing the art of French wirework in an old rustic French villa or cottage.
It's here where I create just that. Wire bits are often found and snipped off pieces in the strangest
places. The open coiled craft of wirework was a technique popular during the first half of
the 19th century. Artisans crafted each piece of handwoven wires, and metals turned, and formed
into forms of French wire-craft. A fine art of today as well.

Here is a piece I have been creating for a performance in one of my crafted
French theatre's. I was inspired by this piece when we added a family member to our home
( Puppy) her name is Pia Bleu, and she is an Italian Greyhound, we adore her.
We sometimes call her dancing Pia!

Here you will see her long legs dancing about.

She wears a dog collar of grey tattered linen and a wire pendant.

Like all ballerina's she wears a wire bun wrapped in a wire crown I had to create for her.
I add something that has become a trademark to my art, a technique of crusty, white
touched with grey, adding that mystery of old.

My hand twisted, and bent wire crowns will soon be filling up my shop, and can
be found in my etsy.


Vintage sea pearls embellish with tagged Ocean, and Sea on the back side.
Royal crown is to the right.

Take note of the French wire Chandelier on the book jacket of French Home,
I am in love with this art.

Our Pia Bleu, now 5 months old who inspired my wirework art piece, The
Dancing Pia, wearing her grey tattered collar.


  1. Doré,
    So much beauty in this new post. So much to absorb and enjoy. Pia Bleu at 5 months is ever so precious as is her image in twisted wire that will dance upon a magical theatre created by your imagination and salvaged pieces.
    I will return to gaze and appreciate your talent and your artistry again tomorrow. For now it's up to bed as John and I are fighting the flu bug.
    Loving all the photos in tonights post and all the beauty of Burlap Luxe.

  2. These are just lovely, Dore! The new dancing piece is fabulous, your creations are becoming more and more beautiful. The crowns must be flying off the shelves!
    I love the wire work as well, the baskets and bird cages are my favorites, I must get a copy of that book!
    Pia Bleu is sooo beautiful, what a little lady!

  3. I love your use of greys and putty colors--and your wire work is just beautiful! I bet those are so much work. Makes my hands hurt thinking about it :) Your dog is so cute--my daughter just loves that breed--I will have to show her the picture. Have a great rest of your week!

  4. Every bit is true eye candy. Just wonderful.

    Thank you for such inspiration!

  5. Ok, I loved all of this! That chest is gorgeous and I always love all the things you create. Your puppy is a perfect little ballerina! She is soooo pretty!

  6. You always make me happy happy happy when I stop for a visit !!!

    You know Sista I love all that you inspire us with.

    Such a Precious Soul you are ! Hugs Sweetie to all of you :)

  7. I am a color girl, but the beauty and simplicity of your home speaks to me. I love it all.

  8. Beautiful, I love the colors and atmosphere. You have a tastefully decorated home.

    Nice blog!

    Warm wishes, Helena

  9. Dore, I love the crowns, so delicate and intricate. Pia Blue is a sweetie. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

  10. BONJOUR mon amie!

    Tout d'abord, tes vignettes sont si jolies....celle avec le tableau cadré en or, OH LA!!!! Mais je suis toute bouleversée de ce chien, PIA! Tes couronnes aussi m'enchantent, mais vas-tu vendre ces statues? Je voudrais en acheter un! BISOUS BISOUS! Anita

  11. Hi Dore,
    The beauty you create in your home really speaks to me. Your French dressing chest is one of my favorites.
    I'm thinking I need another one of your exquisite wire crowns. Love them.
    Mary Alice

  12. Your home (and photography) become more beautiful with each and every post, Doré! I too love wire work, but have not attempted it as yet. Your crowns and little Dancing Pia sculpture are delightful ~ so much beauty and inspiration to take in!
    Happy day, my friend!

  13. Oh, and your French dressing chest is my favorite as well. Apple green? You have saved this piece and given it a beautiful new life indeed!

  14. Just lovely! You have certainly mastered the art of pulling together elements that are worn, rustic, and refined. I also love how handmade items and things from nature are sprinkled throughout your home. Take care.


  15. I love all your vintage pieces and how you transform them into a one-of-a-kind treasure. Truly an artist.
    Your wire crowns are stunning. Your an inspiration!

  16. Dore, Pia Bleu is a beauty! Your home always soothes my soul, the subtle tones and comfortable furnishings. The pewter ? bowl with handles is very unique.

    Kansas City Culture

  17. I may have to a paint that last photo what a perfect little pose!!! Beautiful post and puppy!

  18. Your artwork and furniture finishing skills are amazing! Favorite post of the day!

  19. Simply beautiful post. Beautiful french wire image of Pia. What a sweet, and pretty new puppy. Like many I love your crowns. You do such beautiful work. The pieces you create are extraordinary.

  20. Your wirework is gorgeous, Dore. Is it possible to ship to Norway? I would love to have one of your crowns.

    Love the colors on your funitures. So very beautiful.

    Hugs from here

  21. You know I have to stop in and see what you have been up to, my friend. Always so much inspiration here for me to enjoy.....simply beautiful!

    Have a wonderful week.


  22. It's like stepping into a dream when I drop by, Dore. I absolutely love your wire creations, and, everything else. LUV!

  23. Your interiors and creations are lovely - so poetic! And that dresser with its driftwood patina is divine, Dore! Cheers, Loi

  24. Seeing the world through your eyes is always magical. What beauty can be found when I visit.

    That vintage wood framed picture is absolutely a dream! Not to mention your furniture, pup and vignettes. xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

  25. Love how you decorate your home !!!...love Ria...x !

  26. Hello my dear friend :)this post like all the others is magnificent, the colors and the decoration it is my favorit, i try to make my decoration with a mixed of vintage furrniture and natural colors, specialy white ;) one day i will take a picture of my decoration and i send to you :)
    Have a goad day

  27. Your blog is so pretty…. *le sigh*…….I love it! Thanks so much for visiting Art @ Home. You made my day!

    I recently painted a French kitchen interior with a wire chandelier similar to the one you've featured on this post. It was fun painting it!

    I love your French wirework creations…they are *neat*

    Ricki Jill

  28. Good Evening Dore...I've enjoyed your post this evening! I love your wire creations, especially your crowns! Hoping to treat myself to one soon!!

  29. I am certain I signed up for your posts but am NOT getting them!I will try again!LOVE the long legged mouse………….XX

  30. Hi Dore & Hanna!!!I love your pictures & love " Pia ballerina!" I love that book too so much inspiration. Your wire crowns are my favorite... you must be wired!!! In a good way. xoxooxoLaura

  31. Dear Dore, wow, you have been busy. The wire work is beautiful. Funny how sometimes the most simple of things can become so meaningful, and special. Pia in wire form is elegant. The crowns are fit for a queen, and you are a master at creating what we can only imagine. Hannahs gifts are perfect tiny treasures, I too have saved rocks from my youngest daughter Jamie, all were shaped like hearts! Much love and blessings for the new year, xoxo Christel

  32. Oh Dore, what heavenly photos! I adore the wire work and the French chest is stunning! Warmest of hugs for a lovely weekend too - Glenda

  33. Love the pictures full of stunning patina.

    xo Rozmeen

  34. Ohhhhhh! I am in love with Pia !!!! What a cuteypie!! And your wire art is just fantastic !! I am amazed with it. When I had a shop, I use to carry these wire bustier. Everyone loved them but not nearly as creative as your crowns!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Lots of love to my very talented friend,

  35. Dearest Dore,
    I just love what you have done with the dressing chest.. It is exquisite! Everything you refinish or create out of the simplest of materials, always touches my soul, and inspires me.

    I love your wire work.. It is amazing, and dear little Pia on the couch. Could she be any sweeter?
    Thank you for sharing you art and your soul.

  36. Dore,
    I'm so happy to have found your site. What beautiful pieces in the vignette on the chest.

  37. So pretty! I love your story of your salvaged door. What a treasure. It gives me chills to think of the hands that touched that door!!!!
    I'm extremely passionate about those things as well. My entire family has passed on and I treasure every little piece i have.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful post...

  38. Beautifully written and beautifully presented...thank you!

  39. You have out done your self this time!
    Stunning job!
    And the crowns are delightfully beautiful!

  40. Dore, your creations are so beautiful and inspired! And I adore all your chippy, well-worn accents! Pia Bleu is gorgeous as well :)

  41. I almost overdose every time I visit Dore - such an amazing - beautiful and interesting home you have -
    and your artwork is just perfection - really
    I'm going to look again!
    Hugs de Montreal

  42. Ma chère Doré,

    I have been thinking of you. Are you well?

    I so love this wire work of yours and I hope to order one some day; your lovely elegance is born from wire, salvaged goods and a heart of gold. Hope you are well, Anita

  43. Darling Dorè every time I visit your home I make a splash in pure beauty. You are able to create a peaceful place where every thing in mixed in a perfect balance of elegance and freshness. I'd like to know something more about the way you do your personal paint and the way you use it, because the results are SPECTACULAR!
    That chest is a dream!
    ps Thank you so much for your comment, it's an honor to me read that kind of words from you!

  44. gorgeous! everything is absolutely stunning. love all of your sentimental pieces...especially that you kept those rock bird eggs :)

  45. Let me know when you are selling Pia Bleu on your etsy site - I want to make sure I get her! : ) Fabulous blog!

  46. Doré! I am awake here at 3:45 AM to see if school is cancelled once again! It was so cold yesterday that all schools were closed and it looks that school will be closed again on Monday!

    It has given me a time to stay home and enjoy yet again another day in my home,that resembles yours so much. With the snow outside and its light reflecting inside, it makes me SO HAPPY. When I first came to see your post here, I just was overjoyed to see little Pia Bleu, your fantastic crowns and her SCULPTURE! Bravo to you my friend for the success you have had in selling your crowns. I would love to buy one when you slow down a bit (I wonder if you will, they are so wonderful!) but I wonder, are you making any more of your Pia sculptures? I'd love one for my theatre!

    Be well and enjoy the labor of your hands. Much love ma chère Doré!

  47. Lady Pia is stunning! Not a bit of diva in her, I'll wager.
    On a realistic note, it certainly is nice to have a pet whose shedding fur matches her surroundings!
    I am so very enamoured of jewel tones but they are not the most pragmatic choice with so many darling pets milling about.
    As a matter of fact, my furry angels have dictated the color scheme for my home and I couldn't be happier with the serene greys, creams, neutrals and the calm, subdued, restful peace it brings.
    She will become your muse in more ways than you could ever imagine...and you hers.



  48. Dore, I love your mix of textures, tarnish and quiet color. I would love to invite you to come visit my new link party that features previously owned items for those of us who love to live with them!

  49. Dore...The French chest and the finish you have created is magnificient!! And your fine and delicate wire work... A feast for the eyes and the soul!! xoRoberta

  50. Me encantan las fotografías, son geniales. Ha estado un regalo el visitar tu bloc, te invito visitar el mio y si te gusta espero que te hagas seguidora.

  51. Oh this is so beautiful! Those crowns are like the most beautiful crowns I have seen. You are so talented. I would love to wear a crown like that. Much love from Sara in Sweden

  52. Pia Bleu is such a sweetheart...and I love the beautiful wirework she inspired! You made such sweet little treasures. Such beautiful photos...your home is tranquil and lovely. It is amazing the key fit the lock for your door...

  53. The wire sculptures are beautiful - but trying to figure how to get the worn...? Maybe rust it...paint then dremel?

    Shaby Chic Soaps, Lotions and Bath Bombs

  54. Dore! just popping over after reading your comment and have fallen down the rabbit hole into a land of enchantment here. congratulations on your feature in the magazine--bravo. and PIA. ohmy. my husband and i were just searching online for italian greyhound rescues last weekend. we have no experience whatsoever with the breed. i simply saw a photo online, felt a connection, and then was surprised my husband felt the same tug. best to you!


  55. Beautiful photos and I love what you did with your dressing chest - it's stunning. What a calming and peaceful room you have created.

  56. How beautiful! Pia Bleu is a doll. Looks just perfect sitting there.

  57. Your works are wonderful! I will follow with passion!
    Have a great week. Deborah

  58. Vous avez bon goût et beaucoup de talent. Visiting your blog is always an inspiration. Bisous

  59. I have just found you. I absolutely LoVe the finish on all of your furniture creations. I wonder if you would do a step by step online class of how you actually acheive this looks, along with the exact products you use. I so want to give this a try and learn the technique. I have no doubt that others feel this way also! Just beautiful. I have been painting furniture for a home in AZ, with chalk paint. I now am wanting to redo everything I have done!!! pLeAsE offer and online class!!!!

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