January 29, 2014

February 1st Artful Blogging...And Me!

Artful Blogging Magazine February 1st 2014

I am so grateful, and feel so honored to have been asked if I would like to be featured in,
Artful Blogging magazine.
Would there have been any other answer then yes, yes, yes!

Sincerely thanking,
Jennifer Jackson Taylor
Assistant Senior Managing Editor
Christine Stephens
Managing Editor
Artful Blogging Magazine

I received an early copy in the mail of this beautiful magazine that
reads like a book, and life in this magazine is very much about now!

I was so excited to turn the pages seeing my name in the table of contents.
Page 6-13

Thank you Artful Blogging, for recognizing the atmosphere I have created in blogging with words I gather soulfully. Creating a place to rest in it's calm where I gather, and create, collect, reimage, and write about. A place that gently moves me in the direction I am heading with like bloggers; the beauty, and life they too share.

Being a
Gatherer of

by Dore Callaway

For the LOVE of blogging.

Artful Blogging magazine will be on your book store magazine stands, and
local retailing newsstands February 1st 2014

Subscribe, or purchase here...

Excited to share the beauty Artful Blogging magazine added to my life; a magazine that visually inspires.


  1. I'm so happy for you - you are most definitely magazine worthy - with your gorgeous eye for detail!

  2. That is wonderful, congratulations!

  3. How wonderful for you Dore. I can't wait to pick up a copy to read. Congratulations. Alaina

  4. You are now living the dream I want. I want my words to appear in a magazine and to tell you the truth, I have been asked....by a new magazine that is coming out.

    Your gathering of words is my dream. I congratulate you my dear for having accomplished this honor and I hope that for both of us, we can continue to contribute our words to the world!

    BEAUTIFUL as always, Anita

  5. Your submission to this wonderful magazine is amazing. Congratulations Dore. I was so happy to see you when I opened my copy up.

  6. Ohhhhhhh Dore finally! Congrats it is just beautiful. I just got my copy and it looks so fabulous. Your layout is just so beautiful. So happy for you.

  7. I'm so excited for you, Dore! BeaUtiful photographs, as always!!!

  8. They have chosen well. You truly deserve to be recognized as an incredibly artful and talented blogger.

    I am so happy for you and so proud of you. Congrats. Keep up the good and wonderful work! Yay!

  9. You are the epitome of Artful Blogging, Dore!!!! Your style and words are always so inspiring because you are truly in a class of your own!! It's such a privilege to be invited into your beautiful home and enjoy the peaceful serenity that you create.
    Mary Alice

  10. congratulations dore. so well-deserved. you share so much beauty here and i am so very happy that so many more will share in too. it's a lovely feature....just lovely. ;)

  11. I can't wait to see it, Dore! I know it will be beautiful! A big congratulations to you!!

  12. Congratulations!!!
    Being recognized by the magazine who's vision is sharing exceptional bloggers like yourself.

    So happy for you!
    Your intention in creating was found, adored and now picked up, packaged and put on the shelf for all to experience!

    I look forward to getting a copy, a beautiful way to start off the year!
    Continued success Dore...
    Casual Loves Elegance

  13. Dear Dore,
    Congratulations dear friend. I am so thrilled for you!

  14. You truly deserved that publication! Your posts are always aesthetically pleasing to the eye! Plus Feb. 1st is my bday so thats a good day all around!!

  15. Doré,
    Oh my friend, congratulations, you've earned it. Your words, soulful artistic designs and reuse of salvage touch our hearts. Those lucky enough to own your work (I consider myself very blessed) are able to live with it's beauty and grace.
    Now with this much desired featured article your well deserved recognition will only increase.

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. How exciting. And such a wonderful bit of validation for your lovely, soulful style.

  19. Nice to see you in that beautiful magazine...i wish i wish i can buy it here in Holland.....love from me....x !

  20. Congratulations Dore! I love everything your hands touch and this spread in the magazine is amazing. You are an amazingly talented woman. :)

  21. Dore, congratulations my friend! The essence of you, well deserved... I look forward to the article!

    2014 Artists Series

  22. Dear Dore, I`m so happy for you. You deserve it so much.

    Hugs from here

  23. Dearest Dore
    Anxiously awaiting the new issue to hit the stands in my area. Congrats and such a well done and beautiful story. I love love the title it is so fitting. I found you on Instagram I was so excited. Thank you for your sweet notes I hope you received the emails back. Again thank you for inspiring our hearts and dreams with your beautiful blog and talents.

    Love to you
    Kate xoxo

  24. Dearest Dore,
    You have brought so much joy and peace of heart to me.. Every time I visit there is such a sense of calm in your beautiful creations and surroundings...
    Your visit and welcomed heartfelt words have touched my heart. Thank you dear friend.

  25. Congratulations!! How exciting! Everything looks beautiful...love those wooden letters! I'm your newest follower!:)

  26. So happy for you Dore, congratulations! I just love the title, perfect for you!

  27. Congratulations to you Dore... I will look for that soon at our Barnes and Noble... your posts are always so inspiring... soft and soothing... calming and serene... my guiding word for this year is "serenity"... and I always find that at your blog... xoxo... Julie Marie

  28. Congrats! you have created such a beautiful home

  29. Hi Dore!!! They need a magazine named "Soulful Blogger" that's you!! I can not wait to get my copy.. Looks beautiful perfect time to spread some love. The best is yet to come! Xo

  30. Oh sweet Dore....how exciting for you! This is such a well-deserved honor because of your incredibly breathtaking talent you have been blessed with. To be recognized in this manner is a true accomplishment - and a reflection of the beauty that you create. Hugs to you, my friend!!!

    xoxo laurie

  31. Oh happy happy to see you featured! Love the Love Sign :) Your so talented! ~Cheers xoxo

  32. Dear Dore, what a wonderful honor, and so fitting that your beautiful, inspiring blog would be among the pages of this magazine, celebrating your soulful art. I am not surprised they would ask you to participate, I would not be surprised if you were on the cover! Artful Blogging: Visually Inspiring Online Journals...it's your blog described perfectly! Everything you create captures a moment, evokes an emotional feeling, and sets a mood. I always leave your blog better for visiting. It's like a fresh breath of clean spring air after a sudden, brief rain shower, and the sun is always shinning! KUDOS to you sweet Dore, I am so happy for you. xoxox Christel p.s. did you receive my email? It might have ended up in your junk mail, I sent it about a week ago, if not no biggie :)

  33. Dorè, it's a beautiful new!
    Let me say you absolutely deserve to be there, for all the beauty (and kindness) are able to spread around you. The pictures you show are marvelous! I'd like to buy the magazine, but sadly here in Italy we have no possibility.
    I'm really happy for you darling!!

  34. Congrats! I love that magazine so very much. How exciting for you and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

  35. Dore, I am so trilled for you! I can hardly wait to run up and grab a copy.Your creativity and eye for design flair deserves front and center attention. Congrats to you, and continued success.
    Big hugs,

  36. Dore!
    Just found you on the side bar of another blog……why am I not getting your posts?Please tell me how to sign up??CONGRATULATIONS!VERY EXCITING INDEED!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Dear Dore

    A fabulous honour and I say well deserved. You have a wonerful way with words and how great to see you have been discovered.

    Continued success my friend


  39. Congrats Dore! So happy to meet you! Love your beautiful blog!!!

  40. That's so wonderful! Congratulations on your feature. You have such a beautiful home!

  41. Dore, just stopping by once again to say how very beautiful your feature is! Honored to be in the same issue with you.


  42. I am SO, SO excited for you and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of it and learn more about my lovely blogging friend Dore!
    sending hugs...

  43. Dore you are a gatherer of words and beauty and this is such wonderful news! Congratulations!

  44. Congratulation!!!! Thank you for the sweetest comment left on my blog. I too have followed your blog and am always so excited when I see that you have posted. You have a beautiful way of decorating, very special indeed. So thank you once again and I will be looking forward for more gorgeousness from you and your blog:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  45. I'm FINALLY able to catch up with you and i see this! OH MY GOSH! How cool is that! Of course you should be in magazines... just look at the beauty you create... and your stuff looks so pretty! Congratulations!


  46. Congratulations Dore! Your home is absolutely gorgeous! I need to get a copy of this magazine! Sorry I have not been able to visit as much as I once did.I just cannot keep up reading everyone's blog posts anymore :-( .So glad I popped in today to read this!

  47. Congrats on the feature Dore...your home is just so stunning.


  48. Dear Dore,

    Hearty congratulations to you! How wonderful to receive some well-deserved recognition for the beauty you bring to the world. Your kindness, artistic nature, and generosity of spirit shine through in each post. I am so very happy for you and look forward to getting a copy of the magazine. Thank you for the kind comment you left for me. I, too, look forward to our budding friendship. Big hugs to you!

  49. Dore, congrats!! I can't wait to get a copy! :)

  50. Congrats on being Featured! I noticed your Original LOVE Plaque and saw that reproductions just like it are now in Joanne's... of coarse yours being the Real Deal is far Superior and so Inspirational on how Salvage Architectural pieces, no matter how small, can be Creatively Re-Purposed into Fun Art Projects for the Home!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  51. Congrads on being published, I found many new blogs that I enjoy through this magazine. I had also seen your feature in Romantic Homes which I read and savor each one. I am a Realtor, reading your article...seems that I could relate so with you. I have found blogging through my slower times. I am your newest reader...so glad I found your blog. I love your style!

  52. Congratulations, Dore! I will bet that you are over the moon!



  53. Dear Dore,

    So much has been going on in our life and home right now. I am so sorry that I missed your post about being published in Artful Blogging. Congratulations, my friend! I am absolutely thrilled for you.

    I am blown away that you chose to place something I recognized on one of the shelves to photograph! I was planning on getting to the book store to purchase the issue as soon as possible, because your article, my friend, is featured in it. It will be special to me now for yet another reason! I cannot wait to get to the store.

    Praying for many more blessings to be sent your way!

  54. Congrats Dore
    I am always inspired by your pics and your home Thrilled to see both in one of my favorite magazines
    well deserved recognition
    You go girl
