Photos 1-2 of my daughter Hannah.
Spending time with my daughter, “Hannah Bailey Callaway” creating and getting ready for her return from summer break back to (College) She is still working out the kinks of classes and a direction she wants to take in career and life! I have always thanked God that she has my passion for life and creating. Encouraging her to take a risk.

"To Risk"
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool,
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement,
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return,
To live is to risk dying,
To hope is to risk despair,
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow,
But he cannot learn, feel, change, grow or live.
Chained by his servitude he is a slave who has forfeited all freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.
~William Arthur Ward

Inspiring to take a risk!
love this <3
how much do we love our daughters?
sooo much.
LOVE it.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing. He made avoid suffering and sorrow but he cannot learn, fell, change, grow or live...
Amen to this. We are on the same sheet of music.
Many blessings,
Ok first I must say dear Dore..Hannah is a drop dead stunning knock out!!!! what a gift to have Hannah..God bless her & you!!! Here's to taking more risks.
What a sweet post, Dore. Your daughter is beautiful. Love that baby picture. Here's to taking risks.
Blessings to you and Miss Hannah she will find her way, she is already blessed to have a mother like you.Enjoy the Journey~Cheers Kim xox
Hi Dore,
Hannah is a beautiful and blessed young woman. Not only does she have an amazing mother to guide her, but one who trusts her enough to let her find her wings. I'm sure through your teachings and examples she will find and shape the path she wishes to follow.
The poem is so lovely and inspiring to us all. Thank you for that.
I love your art and sentiment in the poem above, and you and your beautiful daughter are so lucky to have each other.
PERFECT POETRY. Oh to write a piece like this...I MUST take a risk and DO IT!!!!
My dearest Doré....you have been on my mind as I am finally enjoying quietude in my GRAY and WHITE STUDIO! Oh the work it took to get it to look as it does now, then to have a guest for a week, to have a new deck built and now to prepare for yet another two guests in early August! But I wanted to tell you how EYE=OPENING VINTAGE BY NINA HAS BEEN ! Yesterday I made a gray tutu, I added some white vintage birds to my theatre, and I started to make a vintage style bust like one in her book. I even made a pair of wings. THANK YOU for the vintage muse my dear. I cannot tell you enough how it means so much to me.
This poem is in my files now. TAKE A RISK DEAREST, DAILY!! MILLE BISES, Anita
So beautiful Dore!
Wow, how Hannah has matured!!!
She is stunning...
I love this poem, so very true, every word!
Savor these last weeks of summer together!!!
Much love to you both!!!
Dore, your daughter is beautiful. And I am sure that her insides match her outsides. As always, you post is inspiring and thought provoking. Have a great day my friend.
Beautiful post Dore. Just beautiful.
Oh Dore,
Your daughter is truly beautiful and I'm sure if she's like her mama, she beautiful inside as well!
Best of luck to her this year in college!
Have a lovely weekend my friend.
Beautiful Hannah, Do not fear what anyone thinks...take your risks and relish in your courage to do so! xoRoberta
I am sure she will do well and find the path she so desires Dore. I cried so when my Daughter left for college. In my heart, I knew she would take a risk and she did. That's my girl!
Give her plenty of kisses while she's home... I know you will :)
xxx Liz
PS. I love the post inspired by the sea!
Your daughter is just breathtakingly beautiful... and that poem...... Thank you
If Hannah has any of her sweet momma's genes in her (which I'm sure she does)....she will be successful in anything she decides on. She is beautiful - inside and out, Dore! :)
xoxo laurie
Your daughter is lovely. The poem was wonderful to read.
Your daughter is so beautiful Dore...like her momma:)
My oldest son lives in L.A. now, I never thought he'd leave the OC but he loves it out there. It's a good thing seeing our little birdies take risks isn't it!!!
Oh how beautiful your daughter is Dore and this is such a true post. It takes courage to risk, but if we do not we cannot grow and be free.
Good for her!!!
Hugs to you both!
Deborah xoxoox
Such a beautiful young woman she has become, Dore! My best to both of you and the wonderful future ahead!!!
what an inspiring post and you are a very good teacher indeed..she is just lovely!
Hello Dore
You have clearly raised your daughter by your fine example of living a life to the fullest.
May she always be content and have an appreciation for all that life has to offer.
Helen xx
No risk, no gain!
She is just beautiful! Summer is going by too fast, enjoy!
Holding them, loving them, setting them free to choose their own path and reminding ourselves that sometimes mistakes and odd choices are the best lessons learned in life can be the hardest part.
I'm there with you Dore. It's exciting and terrifying at the same time isn't it? lol. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
It has all been said, and I agree, what a blessing.
My very best wishes to the both of you for what this new path brings. Thank you for sharing with us, it means allot.
Big hugs to you ladies,
Colette xx
Wise Words from this poem... Aren't we all here to see what we are made of! We must risk or deserve nothing.
We only should be given what we earn!
I love the possibilities that lay before our children, Life will be what they make of it!
Lovely sentiments Dore and I know what a difficult time it is to see her leave. Remember you are always in her heart!
Miss your visits!
Art by Karena
2012 Artists Series
Your Hannah is as beautiful as you are Dore. I hope she follows all of her dreams!
Hello Dore!
I am glad you have been having such a lovely summer with Hannah, and know it must be so hard to think about saying goodbye when she goes back to school...I will say a prayer for you that it will not be too difficult for you.
I love the poem you shared and the sweet photo of the birds! :)
I hope you have a beautiful day!
Beautiful post Dore
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