Red muddy holiday cowboy boots (Hannah's)
It was her wish (My daughter) Hannah Bailey Callaway to have me paint her chest of drawers for a Joyeux Noël gift.

Before and afters:
A few years back an Ethan Allen Christmas catalog was delivered to our post box it barely made it through the door of our home before Hannah swooned and sighed over this chest of drawers on page 7.
Now that she has lived with it for a few years she had a holiday wish for a room filled with white, her only Joyeux Noël wish was for me to set aside time to uncover the tired creams and age it with whites. It was her wish for me to paint it giving it the impression that it has evolved over time. Taking a dated pricey piece and letting it take on a French brocante flea market style, a look that measures up to a piece so perfect, but out does any mass produced piece with authentic euro chic-ness that awakens her soul.

"Click on photos to enlarge detail"
We often over look making over a piece that may have been a pricey investment. I always feel if it is just not right anymore then add the rightness it needs. Inspiring Hannah’s room that evokes French Nordic peacefulness she can live with soulfully while adding Frenchness.

Nordic-French and a Branch from the tree.

It is our wish to inspire you to paint taking the time to sit in the quiet and create. We are inspiring the art work and hand work in our home.

Another piece I painted from dark tiger oak to used and white in her room.

I often hear a young child ask her Mom if they can help! When my daughter was young she came up to me while I was painting and said "mommy can I paint too? Do I know how to paint?" she asked. My heart dropped and while catching my breath I said in a soft whisper, thank you God for giving her my passion. This is the piece she created at 8½ years old. I set up a space she could call her own where she could create at and this is what she surprised me with. (Frame not included)
We often forget young creative minds are rarely cluttered free, the artist in a child has a unique and rare ability to capture everything they remember and love. She loved her cat, mind I tell you that the cat was a boy and she named him Rose, this may explain why she painted white rose’s in the back ground.
Now that my Hannah is in her second year of college she is still finding time to create. I would like to think it was because she could paint. It is one of my most favorite pieces in our home of creation.

Like her holiday red cowboy boots covered in mud, nothing is perfect and nothing is meant to be.
Inspiring how intense young love is when they are so passionate over small requests. Fulfilling her holiday wish list by painting it old and white.

Dore, what a lovely touching post you shared here,...thank you! my darling 8 and 1/2 year old daughter is now where she want's to do all I am doing..right down to her own handbag, including "lipstick" ( gloss in her case) and measures her foot daily just incase she is "big enough" for wedge sandles...oh how I wish to slow it down just a wee bit...
may you have a blessed NOEL and I am sure Hannah will love her French /Nordic chest of drawers.It is PERFECT. hugs and XXX Colette ~ Afrique du Sud
This post is so inspiring and so true.....My children constantly ask me if they can "help" with my crafting projects and like you, I'm so thankful for their artistic side because I find with young children their art comes from such a pure place, a place of where their dreams come from.....Wishing you a holiday filled with peace and joy! Xoxoxo ~Ashley
What a beautiful post Dore. Your daughters room is lovely, as is her painting. Both my sons love to create, and I have boxes of their work when they were young. I love the red boots too. Joyeux Noel!
These painted pieces are inspiring.
My daughter and I were always completing projects together when she was younger, but as an adult, she works long hours and has little time left for her partner and friends and even less time for me. Unfortunately, I think that her interests have also grown away from mine. Perhaps it is a phase in our lives. Only time will tell !
May your Christmas be filled with laughter, love and joy.
Cher ami douce Elisabeth
Merci de votre visite, j'adore ce que vous avez partagé votre passion avec votre fille quand elle était enfant. Je suis certian que votre fille se trouve à nouveau lorsque la passion inspire la vie de son:) Merci pour vos fidèles visites, vous êtes un ami de profiter de
Beaucoup de Joyeux Noël Bisous
~ Dore
Such a sweet post Dore! Have a Very Merry Christmas!! xoxo Rachel
Here I am, after a long day of spending my first day off from school doing chores. I have a very pricey piece that I have had over 20 years now that I feel needs your touch. It is stunning how a paint over with the FRENCH FLAIR to it will make a piece stand out and be better. Oh how you have inspired me this year dear Doré!!!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CARD and little lights that just tickle me so!!!! BLESSINGS TO YOU DEAR ONE and may this Christmas bless you richly! Come by when you have a chance, Anita
I was that young girl. Always wanting to paint and create and thankfully had parents who encouraged this spirit. Hannah is a lucky girl. Merry Christmas Dore. The chest is lovely~I painted over my French desk that was considered nice but it now garners much more appreciation.
Hi Dore I just googled something I think it was a french ornament & you came up!!!! Yea now I am here & can wish you a Merry Christmas my dear friend!!! Now lets talk about Hannas sweet painting I just love it..you should print it with the frame too.. best work of art I have seen all year!!! precious just like the two of you. xo Laura
It is beautifUl!!!! I love this story...and her kitty painting. I want her muddy red cowgirl boots! Oh they make me smile. I put paint brushes in my kids hands as soon as they could walk. All four of them are amazing artists. My youngest is taking his first art class in H.S this year and just told me the other day that his teacher told him that he is a natural artist. It always encourages them to hear someone other than me tell them. I do believe that when we let them be free to create and express themselves as children they grow up doing it naturally and with confidence in being who they are. Hannah is going to love her gift! I wish you lived closer so you could paint some of my pieces. I would LOVE the antique buffet from my Mother to be painted white by you...in the way that only you can do it. Merry Christmas. ox
You do such an amazing job on everything you create:-) I love how this dreser turned out. I, too, loved the creamy toned furniture and am now wanting to paint them a more true white with hints of age.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
j'adore ces bottes rouges...
Joyeux Noël de France.
Meraviglioso il mobile ... e tutti dettagli. Buon Natale a te e ai tuoi!
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….*..*~…..*a Happy New Year.
Tu blog es siempre fuente de inspiración, gracias y FELIZ NAVIDAD!
I LOVE those red cowboy boots.....I wish I could buy a pair that worn....mine are so stiff still....
I had a dresser just like that one...from the same series i think....I painted it pale pink for my daughter but I think I will change to white one of these days.
Have a wonderful Christmas to you, Hannah and the family.
I love this post and the sentiment and wisdom in it! Hannah's room is lovely, and her painting is amazing! Merry Christmas, Dore.
Good morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS sweet and beautiful friend.
I wrapped my LED lights around a miniature Christmas tree in my harp studio and the magic began. Ruben was totally enchanted with the look, and I could only think of the magic you have created for me.
I am extremely late on sending out greetings, but know that your kindness is felt CONSTANTLY, and that your sweet gesture is LIT UP, literally, in a room where I love to spend my time.
MANY GREETINGS OF HOLIDAY BLESSINGS TO YOU, and many thanks for your kind words throughout the year, and for those from last night. JE T'AIME! Anita
ahhhhh.. the dressers look amazing...
and the red boots, the wonderful worn red boots, they're to die for.
and far as hannah's painting goes, there are artists out there right now selling cute stuff like that! yay for you for encouraging her creative spirit!
Beautiful post ! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! What a beautiful post! I absolutely love Hannah's cat painting....and the white roses made it extra special. She is so lucky to have you as her mother. I am sure she knows that :-)
Sometimes, I think, too many people are more concerned about the "mess" a kid will make instead of the end project that comes out of the creative mind. Messes can always be cleared up. But a creative mind....that we never want to clear up...that should always be challenged and worked.
Thank you for sharing and how I love your artwork on the dresser. So very you. What a great gift. Your artwork to your daughter years after her artwork to you. And how you both treasure each other's creativity.
You are both very blessed.
Elizabeth :-)
Joyeux Noel, my friend. I look forward to more of your inspiring posts in 2012.
This is an amazing post love those draws. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, if you find a spare minute hope you visit me sometime and follow back so nice to meet new friends. Sending you special wishes for a very Merry Christmas Day and look forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
Always Wendy
How wonderful that the gift she wanted from you was in turn giving you a gift as well...letting you create from your heart with love for her!
The true spirit of Christmas ~ thanks for sharing with us Dore!
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
You have a magical world. I am so glad to be a small part of it!
Happy Holidays!
I LOVE the new element of just changing the sidebar to the other side! Thank you for your compliment my dear...I HAVE to change my headers because I tend to see things as a STAGE and the computer screen almost as a movie screen. For me, music and different images have to go with the flow of my thoughts. So have fun with elements that you enjoy and change them from time to time!
OH MY LITTLE LIGHTS DEAREST are just sparkling on a little Christmas tree on my table in my harp room. THEY ARE PERFECT IN THERE!
How are you spending your New Years? We are here quietly enjoying the days fly away...I go back to class on Tuesday and it feels good to have this time OFF!
Many wishes to you dear friend that the new year will bring you MUCH INSPIRATION, and indeed, our friendship that will blossom even more like CREATIVITY!!!!!!
Bises, Anita
Visiting your blog is a relaxing "ahhhh." The chest of drawers turned out beautiful! I love the kitty painting that your daughter made! Everything is simply lovely! Wishing you a very happy new year!
Hugs, Cindy
P.S. Your daughter is so beautiful!!
Lovely post Dore'
Oh dearest, I was out all day visiting with a beautiful blogger friend and we had such a lovely time! I came home to see your wonderful visit and I am truly blessed to say that I have been inspired by YOU! Let me email you with a sneak peak at two theatres I will now be offering on my Etsy shop starting Jan.1.
What a beautiful post, Dore. Your Daughter takes after you my Friend! Like Mother, like Daughter.
Happy New Year 2012!
xxx Liz
Dear Dore,
It has been an inspiration to have found your beautiful blog, and the beautiful sweet woman that creates and inspires us all. I am grateful for your friendship and encouraging words. May 2012 be a year filled with blessings beyond measure for you and yours.
Happy new year!
Hi sweet Dore,
Thank you so much for your kind comment ♥
Your blog is beautiful..!
Happy New Year!
Hi Dore,
Beautiful post and beautiful thoughts....the detail on the chest of drawers is so soft and timeless,i adore it.
My Mother created the artist in me too,its one of the best gifts she gave me x
Thank you dearest for your email! I will send you a message today with the pictures. I too have to decide TODAY what I will be charging. A lot of work goes into them, and then I have to think of shipping! I will only make these once in a while, but on my New Year's post, I will be posting them along with some other more manageable things that I think could be appealing. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR INSPIRATION AND SUPPORT!!! I wish you well for the new year my dear friend. I will be back later in email...merci beaucoup! Anita
I always enjoy my visits to your blog. Love the white dresser, well done . Hugs and Happy New Year! P.S> please stop by Katherines Corner and add your lovely blog to my blog list page :-)
what a beautiful post. I love your story. I am sure that Hannah is thrilled with her piece. Thank you for your support this year, sweet Dore. I wish you and your family a wonderful new year.
Oh my dear, you encouraged her from the start, and now you have a creative and adventurous young lady!!
Wishing You and Yours all the best in 2012!
Art by Karena
Love how you painted this piece, so pretty. I'm your newest follower please stop by it you get a chance, Happy New Year, Laura - Cottage and Broome
Love hearing about your sweet daughter, the kitty picture is absolutely precious! Have a wonderful New Year, dear Dore! xoxo
Your blog is beautiful! So happy to be your newest follower!
Susan @ homeroad.net
Yes! Joyous Season. Happy New Year. Peace. Brianne
I love Hannah's cat painting! I'm a cat lover, and it is remarkable for an 8 yr. old! Hopefully, she still paints! Thank you for a peaceful and lovely blog.
This is my first time looking through your blog and it is just wonderful. The pallets are my favorite shades and hues...Thanks so much for the inspiration,
Keri Dore' Muse
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