Tucked away in a dusty shed is a rocking chair with peeling holiday red. It has no obvious value but beyond what it looks like it has my immediate feelings provoking me to love it while begging for attention reminding me of the young soul within. Age just shows up by itself when grace and beauty departs, this chair is the precise age for something important it has inspired me with creating for the holidays.
"I know not how it may be with others
Who sit amid relics of householdry that
date from the days of their mothers' mothers,
But well I know how it is with me

"Click on photos to enlarge"

I want to thank "Anita Crisp" of Redding California for custom ordering one of my signs with her phrase "It's A Wonderful Life" she wanted a holiday sign to last year around that inspires a wonderful life and it was a joy to create it.

A sled my daughter Hannah and I came across while out of town on business, it inspires a winter sleigh ride and the sounds of jingle bells. Inspiring a holiday, creating with holiday old.
I have always been able to see the beauty in old pieces, BUT anyone who can take ANYTHING and breathe life into it to give a history and charm to it, is a true artist...and that is you my dearest. THANK YOU FOR VISITING AGAIN LAST NIGHT and yes, I do think it best that it is among US. GOOD IDEA.....
I must run off; I have parent conferences to prepare for dear one.....LOVE YOU! Anita
Oh how pretty....the chair the signs, and that sled, oh my!!!
Love the sign.
Props to you for seeing beauty in old pieces
and where other people see no inspiration.
Dore, that sleigh and chair look like they belong together. I love the patina and traces of weathered red. Your sign is the perfect year round inspiration.
I love the chair and the sled
is absolutely amazing!!!
...today, my heart is impacted by your soulful wisdom dear Dore!
the sleigh evokes a time of spirits past perhaps living that "wonderful life"!
your signs are always ~ beauty ~
they seep into the very cracks of your soul and become a special part of you...at least mine has...i never would have expected that.
perhaps after the holiday's you could paint a few signs that read "it's a beautiful life"
lovely to visit you as always
xo, Rosemary
You have an eye for beauty, Dore! And that sleigh is just incredible!
Wishing you a lovely day,
~ Zuzu
G'day Miss Dore~How are you? I am drowning but hope to have a life line thrown to me very soon.
I always love your work it makes me feel good inside.Like I always say I wish you were closer so you could do some special projects for me.
It's already the Holiday Season Wow! It got here way to fast and will be over just as quick.Love the new sign.
My best to you always my friend~Cheers Kim
This little sleigh is perfect for dressing up for the holidays!! So cute!
Every flake of paint is a memory.
Hi Dore! Always exciting to see a post from you, and today is no exception! Love the Wonderful Life sign, what a great motto to live by! This sleigh is gorgeous! Hannah has a great eye, like Momma! Have a great week Dore. Hope the weather there is beautiful, it is cold and rainy here in Ky..but is priming us for the Holiday Season! xoxox Christel
I love pieces with history. They fire up my imagination. Thank you
I have an old rocker that I just love. It has this funny little creak that I find comforting.
It's portions are slight, so my feet touch the floor. Yet, it is still roomy enough to hold and rock my darling Adam to sleep. It has the soul of many years lived well. I hope you new treasure brings you that same kind of joy!
You would bring out the soul of the rocking chair for sure! Love the sleigh too...
That chair and sleigh needed to come home with you! How lucky they are to receive your warm love and generous creativity. Looking forward to seeing how they "settle in" with you, dahling :)
I can't tell you enough how much I adore your blog and always look forward to your posts!....The chair is beautiful! I soooooo need (want) that sleigh......I can't begin to tell you how I have always wanted a sleigh, it would be a wonderful thing to have year round in my home and this sleigh you have come across is absolutely perfect! Xoxoxo ~Ashley
Love that sleigh!
Beautiful Dore. It's a Wonderful Life is my husbands favorite christmas movie. I have an old chippy robins egg blue radio flyer sled that I set out on the front porch every winter. Layers of age is beautiful. If only our world would embrace that in people. Sea kisses to you my dear friend. ox
The chair, the sleigh...love the layers of beauty from the past!
Your sign is great...it is a wonderful life!
Your signs are beautiful, as always, Dore. That sled is just to die for! That would be the perfect holiday touch for the outdoors... or wouldn't it be nice to have a large enough home that you could actually bring it indoors... sigh...
So glad to hear from you again... it had been way too long for sure. :)
Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving holiday.
that sleigh is divine. how great, also, that your daughter has developed an eye like you have :)
Dore, you never cease to inspire and the old sleigh is great!
So beautiful! That sleigh is great.
Deep sigh. A moment of refreshing each time I make my way to your blog. Chair, sign, sleigh ... we are truly ready for the Christmas holidays!
Oh my that sleigh is special...if only could talk! Hope your keeping well,Chrissy
Oh, I love the saying you painted on the sign, and this is definitely one you could keep out all year! You did a beautiful job on it, Dore! :) And the old chair and the sleigh are fantastic finds! I can't wait to see what you do with them!
I hope you have a wonderful and very blessed Thanksgiving, my friend! It is almost Christmas, can you believe it? :)
Ma chère et précieuse amie,
It is always, always a treasured moment when I see that you have come to visit me and to read your dear comments. Thank you as well, for coming around my dining table, where not only do I enjoy the décor of GRAYS and WHITES and linens, but the joy of friends. I wish YOU and your daughter and other loved ones, a CALMING and lovely Thanksgiving dearest. Today is the first day of my holiday time off, and I hope to start thinking about our Theatre presentation. I will be posting on Friday about ETSY SHOPS....YOU HAVE ONE, don't you???? I want to link to as many shops that I love as I can. May I link to your shop with a wonderful picture from your place? LET ME KNOW DEAREST, for I intend to work on that post TODAY and I want to get as many dear friends and their shops on my post.
ENJOY a peaceful day of relaxation, maybe some gray and white painting, and most of all, LOVE of friends and family.
Je t'embrasse tendrement, Anita
Doré ma belle,
Oh I am sooooo glad you came over to visit; I LOVE THAT SIGN that I have on my post to feature you. Your bird art is exquisite and of exceptional quality. I could have your art around my home EVERYWHERE!!!! Dearest one, I am thinking of mentioning the LINK between us for my next post. Email me:
I will be working on it today but of course, it will just be a mention of it.....merci for your kind and wonderful words and your IMMENSE talents!! Anita
My sweet Doré,
I am wanting to work on my next blog post and I am thinking about announcing the theatre presentation. Let me know if you are ready!! Anita
treasures said...
You created a beautiful sign, and I love, love that old sled! What a great find!
~ Julie
Thank you for getting back to me! My next blog post (next Friday)will be an announcement for the FOLLOWING WEEK. Now, I am going to do this. I myself am not going to create a play, but rather I will use the IDEA of theatre to "wax poetical" about general life ideas, especially for the holidays. I will show my theatres on the day of the OPENING, but I will not necessarily have a show....YOU DO as you are inspired, and I will also write a bit on you and your amazing creations. So, this Friday, I will begin the announcement for the FOLLOWING FRIDAY's presentation. Is that OK? I am having a hard time creating these days...I am a bit discouraged about my artistic endeavors, so I am sticking with writing...which is actually my main focus.
Let me know what you think! Anita
awesome!! lovely!!
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