"Click on photos to enlarge"
'Marry me today and everyday'...
This quintessential rural romantic birdhouse sets the stage for a wedding. A garden birdhouse wedding cake designed and built by "Dore" (me) Tugging from nature I created an inviting well orchestrated plan for a French inspired garden home while romancing a couples day.

Rural homes in France are built with materials at hand and Provencal houses, in particular, reflect what influence them with their local rubble. Using what rubble I had laying around rustic and romantic added to my birdhouse design for creating an inspiring soulful wood wedding cake with the best ingredients.

In my studio that creates belongs to me, my free spirit and imagination went wild creating a wedding cake for the love of wild birds and the romance of a French farmhouse wedding built to romance blending seamlessly into a romantic landscape.

Using French flea market brocante the challenge was to capture the beauty of a designer wedding cake and the intrigue of a rustic elegant out doors wedding allowing it to impress and stand out.
Measures 26" in height, each box 11x11, 9x9, 7x7 and 6" deep, heavy solid constructed for future garden heirloom.

Further detailing this romantic cake with a garland of vintage cotton ribbon, handmade fabric roses intertwined in French veiling. I added strokes of white paint to it, aging it perfectly with tattered rustic time worn charm. The crown cake topper hanging off to the side of the cake quietly sings princess. The onlooker of this wedding might be a bird winging through the arbor.
"The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration."
~Claude Monet

"Adding this piece to my designs and wedding events."
A dream. I will not marry, but unfortunately it surely would love to have this cage in my house.
Beautiful work.
Good week for you, kiss
Absolutely gorgeous,Dore!! What a wonderful idea.
Such a treasurer.Have a wonderful week.
Love this piece Dore! Your creations are always so unique and pretty!
Hope you have a great week!
This is so lovely and romantic.
BONJOUR, GOOD MORNING, BUENOS DIAS, GOEDE MORGEN....I cannot greet you more happy this day dearest...your world is always so full of creative bliss and expresses the love in your heart, through your art. MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU TODAY as you always touch my spirit. LOVE THESE ROMANTIC LITTLE LOVE NESTS!!!! BISES, Anita
Très jolie réalisation avec toujours un gout exquis.
Je suis contente de vous connaitre.
A bientot
Nicole de Florence
Dore ~
That is absolutely wonderful!!!
Your photos are beautiful too!
Girl, how DO you do it ... you must be creating all day long in the little design head of yours!!
wedding posts are up
Oh Dore, this is totally breathtaking!!! WOW, how magnificent, my friend!!
...oh Dore ~
how very odd that all i have been thinking about these past few weeks has been a bird house...and how very lovely and unique is this new creation you have designed??!!
if i lived nearby, i would surly fashion you a beaded crystal crown for the top!!
xo, Rosemary
Dore this is so romantic...love this!
Deborah xoxo
Your posts are always so dreamy and beautiful! What an amazing birdhouse! I'd take that over a wedding cake:)
Bonjour Dorè,
Another fabulous creation - you things are so lovely...perfect for a set of love birds...
Bonne semaine!
I am coming by way of Joanny at Live Dream Love. She said I would love your blog and she was correct!
What a beautiful birdhouse! Very creative and unique.
~ Tracy
This is beautiful. So original.
Dore that's so pretty!! Love your stuff chickie, even if you are an "inferior American Woman" lol. (sorry I just couldn't resist, that post above cracked me up.
Wonderful idea...beautifully crafted!!
Dore this is simply gorgeous I love the way you put it all together!! I adore your bird house!
Art by Karena
I have a New, very fashionable Giveaway on my site! Come and help me spread the word!
LOVE this! Where in the world do you find the time to do all these cool projects??? I want your life! I wish I had the time to do all these cool things you are doing... :-) I LOVE LOVE the tin numbers on the prior post - SUPER DUPER cool! What were the tin things originally - do you know? Or did you say and I read so quickly, I missed it? (Good chance of that...) I think I am going to pack up and move over into your house join forces with you , even though I was invited.... :-) Such a great blog - you are very talented. And so generous to share...
Big, big hug,
Elizabeth :-)
correction ; I meant to say, "even though I was NOT invited" to move over to your house.....see...type too fast...too much to do....that is why I want to move into your house and have a creative buddy.... :-)
Big hug again,
Hello Dore, I found this information for you, hope this helps, I read your comment on Savvy City Farmer:
To delete unwanted Comments, which have been published, go to your Dashboard. Click on 'Comments', and then click in the Option Box against
the comment concerned. You'll see it clearly on the left-side.
You'll see a box appear, which says 'Delete'. Once you click that, you'll get a pop-up box asking you if you are 'sure you want to'. Click it.
I couldn't find your e-mail that's why I didn't e-mail it to you
Have a nice day!
This morning
the singing of birds filled his heart,
singing right outside his window
in there freshly made bird house.
Adore your creations,,,
Dore this is stunning!! I just love the simple beauty of it and I can imagine it out in a gorgeous garden surrounded by flowers and sweet little birds. You are so inspiring.
wow....soooooo lovely and unique! wow...that's all i can say!
que belleza Dore! divina!
Dore you are so full of romance. This is breathtaking. I especially like the square shape with the wedding cake edging. One of your trademarks is the way you paint your pieces that french white...it is so unique and the white prestine. These photos with your door in the background and chandie laying next to the birdhouse are so enchanting. Lovely lovely lovely. One of my favorite songs is 'Marry Me' by Train and here you have it playing...you should move it up to the first song to go with this beautiful wedding cake birdhouse post. ox
p.s...thank you for your kindhearted words on your sidebar...guess what, I bought a starfish stamp today to use to make little notes to include in every purchase.
p.s Oh Dore...while remaining here on your blog so I could listen to your beautiful music I went back and re-gazed upon your photos of this post and I then spotted my Pacifica Sanddollar...it looks so perfect with your faded french decor in shades of white and grey.
p.s.s your order was mailed this morning. Please let me know if it arrives in one piece. I am curious to how the packages hold up. I always worry the postal service will bend them up...they seem to be so rough with pkgs. nowadays. thank you sweets!
Wow! That is super impressive!
I love your bird house wedding cake!
You are so inspiring...this is just a lovely work of art! Thank you!!
What a charming birdhouse created especially by you! The birdies will adore nesting in these boxes! Gorgeous! xoxo, tracie
This is truly beautiful and original. I feel all species of birds will gravitate to this home, of the feathered variety and otherwise.
Helen Tilston
Hi Dore,
You've created such a lovely and posh home for our feathered friends...it's breathtaking!!
Ummmm... that's like the cutest thing ever! How clever and creative, and it's so so charming... wow!
G'day~It so looks like a cake.I wish one om my girls was getting married soon I would buy it up for sure.I love your creativity and you give off such a calming feeling with your colors.I am so excited to get mine up and I will email you a photo first~Cheers Kim xox
Beautiful Dore!
A Beautiful piece! I hope you keep one for your daughter!
Very beautiful my friend :) Your creativity always amazes me!
very amazing.
Thanks for share.
Father Daughter Wedding Songs
I love it Dore! So pretty!
xo, Amber
It's so beautiful Dore
Everything you touch has so much soulfulness.
Hope you are having a nice summer.
Christopher is there going to summer school and just got a job!
I so wish he and Hannah could meet :)
Miss you my friend,
Oh how I love it when you come to visit me...your gentle spirit just radiates through your words. Just today I figured out how I will share my very poor photos of my home. I think I will share next week, so you will be able to see. But I always fear that I will loose readers if I put my horrible photography up! teeehee..really! But like you my precious one, I am still and may always be enamored with light gray, white, neutral tones because THEY DO EVOKE PEACE!!!! Sharing all the color on my blog this week was a stretch for me because I go for natural and light tones for that very reason of CALM...but the only EYE-POPPING color in my home are splashes of turquoise or aqua. THAT IS IT!
Enjoy your evening my friend...hearing from you is always a gift from GOD.
BISES, Anita
Dearest Dore, thank you so much for your message today, I needed a kind word from a friend..God always answers doesn't he? I did in fact see this post the other day, but was still not seeing clearly, nor feeling myself after my eye surgery. The implant is now doing very well, and the eyesight is getting stronger each day, so I am here to tell you that I think this is my very favorite piece you have ever posted!..of course your next piece will undoubtly be my new new favorite..teehee..silly me, but this is so romantic, and elegant! I sculpted a small tree the other day, and thought of you, because I sculpted it in white clay, and after it baked, it looked rustic, but white, and even had a subtle charm about it..not as charming nor beautiful as anything you would create, but gave me that same feel...slendor in simplicity! not that your work is simple..but you can take simple items, and turn them into spectaculer treasures! Have a wonderful 4th, and thank you again for the message. xoxo Christel
Dore this is gorgeous!!! I love the romance of this bird house. Stunning!! How did you ever come up with this? Very unique!!!
Happy 4th of July my sweet American (twin)friend!
Pamela xo
So pretty!
Hi Dore,
Oh, I'm so excited that you saw the post--and I hope you had a great 4th of July! Guess what happened yesterday? I got a message on my post too that was the same one you got about American women! lol I guess our blogs are popular, my friend! lol
I love your writer’s voice in this post...
Your words written here ring true in so many ways we cannot count.
Essay Writing
Oh ma belle Doré....you came. YOU CAME CHEZ MOI!!!! Now I am speechless. I am honored that my GREY DUCHESS, MY QUEEN OF BURLAP LUXE came to my little dream home. You know, I am guessing you came by way of Castles Crowns and Cottages...and saw Le Château de Moissac.....now is that NOT the perfect gray castle? I am inspired by this mysterious and natural organic feel and more and more, I feel that that is what I want to surround myself with. We are very happy chez nous, but most of all, GOD has seen us through the way for 30 years of marriage. We both (Ruben and I) finally have our OWN spaces to compose our arts...writing, my music, and our home is much bigger now to receive the guests that we so enjoy having over. THANK YOU for your enthusiastic participation in my TOUR DE RABBIT HILL!!!!
MUCH LOVE is sent to you dear one, Anita
Darling Dore, I came by right away last night and left you a comment...but I do not see it here. Blogger has been acting very strange for me this week...I'm guessing it ate up my comment!!! Gosh darn it. I just wanted to tell you how touched I am that your sweet Hannah would create something for me. I know I will be a bundle of tears when it arrives. I am guessing you got my package. Oh I do hope so! I also am sorry I hadn't gotten back to you yet...I know you are making your home a peaceful sanctuary that I would truly love if ever lucky enough to visit you. Doesn't it feel good to giveaway things that you are no longer using and declutter to make a a calm place for yourselves? I need to go through buckets of clothes that I haven't been wearing. My clothing has begun to match my decor...whites, greys, blacks, beige and always denim. I will giveaway everything else. I am anticipating your package. oxoxox
wishing you happiness. sea kisses, Kerrie
My mixpod stopped working yesterday so I just removed it from my blogs. I'm so tired of dealing with it. But I miss the music.
I must have missed this post. How adorable this is. I love how you called it a wedding cake bird house. I enjoyed your latest post and the pictures of your home are beautiful.
Hello Dore~
I love your gorgeous wedding cake bird house! That is amazing! You have such beautiful ideas, my friend! :)
Have a lovely night~
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