"Click on photo's to enlarge inspired detailing"
Before I announce the WINNER! of my PLACE OF SHELTER sign GIVEAWAY!...
I would love to share with you my latest inspired piece hand painted artist signed by me! Dore L. Callaway. In my last posting I shared a French drop leaf table, a perfect thrift shop find that I applied a French flea market style paint finish to it. After finishing the transformation from plain to French flea market chic, I was left with two center leafs that expand the table to a much larger size then needed for,or what it may be used for in our flea market designs. What now do I do with the two leafs, I did not plan to paint and add them to the piece, and did not think the added leafs would make or break the charm of the placement or selling of this piece. Putting the 2 leaf's aside for another use and questioning what to do with them was not far from my minds thought.
I was visiting Kate, a beautiful blogger at http://salvagedior.blogspot.com and shop space at Country Roads in Southern California, at that moment I was inspired by her older postings, and a French toile accent throw pillow I came across of hers, it was divine in every way possible, this was a purchase Kate made for her personal home, would you have been inspired by its white, gray, and natural tones I sure was, it is exactly the shades I work with in paints and my personal home designs.

This is Kates divine toile pillow at Salvage Dior that inspired my wood header that can accent any place in your home with French flea market charm. If you have not had the pleasure of visiting her space at Country Roads or her blog do so, it is truly inspiring to take in her rustic charm and salvage success with everything she touches.
Kate is located in #31 at Country Roads located in Orange, Ca. and Urban Barn, Escondido, Ca.

I spend little time planning out what to design or create, I let each piece find me with authentic history, and if a find makes it into my studio of creating lacking enough age I will create it. Standing is the 48" x 9" x 1" vintage French table leaf I painted with an aged effect that became the piece Kates French toile pillow inspired, along side it is a 100 plus year old drawer face with a working key hole lock waiting for the next piece that inspires. I know someone out there will inspire this piece as well, maybe it will be you.
"Click on photo to enlarge detailing"

Can you see a piece like this over my guest room iron bed dressed in all white, gray and creams to match the art work. I will have to do one for myself with the second vintage French table leaf, because this leaf will be added to my peaceful etsy! shop. It may even make it into my shop space, or someone out there who inquires about it.

How about over your euro chic sofa or settee, making it a captivating piece of French flea market brocante inviting its way into your rustic French inspired heart. I love gracing my home with unexpected pieces, adding a find that becomes a muse of what inspires a recycled, and up-cycled cottage home. I love taking a well loved, worn and over used under appreciated piece adding something to the piece worthy of boasting a happy new life, while assuring I have done good by it for another chance at life's given journey.

SOLD!! to the beautiful Kim! Thank you Kim for buying this piece $230.00 from my peaceful shop! please visit Kim's beautiful blog at whitewhispers2u.blogspot.com
Thank you Kate for having the piece that inspired. Please visit her beauty at http://salvagedior.blogspot.com

Now to announce my hand painted SHELTER GiveAway WINNER!
Letting Random.org chose the winner...True Random Number Generator Min:1 Max:164 Result: 6 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
CONGRATULATIONS #6 The Beautiful Rosemary at http://ozmaofodds.blogspot.com Please go visit her beautiful site, and all that she inspires at her place of shelter. Thanking all my dear friends and new followers for joining in, your beautiful comments are treasured.

This vintage plank leaf Rose art, will soon be included in my etsy!
Bonjour Dorè,
COngratualtions to Rosemary. Love your new piece, but then everything you create is so soft and beautiful.
Will meet you at Anita's tomorrow!
Bon week-end,
I gush over each of your creations. They are lovely and inspiring....The keyhole piece is interesting and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
P.S.Congratulations Rosemary!
OMG! This is so beautiful and I love the colors that inspired you to create such a lovely piece.
Congrats to Rosemary.
SO Happy for Rosemary over at Ozma of odds! She is such a sweetheart!!
G'day My Sweet Friend! I will take it, I love it and want it.Please email me right up.This piece is perfect for my bedroom and I know just where I will place it.Hope it's not gone~Cheers Kim
Congrats to the winner, you will love your fabulous shelter sign~Cheers Kim
...OH MY!!!
I fell off my chair when I saw that I had won one of your most fabulous signs dearest Dore!!
me??? really????
I will treasure this sweet nest sign and shall think of the dear, talented friend that it came from:)
I am truely, over the moon thrilled and adore all that you do!!!!
happy, happy, joy! joy!
thank you!!!
xo, Rosemary
Dear Dore, the roses are beautiful! What an exquisite gentle touch of class you have brought to an old piece of wood! Amazing you are! Congratulations to Rosemary, what a lucky girl she is! I am happy for her, but envious too! xoxo Christel
Congratulations Rosemary!!! Her blog is lovely as is her Etsy shop!
Dore, this rose piece is amazing! I live very close to Orange and have been to Country Roads a couple of times...my mother in law and I wandered for so long in there that the guys came looking for us! It's just pure eye candy.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend:)
Congratulations to Rosemary and I love your new sign. It is simlply beautiful. I had the luxury to meet Kate in person while visiting country Roads last year. Her space is amazing and she is such a stunning person.
I have bought many things at Country Roads and have been to the Salvage Dior space. Thumbs up to your new work with roses. I love roses.
Your toile inspired piece is just so so pretty!! and congrats to Rosemary! xoxo Debra
Roses are timeless so this piece will be gone before you know it! Everyone loves roses. I have been painting roses too Dore. We are always connected even when we don't know it. Your comment today made my day!!! Oh to dream of living in a sweet lil cottage by the sea as neighbors with a Bakery. Who knows, it could happen! But I do love my Sea Cottage. Watching my gardens grow from nothing. When we bought her almost five years ago new, the yard was all hard clay dirt. To see our trees so full and big this spring with so many birds making their homes in them brings such joy to my heart. I do love to sew seeds but even more so, I love to see them grow. I really hope to stay here for the rest of my days. There is the cutest little blue shop sitting vacant in our Old Towne...it has white trim and a tiny porch. Everytime I pass by it I wish I could rent it and begin a Bakery cafe. Someday. I could call it Bella Bleu Bakery. It is fun to dream. I've also wanted to write and illustrate a cookbook. With my B.A degree in Foods and Nutrition I could. Anyhoo, look what you did...got me dreamin. Lovely lovely lovely French chic designer you are Dore. Thank you for your friendship. I treasure it. ox Sea tidings, Kerrie
Dore this peice is absolutely beautiful!
Love the shades and the roses!
How gifted you are!!
Deborah xoxo
Congrats to Rosemary on winning your gorgeous sign...Her blog is incredible! I also love Kate over at Salvage Dior. She has been such a sweet encouragement to me and her creations are so unique. (I also won HER last giveaway) Thanks for the chance to enter your generous giveaway.
Blessings & Hugs,
Dore, muted colors of sanded white upon a board scrubbed with light; weather worn of sun drenched sands pass across distant lands unto your shores in blogland a village of exotic simpleness called Burlap Luxe How Grand! Terri www.morningdewdrops.typepad.com
Oh my gosh, Dore--TRUE PERFECTION!!! You are totally unbelievable--your talent is sublime!! and congratulations to your winner--this is so exciting!
I hope you're having a great weekend...I know we need to go shopping--we will have a blast!
Beautiful Dore! Your talent is amazing!!!!
Congrats to Rosemary too!!
I love your bed!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend my American (twin)friend!
Pamela xoxo
I love this piece. It has such a soft romantic feel. You are really very talented! x Sharon
WHAT A LUCKY GAL!!! Oh Doré, this is the look I LOVE SO MUCH!!!! LOVE IT MY FRIEND! And you would be proud of my dining room. I painted an old table I found at a yard sale....I painted it gray and then I placed a vintage crystal candelabra on it...wow. All I need now is more burlap/linen going on in the chairs and I am set. WHAT FUN!
Come on over; we had a huge Paris party yesterday, and do come if you can. LOVE TO YOU, Anita
oh, how pretty that new floral sign is you created! I think it would be beautiful in my den above my enterance??? hint hint! Congrats to Rosemary! xoox, tracie
Oh dear, dear friend, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO VISIT IN SPITE of being so busy!!! I am so honored that anyone would like my stories, and your comments make me swoon every time my dear...MERCI BIEN and I am aiming to show some pictures of my home and finds soon this summer as I will be home to capture the LIGHT of the day to snap some pictures!!!!!!! HAVE A FABULOUS DAY MY DEAR FRIEND! Anita
Beautiful work, love it.
Tkanks for sharing ideas with us all so beautiful.
Sorry english.
Good week for you.
of course, everything you do rocks my world!
we think so much alike!!!
thanks for stopping by ...
my daughters link is at the end of the post about the magazine
This is absolutely stunning ~ *love* it!!
Congrats to the stunning Kate too!!
Dore, your talent is just amazing. You can capture a mood with strokes of your brush~ the toile fabric and your painting are sisters!
ADORE that gorgeous pillow! Love how it served as wonderful inspiration for your art!
Hello Dore! I hope you are having a good week so far! :) Your new sign is amazing, and the flowers you painted are beautiful! :) And congratulations to the winner of your lovely giveaway! :)
Have a beautiful day, my friend!
Oh, so happy such a beautiful work of art went to an artist like dear Rosemary!
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, Dore.
Oh, I am LOVING this....you mixed the colors perfectly and I like how you didn't "mush" them too much and left some wood showing...I am really picky and that is why I love your work so much! You do such great things and I can just see your love in all your work...that is what makes each piece so special - your passion from your heart right down to your artistic fingers.
Love this so much!
Elizabeth :-)
treasures said...
Your art is just gorgeous! Love the primitive look.
Congrats to Rosemary!!!
~ Julie
Good morning et BONJOUR my precious Doré....your visits always complete my joy....really, they do! And Provence mon amie, it is my place of final destination. In my wildest dreams, I would have my ashes sprinkled about....teeeheeee! Really!!! When I flew in and saw the rugged countryside, je me suis dit, "I can die here." Ahhhh....
MUCH LOVE TO YOU and have a splendid day..we all adore you so! Anita
Always so beautiful Dore! Your pieces are just gorgeous and I love this one and so happy that it has found a wonderful home.
Thank you for inspiring us. :)
The is a gorgeous piece, Dore! You inspire!
I love how your
heart whispers to
you what each piece
needs. Your work is
gorgeous and I will
own a piece someday!
xx Suzanne
magnifiques réalisations !!!
you make very lovely thinks!!1
Wonderful photos that beautifully complements the tenderness of your post..
Essay Writing
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