"Click on photos see details"
"Simple honest living impacting the land and garden."
A shepherds hut wagon makes for a soulful back yard garden getaway that will wow your guest before they step foot inside. A few historical huts have carried on providing comfort, and shelter to their Shepherd, but by around 1950 most were either pushed into the woods to provide somewhere for the gamekeeper to store his Pheasant feed, or abandoned on the edge of a field, or worse being broken up, and burnt as they had became redundant.
This post aims to record the newly built, and survivors that are still with use. The ones that got away, and those that hide silently, and quietly in the corner of a field "waiting, and just listening." It is these old sheds on wheels for shepherds tending to their flock that hold our true passion for their history, and once again history has a way of recycling. Lets hope they will be around for another 100 years with the interest of preserving them in our gardens.

A perfect European garden cottage furnished with love, and passion to create a welcoming restful place to write, as well as resting with nature. Whether the garden space is roomy, or down right limited in room, you could add a charming touch of history with a found vintage shepherds hut, or recreate one that fits your personality of your garden style making you, and your guest want to stay awhile. I am drawn to natures happiness with the capacity to welcome us into these little home spaces, offering us a promise of happiness.

The History behind Shepherds Huts
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the shepherd's hut was introduced so that
the shepherd could live on the fields for extended periods of time to look after his flock day, and night, a haven of warmth with simple comfort. Such huts were widely used throughout England, and Wales, and followed a similar basic design with a curved corrugated iron roof with a stable door, and small windows on each side so he could keep an eye on his flock. The interior was usually simply furnished, and was warmed by a small cast iron stove. Most huts were built by small agricultural farming firms, some huts were constructed on the farm out of locally sourced materials, but all were built using blacksmith-made forged components such as axles, and draw bars. As farming methods changed over time the shepherd's hut gradually disappeared from the landscapes, those original intact built examples are rare, and hard to find.

They sing to me soulfully, I will have one someday, how about you!!

"Offering us a promise of happiness." Inspire your garden with the love of history.
Cute! I'd love to own one to retreat to whenever I had the chance!
First, let me say that I was worried about you! I had not seen you in a while so last night I checked to see if you had a new post that I missed! Nope! Don't make me worry about you, young lady! LOL!
I have always wanted a gypsy caravan wagon. The colors make me swoon!
There is nothing quite like the feeling one gets when in a warm, dry environment out in the middle of the forest or other magical place!
I love these... I want one!
These are so cool! I've never seen anything like this before and I love that they have these wonderful wheels.
I also like your blog header.....is it new???
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Oh ya I have a love for these huts myself.I would love an old Gypsy hut.The things I could do with that.Fabulousness! Enjoy your day, hope your feeling better~Cheers Kim
Hello Dore,
ohhhhhh, I love these!!! Thanks for your sweet
visit and for entering my little giveaway.Good luck.Have a wonderful Sunday.
Oh to live in a shed, a small space with no clutter and peace and quiet.
I'd love it!
Just gorgeous! I can picture myself and my poochies living a simple life in one of these. Thanks for sharing. xx
Precious one,
These are so fabulous; that first one in pink is just the place for me to go and have tea, read some of my favorite French novels and poetry or just chat with a friend. I don't have enough room now in my yard for one, but to dream about it is fun! Doré, your comments mean so much to me. So full of love and friendship, your words lift me up. THANK YOU MY DEAR FRIEND, and DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THE BEATLES TOO? I grew up with them and THEY never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your comments that help me HOPE that I can at least write something that touches peoples' hearts. MERCI MA BELLE, Anita
How cute is that ~ I would love to have one in my yard. A little escape in the sunny afternoon or evening. ;-)
My soul hears the same tune. Here's dreaming to our heart's desire.
Sunday Blessings abound ;-)
They do have a lot of romance to them for sure. Love those huge carriage wheels.
That is so darling, I love it! My husband and I dream about getting a vintage trailer and I can fix it up inside:) So cute!
I would SO love one! How wonderful these are... they fit right in with the landscaping, too! A treasure for sure!
I want several for my many different moods of creativity!! Then let's all have tea and scones in them dressed in our best gypsy adornment!
Loved the photos and reading about the history of these cute and useful wagons. Every bit of history has such a wonderful story to tell :)
I've never seen them before - they remind me of a gypsy caravan vehichle. I love the images you have featured. Thanks for the info!
How sweet are those? I could so live out in the garden like that!!! So much character...xoox
What beautiful little getaways! I would love one to be able to escape and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Their history is amazing and I hope that they are around for a long time as well.
There was a genuine Victorian gypsy wagon for sale on eBay a few months ago. It was a wonderfully detailed retreat!!
My mind is whirling with all the possibilities! Oh what fun to turn one of these into a guest room! Adorable.
I've never heard of these, I guess I assumed they were gypsy wagons. They are so incredibly charming! So glad you shared!
How cute! I am already designing and decorating one in my mind!
Oh, what a charming idea! Love this soft pink waggon - would LOVE to have one in my garden, especially since we lack agiest room. Hmmm, get's me thinking! Have a sunny day!
The life of a shepherd has always wooed me. My daughter always said when asked while growing up 'what are you going to be', her answer 'a sherpherdess.' But I did not know the story of the shepherds huts...they are similar to the idea of vintage travel trailers. I particularly like the huts off wheels and could definetly see one of those in my gardens. My Carpenter hubby could build one easily. I 'heart' this post! I hope you will have one someday. ox
Oh Doré!!! Love, love, LOVE!!! I just this week posted a pic of a shepard's hut in my Pinterest... it comes from here:
Oh how I LOVE these! :)
Happy week to you!
I love these!
I had wanted my hubby to build something like this when we built tinker house but he liked the idea of it being connected to the ground!
I would still love to have one of these gypsy like campers!
Love the Gypsy Caravan! I can hear
Van Morrison singing it in the background!!!
Pamela xo
The old ones have disappeared for the most part...how sad. There is a company I have looked for the last few years I think it's called "tiny house".
Oh my gosh, I want one of these! Wouldn't one be great for one's 23 year old son who has moved back home!
Dora I just had to come back after your wonderful comment!
You have met Van??? Oh what a lucky girl!
I love love him!! Not many people know his music.
I just love Typelo Honey...it gets me everytime!!
I saw him once in concert...a dream!
I always like to think "brown eyed girl" is for me lol!
Great to meet another kindred soul...
Pamela xo
These shepherd huts are just wonderful, Dore... so charming! I'd love to have one in my garden... sigh...
Hope you're having a wonderful day, my friend.
These are so much fun! I would love to have one to take when I go out of town for bicycle events!
What a way to holiday! How gorgeous are they! X
Awesome post, I learned a lot! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog!
Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio
Oh, I love this post, Dore! It's so fun!
This would be purrfect for me, don't you think? I mean this way I could stay overnight when I came to visit you! And of course you'd never have to worry about mousies in there - nope, I'd take care of them for you. I'd simply ask them to leave. Just my presence would send them packing - you know being ferocious and all! I think purrhaps my favorite one is the beauty with the two doors that open like a barn....what do you say we ask Santa for one for Christmas??? Going to go find the creme you left for me - I'm a bit parched...
What a sweet gipsy car! You did it lovely!
Would you like to ghave a look on mine in France? Ma-roulotte.blogspot?
I like your blog. It's nice you are a little bit French!
Regards Janny
Je suis passionnément en amour avec l'âme d'une cabane des bergers. Je vais profiter de votre visite, la lecture de tout ce que vous publiez, ce sera comme des vacances quand je viens pour une visite de votre site.
Je vous remercie pour votre amitié nouvelle belle, et de commentaires.
Garde-nous de votre beauté mélancolique source d'inspiration.
I would flip out if I ever saw a wagon like that. What a wonderful site in a garden, love it.
I did see a gypsy wagon in Ireland.
Please come visit my post on my most recent shelter pet in need and enter my GIVEAWAY!
These really hit home for me. I've been longing to simplify.
I just love this post. I have always loved small spaces. They feel cozy and safe. When I was a little girl, I asked my Mom if I could turn the linen closet into my room. I even presented her with a floor plan. It must have been 2'wide, 8' long and 6' or 7' high and had a single door that opened up in the middle. My dresser was going to be on the right and a ladder would be on the left leading up to my bed...that I wouldn't be able to sit up in. It was a childish dream but to this day I still love small spaces. I think I could make my home in one of these magical little huts. Thank you for sharing a bit of history with us! Great post!
now a shed on wheels would be idea, you know how we like to change our mind as to where to put things lol but it does remind me of a gypsy wagon lol
keep posting like this it’s really very good idea, you are awesome!
Amazing... like it..
College Essays
I know this is an old blog about Shepherd Huts, but after years of being in love with them ourselves (I am English, my husband American) my husband and I decided to build them. After a couple of years of research both here and across the pond for the right materials and construction methods to keep it as authentic as possible yet suitable for modern day requirements we think we have come up a great hut!
Our workshop is in beautiful Northern Michigan.
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