"click on photos to enlarge"
Life was lost in this piece, seeing through the years of scratches deep into its lacquer finish, and a few to many personal touches given to it with carved initials in it, making this piece a total loss to many who laid their eyes upon it. To me it was a beauty to behold, and a price that excited a quite scream with what a steal. Our local thrift shop had several mark downs on it, and as a designer and buyer they give us an additional 25% off making this piece a price tag of $26.58 All I could think about was, it was going home with me where I will paint it, distress it with age, making sure I give it a new life.

Appreciating pieces for their beauty (rather than value) being unafraid of mixing eras and styles, while understanding the most important thing is having confidence in your own vision. Inspired by rustic romance, and a huge regard for the past, I find myself embracing a rickety distressed piece for the brave journey its been on, before it had found a new resting place in my hands.

Being attached to European designs this finished piece fit right in with my other French pieces, coming together making it a unique fit. Not to worry about the over sized piece, a simple and sparsely furnished room with over sized pieces create a calm and intimate effect, a feeling that the treasured "keepers" are here to stay.

Always looking at the soul of the piece, while breathing new life into it.
Such a beautiful piece of furniture and such a bargain price. I adore what you have done and the new life you have given this piece... the paintwork is just divine. ~ Kym
It is absolutely beautiful!
Something so mundane to most... but you saw more.
It is such a satisfying thing to be the one to BREATH LIFE into the soul of a piece as such my dear......I know, for even though my results are not always as PERFECT as yours, painting an old piece of furniture in this lovely hue of white and gray gives such HAPPINESS!!!! WHAT A CHANGE YOU MADE!!! Mille bises ma chère amie...Anita
The dresser is beautiful. I love finding old pieces that think they're life is done and giving them a whole new life~lovely ;-)
Lucky you and lucky it found you so it could be turned into something beautiful and useful.
That came out just beautiful !
I LOVE how you repainted it :)
So well said! I love how your piece turned out.
Isn't it wonderful when you see an old piece of lost furniture it suddenly becomes beauty in your eyes!
Beautifully said and done...
What a deal!! I don't understand why some people can't see beyond the state a piece is currently in. Good thing you can :)
Just lovely...
What a beautiful piece you made from the thrift store purchase just waiting to be rescued.
Another beautiful transformation, Dore! What a great dresser... love the lines of it!
Keep on inspiring my friend!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend coming up!
Jo :)
What a deal! Only you would see this in your mind and be able to transform it exactly how you pictured it could be. I can see the vision it's the doing that doesn't work.
Sorry I haven't been by. Hope to catch up with everyone over the next week.
How funny. I was just perusing photos of belgian antiques...what a smooth transition to this piece!
I am sure if furniture could send thank you cards this one surely would!
This is such a gorgeous piece!!! I adore it....:) Xoxoxo
You did an amazing job and wow what a fabulous price Huh! How perfect is that.It looks like a beautiful piece and will be around for along time.I soooo wish we were closer I would have you do some items for myself.
I sent you an email did you not receive it? Well my daughter is now moving again (no boys)so I will be looking for some awesome deals myself.~Cheers Kim
Nice job...and so good for the environment!
Mary Ann
Wow - this is the piece you've been working on? So lovely!!! Once again, you amaze me! Hugs to you! xoxo
GORGEOUS!!!! Love how it turned out....AWESOME JOB YOU DID!!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
What a fabulous piece and at such a great price! The finish is perfect for it and with that 3 drawer layout it would be perfect to add a sink in the center for a bathroom or even better a kitchen island.
I MUST always remember to look at things as what they could be, not what they are. I need to develop that eye. For you took something pretty ugly and turned it into something gorgeous with a little work and paint!!!!
You have such an eye for uncovering the soul of discarded things. It's pure beauty in its simple lines and gentle touch of your talented hands!
kisskiss, dahling...
what a wonderful and true compliment you gave this piece of furniture..thank you for sharing and enjoy making it at home! xo Col
It's a beauty, Doré! Perfection.
Dore you really should open a shop to sell to just those kind of pieces in. I have never seen anything like it! REally you have a gift!!!! ox kerrie
How beautiful...she is priceless!
es muy bonito
it,s beautiful
And now it will have another story to tell. A new journey, a new chapter and more history of how it was rescued and reinvented. It is absolutely breathtaking now Dore. I can see how much love and labour has gone into this piece. May it stand proud for many years to come.
Wow-this is gorgeous. Great job. I would love to have it :)
What a bargain, and I love the finished project!
Happy Junkin.....Cathy aka GGJ
Dear Dore, I always feel as if I have been swept away, to an enchanted, little known place, where all things are peaceful, and beautiful, when I visit your blog. Much like the feeling I get at Anitas Castles & Crowns.
You are such a gifted artist, with an eye for all things lovely, and understated, yet everything you create, stands up and shouts I am here, notice my beauty! The piece does have soul, and is alive with a graceful spirit. You have done a beautiful job. Peace and Blessings, Christel
Hi Dore! Ahhh, the sound of music and white washed bliss as always over here :) You have magic eyes and the healing hands to execute miracles. XOXO, Kelly
You were aware of its soul and turned it into a very beautiful piece of furniture, Doré!
Have a great weekend!
Ma belle Doré, merci pour ta visite et c'est TOI qui m'inspire de ton amitié, ta gentillesse et aussi ta capacité de transformer n'importe QUOI en quelque chose de magique....cette commode est magnifique, et je vais en chercher une pour la salle à manger et la peindre! Je préfère recycler les meubles et créer de l'art, comme toi.
Bon weekend ma chère, Anita
Good morning. I loved your comment on my blog about adding flea market finds to add depth to your designs...which is so true. I like to go to the Long Beach and Pasadena and Porte du Vanve flea markets. I am going to spend some time tomorrow (Sat.) enjoying your blog.
Mary Ann
Oh my goodness, Doré, I love it. It's got a beautiful soul and you saw it!
A tattered piece made so beautiful by your creative hands. Gorgeous Dore!
Wow, that is an amazing transformation! I can't believe what a great price too! My headboard also had initials carved into it. It's always nice to see how much better you can make something with a little paint! Great job Dore!
Love it, Dore. It's wonderful to see old furniture brought to new life; the finish you gave it is beautiful; have a lovely weekend~
Ma belle amie,
Tes mots me soutiennent bien en sachant que la patience, l'amour, et la foi nous attendent tous et que notre créativité est née de telles choses!!
Such a beautiful piece Dore, the lines and detail and size are perfect! I love seeing things that others disregard get a new chance at life. You certainly did an amazing job at bring this piece back to life.
Blessings to you!
Ma belle amie, "Anita"
Pas souvent on ne trouve un correspondant qui est aussi émouvant que vous. Je me sens comme si nous étions deux esprits qui soulfully rencontré apporter la lumière à une amitié.
Quel gentil âme tu es; voilà la difference entre ceux qui ne bloggent pas et nous. Nous VOULONS communiquer pendant que quelques-un avec qui on travaille ne savent pas même dire BONJOUR...Comme tu m'a accordé un cadeau du ciel chèrie...le don de l'amitié....Anita
I'm telling you what - you just have to love a thrift shoppe dresser re-styled. I think my house is full of them.
And, I LOVE that aviary! Oh my goodness, once I saw one in the shape of a chateau. I think I swooned.
I hate it when people do this - BUT I am having a giveaway to celebrate my new Potager "class". Found you on Tamra's blog and thought you might like it!
Oh my, I just saw your French, it's so good! I still wish Anita would move to my house for the summer :)
You are so right, every piece really has it's soul and you certainly found it here. Have a great weekend. Mona
Wow. Doré...you just made me cry with what you said. I just posted, but may I ask your permission to quote you as you said, "...to treat others more than what they are, not less than what they are...." That was and IS so beautiful. Oh may we all live that way...Anita
That breathed life into me. What a fabulous transformation. You are such an inspiration to me
This is such a wonderful piece, I probably wouldn't have thought it would work with French pieces, but it fits amazingly with your style. Thank you, Dore, for joining in for VIF!
Bonjour ma belle,
I thank you so much for the permission to use your magnificent comment as a quote. I will give you full credit for what I think is a profound and similar way that Goethe said, "Treat people the way they could be and they will rise to the occasion." That is terribly paraphrased, but your way of saying that I " treat people more than what they are and never less than what they are" is so stunning...I will incorporate than in to my post so people can see it....merci de tout mon coeur..Anita
I POSTED YOUR COMMENT TRANSLATED; I hope I did it justice with my translation skills....you have touched MY soul....Anita
Hello Dore
What a Wonderful Transformation! You have an Excellent Eye for looking at the Bones of a Piece and then seeings its Potential.
Simply Beautiful!
Jill McCall
I love the makeover. Looks like a piece that would fit in several different settings.
YES!!! YES! AND AGAIN I SAY YES! Oh, this is the look that it is ALL ABOUT: COMFORTABLE ELEGANCE! And the burlap. Like I said once before, I had never considered burlap as anything, but YOU make it as rich and desirable as silk! And the chairs in the middle, OH MY! And my bed often looks like this picture, but I love it that way!!! Doré, you chose well. I am now really wanting to take good pictures of my own to use. Merci chèrie. You have received many complements on your beautiful words....how true and eloquent they are! Have a magnificent day and KEEP THAT HEADER!!! BISES, Anita
It's beautiful, Dore! I really love what you had to say as well..."the most important thing is having confidence in your own vision." So true. I feel the same way about my desk & hutch that I posted about last night. I want to tackle a risky finish on it that isn't a crowd favorite but I know that if I can pull off my vision, I will love it & it will work. I put so much careful thought and appreciation into a piece before I refinish it and I love that you do the same. Lovely post. Loving this Paul Cardall track, too. Perfect for your blog.
Beautiful eye to catch that piece. Your prose about the piece could be about a human being. I'm sure there was meant to be somewhat of a connection! You've inspired me to work on my found mirror this afternoon. Thank you.
Beautiful, Dore.....everything you touch emerges with your magic.......
Wow, Dore --- I don't think they knew what they had under their roof, and I can't believe the price you paid for that sweet dresser! Her legs are beautiful, and that molding is stunning! You just waved your magic wand over it and poof! ~ another ugly duckling becomes awesome! :)
xoxo laurie
I would expect nothing less from you ...
simply beautiful. my burlap buddie ...
somehow, when there's a paintbrush in your hand, life is good!
Fabulous new header! I sure am Lovin mine, thank you again sweet friend.Your an angel~Cheers Kim
Very interesthing colors:)I like white and gray.from Izmir have a nice day:))
Hi Dore,
Totally beautiful girl!! Of course!! :) And I am LOVING your new header pictures....
O Dore this is beautiful!!!!! I loved your banner before but this is like seeing in...in to YOU! I love it.
My little (19 yr. old) girl is sick today...she had the stomach flu all night, so I babying her today. I love being a Mommie. ox
sweet amore to you my friend,
Dore you make my heart sing...
Thank you for your sweet comment...I am so glad you like my new seaside dining. I wasn't able to capture the true essence in the photos...I couldn't get a clear picture. We have envisioned the dark rustic wood floors and almost purchased some last year. It was good we didn't because my hubby's work slowed down and we would have been in debt. I hate carpet, but we just haven't been able to afford wood floors yet. We are still undecided on whether to do the dark rustic or bleached wood...nothing oaky. I am afraid the dark will make our cottage look small. I like it to look wide, open, and large. We are going to begin sanding down the oak cupboards and whitewash them. I can hardly wait! And yes, a dark black/brown china hutch would look perfect with white dishware in our kitchen nook near the new table. The house came with a built in desk area that we could easily pull out and put a hutch in there. Guess what? When I told my hubby your suggestion his thoughts began spinning...he really wants to do that now! Okay now I've got to get off the computer, I have three huge loads of laundry to fold! love you....blowing kisses ox
Hi! Just wanted to let you know a wonderful person (Pam @ BeColoful) honored me with a Stylish Blogger Award. As part of this award I had to link back to her, come up with 7 interesting facts about myself and then pass it on to 10 other deserving people, you, are one of those people.
Now, it’s your turn. I chose you because I really find your blog creative and interesting! I hope you’ll link back to me so that I can read all about you! You can grab/copy the “award” from my page http:// the decorativepaintbrush.blogspot.com (that’s what I had to do, apparently there’s no “button”) and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me! Congrats!
I love what you did and would love to know your technique.
You did an outstanding job.....great vision. Perfection!
WHOA! It looks just wonderful and can you imagine what you'd pay for it already finished!!!! One day I will love to try this, but the little fingers around here will not allow me enough time, LOL. Wow, I just love it=0)
What an inspiration you are,
Your dresser turned out beautiful! I love it. Love your music too! So nice this morning with my cup of coffee! ~Delores
PS: I nominated you for Stylish Blogger Award. Don't feel like you have to
participate. Just thought you should know!
Mew, mew Dore,
You have been hard at work but what rewards! Your dresser and your banner - beautiful!!
You're good at refinishing...it's a lot harder than it looks! Love visiting your blog, been too long.
Merci beaucoup de votre visite sur mon blog!
Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio
Maravilhosa transformaçao! Perfeito! Parabens!
Adoro visitar seu blog!
great work! you are inspiring! will be back often to visit and see what's new. -Slavica
merci` Dore..xx
I've sent you an email!
love to you dear friend,
I love the way this piece of furniture turned out so much. I see you are now following me....that's so nice. I thought I'd been following you for awhile and then realized today that I wasn't....so I clicked on and added you to my blog roll so I won't miss out on any other transformations you do. I absolutely love the way this one looks.
My secomd comment, I had to look at that bed and the art work another time. Gorgeous. yvonne
How have not found your blog before? This dresser refinish is amazing!!
beautiful......I have a sister to this, it is a sideboard....I too am anxious to give it a new life...well done!
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