While I am excited to announce the "WINNER" Of the Eco-Natural Soap GiveAway! I want to show you some pictures of my latest crushes. Yes I am crushing on "galvanized" I am enamored with galvanized buckets, as well as wash tubs. Just about anything galvanized will catch my eye, like this back yard bathing tub. Can you just imagine soaking in a beautiful recycled galvanized tub with nature all around you. While also bathing with ECO-NATURAL SOAP products that are 100% natural, and healthy for you as well. You may visit eco-natural soap at http://econaturalsoap.com. I want to thank each, and everyone of you for your support, and beautiful comments. Eco natural soap feel so blessed that you showed so much excitement over a GiveAway featuring their product line. They would love for you to visit their site, and get aquainted with what they have to offer you with their skin renewal, with their natural skin care products.

A galvanized 8 on the side of a bucket oh my! Could number 8 be the winner! Having to calculate a winner is the tuff part, although their is only one, (1) winning number picked by the automatic calculator used. I find myself wishing I were Lady "O" yes Oprah from the Oprah show annoucing her big GiveAway!...Making you all the winning number, where is Oprah when we need her. No the winning number is not number #8

Do you not just love this rusted galvanized tub. As I posted in my older recycled holiday gifting post, this tub would be a great recycled gift to your cottage garden loved one, or dear friend. I can just see it filled with beautiful terry cloth bath towels, and soaps from eco-natural soap company. Can you not see it wrapped with clear gift wrapping, and a burlap bow tied to it tagged to a dear one. Giving a recycled gift like this will not be forgotten. Showing them their is euro chic-ness in recycled French flea market gifting. Best of all, we are doing our part in recycling a beautiful found piece with history.

I love how this bucket is displayed. It reminds us daily, that an old cast off can add a little European flea market charm to our recycled homes. Encouraging a recycled, and eco-natural soap HOLIDAY!

I hope you do visit "econaturalsoap.com" and try their eco-natural herbal beauty, and healing products. My daughter Hannah, and I were gifted some of their most important natural aids to the health, and beauty of your skin. We must say, in a few days of use we would like to announce results with rave reviews. Eco-Natural Soap company have created a natural, and a healthy beauty formula made for a healthier more beautiful you.
"#75 calculated through... Random.org"
Please visit Sandy's beautiful site at http://myshabbystreamsidestudio.blogspot.com.
While also visiting eco-natural soap, 100% natural products "econaturalsoap.com" the beauty nature has to offer.

Inspiring a healthier you, in all of us!
Congratulations to Sandy and thank you for the wonderful giveaway Dore as well as the gorgeous images. xx
GOOOOOO SANDY!!! This was a MAGNIFICENT GIVEAWAY with so much LUXE and galvanized beauty dearest! HOW LOVELY!
Enjoy a magnificent day dearest, Anita
Love anything & everything galvanized! :)
Congratulations to sweet Sandy & a very happy week to you, Doré!
~ Zuzu
I'm so sorry I missed this giveaway but based on your recommendation I'm definitely going to try some of their products!
I recently sold an old galvanized tub on craigslist after owning it for many many years and now of course I'm regretting it. Sometimes it comes down to storage and guilt and I make hasty decisions, oh well, I just wish I had known you then :)
Please give a hug to Hannah for me.
Miss you and think of you often.
Can't wait to see your house all dolled up naturally for the holidays...
As I begin my Christmas decorating, you and your beautiful aesthetic fill my mind!!
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
LOVE, love, love that galvanized tub... sigh...
Have a wonderful week and a happy Thanksgiving, Dore!!
Jo :)
What a wonderful old tub!! Beautiful photos!
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,Dore.
WOW! ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL site! I am your newest follower and LOOOOOOOOOOOOVIN it! I could stay here all day! I have an interior design business and blog...im doing 14 days of christmas trees and would BEYOND ADORE you to visit..I have a Giveaway to
Congratulations to Sandy, this prize will look great at her cottage.
Congrats to Sandy!
Hi Dore! Although I wish it was me, I am always happy to hear of others good fortune :D
Let's talk galvanized...ME TOO! It's a comforting element as it seems more attainable budget wise, yet gets me the pizazz piece I so often am looking for. This will sound cliche, but it brings back so many memories of my grandparents and farm life!
Happy day, week and Thanksgiving to you XXOO
Hi Dore!!
Congrats to the winner!
I love your galvanized buckets, I have been collecting anything galvanized lately.
Thanks for your visit!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Oh Doré, you have the eyes of a real CRÉATRICE, because anyone that can make galvanized metal and the colors gray, white and brown look ELEGANT AND DESIRABLE really know what they are doing....of course, I am partial to this look, but talk about creativity???YOU MA BELLE, YOU have it all...just look at the life you have created and those fabulous daughters of yours!
Mon ami, je suis béni d'avoir un ami comme vous. Je vous souhaite un séjour rempli d'amour et de baisers ET JE VOUS SOUHAITE UNE BONNE JOURNÉE trop.
Action de grâces d'amour pour vous, votre famille et remplis de vacances!
Oh no, how did I miss this one? I love natural soaps. I am adding you to my blogroll so I can keep up with your lovely posts! J'espere que le petit panier est bien arrive et que ca vous plait..? Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, Dore...
Andrea,@French Basketeer.com
J'aime et j'adore le panier fourre-tout, elle était pleine de l'amour créateur.
Je vais vous ajouter à mon inspiration.
Amour et bénédictions à votre famille l'Action de grâces
I just want to crawl into that tub with bubbles and champagne and dream away!! Beautiful photos with lovely words showing the beauty that is all around if we open our eyes. Galvanized or not!
Congratulations to Sandy:) Dore...I can only say I share your love of all things galvanised!! Your pics are gorgeous. Hope you are having a wonderful start to your week ~ Tina xx
I love your taste...I have very much fallen in love with galvanized, too! I wish someone would gift me with one of those tubs!! Congrats to the winner!
Ma belle Doré, merci pour ta petite note chez moi! Ah oui, quel gros bêta suis-je!!! teeheeee! Bien sûr, je sais que tu n'as qu'une fille....comme elle est belle!
Tes paroles me bénissent ma chère; je dois me souvenir des toutes mes amies qui me voient à travers les yeux d'amour....moi, je ne trouve que les fautes!!!
Je te souhaite un jour d'actions de grâce formidable!!! BISOUS, Anita
Hello Dore...oh, how I love all things galvanized too. I have a tub just like the one in your third photo. I am going to fill it with paperwhites or poinsettias for the holidays.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
...AH! J'ai attrappé tes bisous comme une étoile filante! Anita
Stopped by to wish you & your beautiful daughter a very Happy Thanksgiving.... love your post & galvanized tubs I have a few I have been hauling around for years..xoxo laura
Congrats to your lucky winner!!! I love galvanized tubs & watering cans too...there utilitarian look & patina finish is a reminder of simplier times...Love it!
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving friend,
Congratulations to Sandy!! And Happy Thanksgiving to you my wonderful and purely elegant friend!!!
P.S. I love this song...it's so gorgeous!!!
Hi Dore,
I love galvanized too. I just saw an old French piece like the one shown in your 3rd photo today. I picked it up and put it down... Now I'm asking myself why I didn't bring it home!
How great Sandy won your giveaway, she just won over at my place too. She is a kind spirit so I'm very pleased for her good fortune.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dore!
Congratulations to Sandy! Lucky gal! I'm so glad for her.
I'm so glad Sandy won! She is adorable!
Congrats to Sandy!!!
And I love anything galvanized, we definitely think alike.
Hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Dore, thanks for all your kind words of encouragement to try new & different things in my home! I appreciate you posting me as one of your inspirations on your blog! I feel so honored, because I'm so in awe of your talent!
I posted your Etsy shop on my newest posting....where i share my goodies that are arriving this week! I can't wait!!!
Love, love the galvanized items. I have a passion for galvanized olde items, too.
Thanks for sharing.
While living overseas, I had a gigantic galvanized tub that served as a planter - it was scrumptious! I had to leave it behind when we moved, but a friend of mine gladly took custody of it. Glad I found your blog today! -diane
Ohhh to get a hold of the galvanized tubs! I searched high and low for an affordable one to soak in or the plant my veggies in ( a dog that eats anything from eggplant to green tomatoes and basil!). No luck - love your blog....Jennifer pop in sometime at jennsthreegraces
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