Sanctuary Sign is offered on my sites "Peaceful Etsy"
Hand painted on reclaimed salvaged mahogany by myself. Aged wood has never felt so peacefully tranquil. A sign that is not only soul soothing but one that is coaxing you to relax, as well as reflect.

Retreat to your sanctuary refuge, be it a nostalgic place in your home filled with flea market piece's, or an art studio transformed from a rustic garden shed creating a sanctuary hideaway in a quiet corner of your quintessential country life. With coats of whites, washed with gray's, and some reclaimed salvaged wood inspiring you to create your own sanctuary.
I would love to thank "Rita" a beautiful blogger Beachhouseliving.blogspot.com for the purchase of her 2 signs, "Sanctuary" and "Nest" from my hand painted peaceful etsy. Along with "Marlene" jujubescoastal.blogspot.com for your custom ordered sign "Seaside Cottage" thanking "Jo" Secretgardencottage.blogspot.com for another of my signs, thanking "Laura" Verbenanestedtreasures.blogspot.com for your art orders for your beautiful shop. Thanks ladies for supporting my passion and art. Don't forget to go visit these ladies beautiful blogs they will inspire a Sanctuary place.

Inspiring you to create one, or this sign offered on my peaceful "Etsy"
I just love the look of this sign on the old weathered wood! Beautiful! :)
My signs are soooo lovely especially Sanctuary. It just exudes the passion and care that went into it from the sweet little fabric touches to the very cool handmade tag. I've been known to move it from the bedroom it was purchased for to resting against the fireplace screen so I can walk past it during the day. It's become a little obsession hasn't it?
Thank You Dore you are always so thoughful & genuine with all you do. I a dore... get it.. you!!!! Thank you for tinking of me. I am in the process of moving & will find a special place for my beautiful painting. xoxo Laura
Hi Dore,
Oh, the beach is definitely "my place" too--I love it...is there anything better? Hmmm, in my estimation only a dance floor foots the bill!
These pictures would be perfect at a beach residence...dreamy!
I hope you're having a great weekend. How've you been? Sending (((hugs))) your way!!!
P.S. I love this song too!
Precioso y delicado.
Felicidades por tu trabajo y por el blog tan precioso por el que me gusta mucho pasar. Se respira muchisima tranquilidad.
Sometimes naming your sanctuary, creates it...
So beautiful' love to have few in my new store do you sell wholesale?
Love your sign!! It`s absolutely gorgeous!!
Bonjour mon amie, Doré! You work is imppecable and your friend who purchased this souvenir will enjoy it for many, many years. I so agree that our homes need to be a refuge to think, grow, dream, LIVE and not just plant our bodies and forget living. Each room should evoke a mood to help us thrive and be creative. You have a splendid style, and I so admire what you do. I just saw a wonderful book yesterday that I must buy; the style reminds me much of yours and it is called, French Style Living at Home.....a lot of whites, grays, organic natural tones that I so love because it is a relaxing feeling. Have a beautiful weekend!!! Anita
They are gorgeous Dore. I love your work.
you've got a great thing going here ... such beautiful work ... it shows that you take pride in each and every creation ...
hey ms. burlap, please pop in and see my little burlap ottoman!
me thinks you'll be ga-ga
who doesn't need a little sanctuary every now and again? lovely.
Hi Dore! Love Love Love my sign !
"Seaside Cottage" I have it in my bedroom over the bay window, where I see it every morning as the sun streams into the room.. Your art is beautiful...and the sign has a dreamy peaceful quality to it!
I just received my Sanctuary Sign this past Friday! I think I have found a home for it (I am sure this will find its way around my home!). I will be posting this week some pics of how I used it! Your work is beautiful! You really have found your signature!
Thanks so much,
Chère, restez près de votre passion,
vous êtes une femme à l'amour.
Beautiful signs of course!!
I will visit all of these nice ladies.
Have a great Sunday!!
Oh Doré, tu es si gentille et tes paroles me plaisent bien! MERCI MILLE FOIS POUR TON AMITÉ!!!! Bisous, Anita
Hello Dorè! Lovely pictures! Thank you for visiting my blog! You have visited my old blog, I started a new in May, if you push the link to this comment, you will find me :)
I`m looking foreward to get to know you, and I hope you find my Dreamworld...
Draumesidene = dreampages in english
Love Elin
Oh Dore...my sanctuary has been invaded and needed an exterminator to set things right. I am miserable and sad and scared of everything that moves. When all is well...I promise to reward myself with one of your beautiful works of art. Till then....please say a prayer for me.
Doré, your sanctuary signs are beautiful works of art.
My favorite part is the little birdie. It's so cute and ready to take off like it's going to fly away, find and journey back to tell you the perfect sanctuary locale it just found while flying around!
Thanks for stopping by FK and introducing yourself. I am delighted to discover your blog. I adore your style and your "bohemian" spirit. Your signs and everything you put your touch to are wonderful in every way. So nice to meet you.
Fantastic Dorè I love the painted bird. Have a nice week. G. Alexandra
...I adore your wood signs! I am always looking in your etsy shop and the qypsy one is my favorite to date:)
xo, Rosemary
Love your wooden signs! I especially like the little bird painted on your Sanctuary sign :)
You were definitely right. Your blog is just gorgeous! And those signs just might be going on my "want" list. They are just swell...Following you dear! I'll be back for more!
Dore, just found you through Jermaine of French Kissed. So happy to have found you. You remind me of what I did about 8 years ago, with my sign painting. I used words from songs, fairy tales, anything that made me happy, thank you for sharing, Nella
You have been some kind of busy!!! Another beautiful sign that only you could create!!!! Such beauty, such talent!
And ever so kind to this cat admirer of yours....and purrhaps a small wee wild one....how is she/he doing???
Purrs and head bonkers!
These are beautiful - so fragile and vintage. I will have to order one soon
Hi Dore,
always a pleasure to come over for a visit.
Have a wonderful day.
hi dear,
You are really a wonderful artist who knows how to fill Life into Art..like this when Sanctuary.. that s soothing and will be lucky whosoever bought that..take care.
I do intend to order one of your signs when our finances allow me to. It has been a difficult year with hubby getting laid off after 20yrs...and then re-hired in a lower position. But we remain thankful and cheerful while managing our money by not spending. We are hopeful he will get hired with a better Company and in a position he deserves. When I can order one it will be custom ~Sea Cottage~ of course. But I love love love the Sanctuary sign. You know how much I value sanctuary in life. You have the most beautiful, gentle heart.
Dear Dore~
You are like the sea breeze blowing in through my french door...your loveliness refreshes my soul. Thank you for hoping/praying my hubby gets that perfect job. He recieved an exciting offer for a position in a huge Company yesterday. He is in the beginning stages of interviewing. 'If' he was chosen for the position he would travel 2 hrs. for 3 years to be Project Engineer of the building of a hospital. The 2 hrs. is the the city nearest our favorite Sonoma Coast. We are praying he gets this job.
How funny you painted Sea Cottage! You are thinking of me ox...when you wrote:
"I have to tell you we are the seaweed of the sea mangled together in creative thought." I just melted. Even your writing is creative...I adore your use of words. And I want to put this little quote on my Sea~Washed Studio blog!
Yes, we will continue to inspire one another...and I will remain grateful for the kindred spirit I find in you. I will be painting more sanddollars today. Trying to get a large enough collection to show in our First Friday Artwalk downtown.
Beautiful...and peaceful!
Dore, I just received my Romantic Homes and found you inside, How wonderful!! You are such a talent, and a beautiful person, inside and out!
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Dore,
I've just been catching up on your amazing posts of late. You really are a beautiful old soul and I love reading what's in your head and heart. Thank you for sharing your lovliness with us :)
I'm so sorry I haven't been round lately.
I've been sort of in a strange place, getting ready to send my boy off in less than 2 weeks and it's starting to affect me in wierd ways. Sort of like giving a 2 weeks notice. Kind of a limbo. So please excuse my absence from your beautiful blog. I feel much better after hanging out here with you:)
I think you and Hannah need to come up and stay with me this Fall and help me adjust to my new empty nester status :)
Love you,
What a cool sign-love the bird~ Happy WW
Hi Dore ~
Kids off to school,
this week, so I'm
catching up! I've
been to your shop and
just adore your work.
One of these days I'll
have my own Dore original!
Off to read more of your
posts, now.....
Happy day,
xx Suzanne
What a great sign and a sweet message. I make signs, I think the words that you surround yourself with will definitely affect your life.
Hugs, Cindy S
Your signs are amazing sweet friend!!! I LOVE this one & your sweetlittle bird makes me smile. One day I will have one, soon I think!
Thanks for the update! I love your work, especially the colors!
The signs are lovely and so artistic. Everyone can appreciate them.
Please stop by to check out our new Giveaway Friday linky party every Friday. Jane F.
Did you forget to post about the rosette swap? Lookin for your rosettes! Smile!
AHHHAAAA!! I knew I wasn't losing it!! A Big HUGE congrats on your blogs "SHOUT OUT" from Romantic Homes. Did you see it? I loved your work in the magazine and dog-eared the page. I was doing my typical White Wednesday blog-hoping and saw you again. Wasn't sure it was the same person but YES! So happy for you - you are wonderful and I am heading over to ETSY right now.
Hi Doré,
So very beautiful... sanctuary says it all in one dreamy sign. I took over to your peaceful Esty shop and it is dreamy goodness, just beautiful.
Have a great weekend, chat soon!
Congrats! Congrats!
How wonderful!
I am so proud for you~
Have a wonderful afternoon~
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