"Feed The Soul"
THIS PEACEFUL GARDEN SIGN WAS CREATED BY ME! "DORE CALLAWAY" I most of all want to thank my daughter "Hannah Bailey Callaway" for inspiring me...I would also like to recap the bird story that I posted in an earlier post. I continue to marvel at the ability my daughter has to celebrate and capture her passion with beauty in an artful life, as well as her heart. She moves you to tears, laughter and will take you to a place of wanting to feed the soul. You will soon understand why I had to put these words once again to this special piece of garden art. Myself being an interior designer, also artist who works in mixed-media, altered art, paper and paint, needed to put my daughters artful words in the likeness and style of this art piece. Her words as a child inspired me to do something with bird stories, words put to an art sign peacefully and poetically.

Being inspired to do this garden art brought back a dear memory of my daughter when she was age 4... Now she is 16 and graduating senior, year 2010. I was amazed at her heart and her fond love of caring for her wild birds. They were hers because they were loved from her heart, making sure that they all ate more then there fair share of 40 pounds of seed monthly. One afternoon one of her dear wild birds had flown into the glass door and fell to the ground; she cried yelling for my help and ran out to care for it. As she picked it up stroking it's head with her tiny 4 year old finger she told it to sing and fly, you can only imagine what that did to my heart. The little bird was soon not in shock from it's near fatal crash into the glass door, and flew from her soft grip. She really believed it was her love that helped it to sing and fly. So now you can see why I had to do this poetic garden art and how the words Sing and fly were perfect for this piece.

WHO CAN EXPLAIN the nurturing, sustaining role art plays in all our lives? Perhaps it is the dream-like quality of art, and it's ability to engender ideas that makes art so important. Peaceful inspiration that is provoked by reminding us the way nature intended it. I hope my art shows a celebration of love, "The bird was hers from the wild."

I hope this inspires you to "SING AND FLY" daily.
You will find this for sell on my ETSY Peaceful Shop
Such lovely detail in your bird! And what a sweet story of your inspiration for the sign. Thanks for sharing--Jacqueline
Being a cat of good memory, I so remember this story...and it is a GOOD story....it is a reminder to me to be kinder than necessary to ALL life....thank you Dore and thank you Hannah....
I was thinking of something special for dinner tomorrow....would you like to come over for fish sticks and creme? I would love to have you stop by for a visit if you're not too busy.
Such a beautiful story,and you are an amazing artist i especially love the details in the drawings:) lovely day my friend!
Bonjour ma belle! This is truly beautiful. Our little winged friends bring such a gentle beauty to our lives in their songs, colors, daintiness and magical wings. To capture them in a stillness and beauty is an art, and I so love them here in your art. Thank you for such beauty today!! ANita
As usual Dore you have created a beautiful piece. How sweet that Hannah has had this love of wold birds since a little girl. I am very excited to have a Robins nest in my garden this year. It has been ages since I remember having a nest. If I had a third child, I was going to name her Hannah. I never did so I named my cat Hannah instead because I love the name so much.! Have a great 4th of July!
очень красиво!!!
Oh my gosh, Dore--this is so beautiful and I LOVE the story too!!! It made me cry! It is so precious how children view the world and say the most heartfelt things....All day, I will be walking around saying, "Sing and fly, sing and fly!" Wow, how wonderful!
And Hannah is so beautiful too!
Dore, this is a lovely work of art with such a wonderful heartfelt story behind it..your handpainted bird is divine!
Just found your blog, and I am now a proud follower! Love it!
Beautiful story and artwork, Doré! Love it! :)
Beautiful bird and story. Your daughter sounds like a sweetheart!
I love your story and your sign!
I just love your work! It's so wonderful and the bird is my favorite=0)
Hope you are having a great weekend,
Your artwork is beautiful Dore and the story you told is equally so! xx
I will keep a box of kleenex handy for future posts, just in case! OH...my heart. Maybe this really hit home because I can so picture the episode because I have a 4yr old right now that has done the same thing with practically every living creature that's around our home. It's a beautiful thing to see the artistic side you have passed on to your daughter and you'll have that gift to share with each other for always :)
Hi Dore,
oooooh, so very beautiful.Have a wonderful day
my friend.
you always have a way of touching our souls ... they DO grow up !
God bless your family
Our children can give us so much inspiration, a truly precious little one she was. Your art and posts give ME great inspiration!
Oh what a sweet story, our children teach us so much about love and hope. Your sign is so beautiful! Take care, Martha
I love this story..It is so touching..I can't wait to recieve the sign I ordered...I sent you a email..let me know if you received it!
oxo Marlene
Sing and Fly my Sweet Friend! It makes a beautiful story and I can just picture that sweet lil 4 year old.I Love it! Miss Hannah has a beautiful Soul.I think I need one now and forever think of Hannah and her lil feathered friend.~Cheers Kim
This is such a beautiful story. We learn so much from our Children, they speak straight from the heart, so honest.
You are just so talented, this sign is gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post with us all.
What a sweet story! And how appropriate that you have created such wonderful art work to remind you of your sweet daughter! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
What a sweet touching story. You brought a tear to my eye. At this point of my life ( children all grown and gone ) I have only touching stories about my animals. Like the time Kelly the cat came in the house with a good size squirrl by the scruff of the neck. What the heck was that about. Or the time I found a somewhat large lizard in the spare bathroom tub. Again brought in by Kelly to "play" with.
Every days an adventure!!
Such a lovely and sweet story behind your gorgeous garden sign Dore! That makes it even more special! ~ Tina xx
Hi Dore,
Really exquisite! You're a gifted writer and artist...
Peace and Love,
Time does fly!!!
Beautiful sign!!!
Oh Dore,
What a lovely little story and a beautiful sign as well. Yes, in just a short while you will be holding your daughter and telling her to sing and fly, as will I. I just hope they will enjoy their happy little flight into their next journey as we will step back and watch them happily but
hesitantly take flight. We have done our jobs nurturing them, but we must be strong when we set them free to fly. I will think of you in the next few weeks, it will be hard I know.
Thanks for sharing the sweet innocent story of your daughter at 4, they are so precious at that age, aren't they? I just want to bottle that and keep it forever!!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
See you again soon
Dear Dore,
While I was hunting for new music for my playlist today I came across this song Liberty...the beautiful one you have on your blog. I think it is one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard...it is so ethereal. I hope you don't mind that I am using it on my playlist. If you do, please please let me know and I will remove it. I think I will always think of you when I hear it, since it was the first song on your playlist when I first found your blog. I could listen to it all day. ox~ fairmaiden
Thank you beautiful one for sharing the song with me. Your words always touch me so gently. I don't know if you know how lovely your touch is...like a whisper you come in and make everything beautiful. You are a rare gem. I value your friendship. ox~fairmaiden
Hi Dore,
I love your garden sign! I have a thing for bird art, so this really captures my interest!! I love the story behind...so sweet.
I just got back from a road trip and spent my 'lot', otherwise, I would snatch it up!!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs ~ Jo :)
Hi Dore,
Thanks for the visit. I'm glad to know you have a stockpile of these beautiful signs...yay!
You're always so creative. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
You're always welcome on one of my road trips... there's always plenty of vintage goodness to go around!! :) Problem is, I only go on a trip about once a year (bummer huh).
Take care girlfriend!
Hugs ~ Jo :)
I absolutely love this sign. When I saw the image on I love pretty Little Things, I clicked and was in love. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to get my hands on one!
Oh Dore,
I've been walking around all week singing "Sing and Fly!" I just love this!
Thank you so much for linking up your special space...it is so beautiful...sending hugs, dear friend,
Thank you for the inspiration and sharing your grown up, little girl's story. Recaps always work for me.
Have a fun blessed day. I'm a new follower...my blessing I'm sure.
This is a charming sign with a really wonderful memory inspiring it! I am a new follower!
What a sweet story and love the garden art! Lezlee
Oh, how beautiful - i loooove it!!! Have a wonderful weekend,
Oh, I love your sign! I am signing up to follow, now. Thank you for sharing!
So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
That is such a sweet story! And what a beautiful sign, too! I love ALL of your bird signs! :)
I also wanted to let you know that my sister and I have started a new blog, A Beautiful Nest. If you want to visit, the address is: beautifulnest.blogspot.com OR beautifulnest.com
I hope your week went well, and that you have a wonderful weekend! It is supposed to start cooling down here finally, and we are all so glad! Hopefully you are staying cool where you are! :)
What a lovely and sweet story! I love that phrase Sing and Fly! What a great memory to have
and to have expressed it through your Art! Beautiful!
Just beautiful!
m ^..^
Wow what a truly inspiring post...moved me to tears it is just so wonderful and I love your sign. Has your daughter seen the documentary the wild parrots of telegraph hill ? It is very lovely and I am sure she would enjoy it, and speaks so much about the intelligence of birds that we don't always understand, hope you have a lovely day, cheers katherine
Beautiful story! ps. I have voracious birds and squirrels here too.
Just Beautiful....and inspiring!
Do you know, you like the same style of music as me too. This song on your blog is from one of my favorite winter movies 'Serendipity'...do you like the movie too?
Hi Dore,
Just came on to say "hi" and hope you're doing great!
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