Love at first sight with rustic French flea market style. Timeless euro chic qualities are enhanced by the French tendency to collect and acquire furnishings over time rather than buy as sets inspiring a home with history other than trendy home accessories; resulting in perfectly imperfect. Sharing my passion for flea market brocante with my daughter Hannah has given her a creative balance with French flea market style that provokes love at first sight. The French chandelier was brought into our Burlap Luxe shop for sale by our dear friend Judy. I could see that Hannah was inspired by it's whimsey, as well as the paint finish in its peaceful tones that just spoke to you. The grayish white painted scrolling arms with cut glass was beckoning her that it was a special piece. This French Chandelier had found her heart with excitement, and she knew just where it wanted to be. We never go on the hunt for something to fill space in our home or force a design style, we just let the piece find us.

Pictured here are a few pieces that make me swoon over them. I have a fond passion for old pieces, chippy, and rusted with a hidden story to them. Some of my favorites are old doors, iron beds, and French chairs no matter what shape their in. A simple chandeliers with a bit of whimsey along with velvet feathered filled fringed pillows, and salvaged wood pieces all in which excite in how I will reuse or restyle there use in a renewed way.

European style is a design style of timeless desire. Its simple aged found object will add to a feel of history without the fuss of perfection. Treasures that find you make that special statement of not quite matching from groupings or collections, this gives a room a sense of being fashioned over time. Having an obsession with salvaging pieces have a way of making their way into our romantic homes, and decorating with what we love. I follow a rule of starting with one great piece for each room of a home. While letting salvaged pieces find you, the rest of the room will fall together inexpensively piece by piece.

Inspiring you to design rooms with great vibrations, using peaceful calming tones as I did with these pieces in my own home.

Oh Chèrie, I so agree with the French attitude towards la decoration (I just lost my ability to use l'accent aigu!).
I am transforming my studio to all white and touches of real vintage gold. My husband still worries that a certain piece that we both love doesn't MATCH other things, but he is learning that as we put things together over time, the look of picking out the perfect, taking our time and making choice decisions shines through and makes for a lovely form of art in our home. Thank you for this inspiring post. You have the touch!!! Anita
this little post settled me right down ...
I'm sure your home is breathtaking
lovely piece Dore...would love to see more pics of your beautiful home...as cityfarmer said..I'm sure it's all breathtaking
Dore, your posts are always lovely and inspiring. I love that chandelier, the glass cloches, and the other chippy, weathered items.
Oh Dore! I LOVE that chandelier and all those pieces with it in the first two pics! Gorgeous!!
It's always such a pleasure to visit your lovely blog and take in all the wonderful inspiration you have to offer. You're so very talented!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
Hugs ~ Jo :)
I can totally see the beauty in imperfection. I agree, the Europeans have always addressed this well. I read in an English design book that things are cherished and embraced for their life....and then passed on. Not usually replaced within one lifetime. I have always loved sentiment over shiny & new...but the 2 together are gorgeous and I think the masses are beginning to catch on to that and hold on a little longer! You blog is always so refreshing to visit :)
Just lovely Dore, I think having that kind of eye for decorating would be so nice. I think I am challenged in this area. I feel like when I come here I learn so much. I know that next door in my brothers carport, he has these old doors, white of course, that were in my grandparents old house they tore down. They still have the doorknobs on them with a place for the skeleton key. I need to see if I can bring them home and make something out of them,
like you do.
You do inspire me.
Love your style sense. I agree that rooms - whole homes - for that matter feel like they are a part of you if you let them develope over time and not rush out to fill a corner because it is empty.
I really enjoyed this post...
You and your daughter have that eye and heart for beauty. This is simply breathtaking. That iron bed propped against the old chippy door makes my heart stand still. I really do think you need to have hardwood or tile flooring to have this look...when I do, my cottage will change so much. Thank you for always inspiring me to simplify, beautify, and invite the calm.
Oh I love that door! and the chair...yes they find us..all we have to do is listen...I once found a favorite chandelier across a crowed flea market..just the tip of it peeking out from behind a box full of junk and scraps ! It took me a long time to reach this box..because it was sooo crowded at this vendor booth.....but once I reached it ..there is was a perfect chandelier..all I know is it called me over! I would never have know from the tip peeking out just how beautiful she was!!! UNless it had called to me..and I listened..right?? have a great day! Marlene
I love that look!!
Beautiful and inspiring.
Have a Happy Sunday!
I just love all the things you put together!
I'm hoping to one day find the perfect chandi=0)
Happy Sunday,
Bonsoir ma belle Doré....merci pour être venue chez moi! Oh, je suis complètement d'accord que les français savent bien faire la décoration en blanc comme nuls autres....voilà pourquoi le plupart de ma maison est à la française....sauf mon studio! Je le partage avec mon mari, et même s'il aime le décor français, nous attendons les travaux de rénovation qui vont me permettre de transformer mon studio....TOUT BLANC!!!
Ton style et le mien, donc, j'étudie ton blog et je regarde ce que tu fais!!!
Je te souhaite une belle semaine ma chère! Anita
Lovely pieces,all of them.
Have I told you how much I love the name of your blog? "Burlap Luxe" is a style of its own and I love what you've got goin' on girlie!
Just lovely and inspiring! The iron bed had me at rust...
Hi friend! The chandelier is beautiful! I love it's simplistic beauty! And I completely agree on old doors and iron beds! :)
How are you doing during these hot days of summer? I hope you had a good weekend! :)
Take care, and blessings to you,
Let the piece find you. May I borrow that for my sweetie? I'm always saying we'll find it don't worry.
To Anita...
Bonjour chers Anita,
Merci pour vos belles paroles. Je sais juste que lorsque vous concevez le studio tout blanc, il sera grand. Je suis sûr que vous allez concevoir que cela fonctionne dans les deux de votre intérêt de l'espace. Je vous aimerai pour voir le sortir quand il sera terminé.
Je vous remercie pour profiter de ce que je fais dans mon studio, et ma maison.
Rester belle.
I thought that was them but wasn't sure. They have found their true home just like they were supposed to.
Bonjour My Dear Friend~Sounds like you have been a very busy Lady.Hope your enjoying yourself sooo.
I am Lovin the French lingo,You go Girl!
Great new treasures and I too like my new found treasures to find me and say take me, take me please!
The so Chic Chandelier is Fabulous! You both have great style.
Your blog has taken off, that is so great.~Cheers Kim
Ah, Bonjour ma belle amie! Et merci à VOUS pour vos paroles d'amitié aussi! Je suis SI RAVIE et CONTENTE d'avoir l'occassion de trouver des amies françaises qui aiment bien la décoration, qui sont sympas et qui veulent me parler en français! Je vous souhaite une belle semaine! Amitiés, Anita
I love it here, thanks for finding me!
So lovely, romantic, enchanting....I could go on and on! So happy I stopped by!!
Such gorgeous pieces thanks for sharing..love them and your great style Kym X
Il est le beau langage des dessins et modèles français et la beauté dans la création d'un foyer paisible qui nous a si passionné pour tout ce qui inspire le français.
Rester belle ma chérie.
Doesn't everyone need a chandelier? And a beautiful Dore' to help us decorate?!?! I love how your describe each piece with its own story, and how that peace can transform not only a room but our little world as well :)
merci beaucoup, dahling...
Hi Dore,
I agree with your thoughts on this post 100%!!!
When a piece speaks to you and won't let you leave it behind... well it's found you and will find it's place in your home. That's one of the things that is so great about vintage things... they possess a history and an energy and their patina is their soul and when you find each other... it's magic. At least that's what I feel and why I am a treasure hunter and why I am so passionate about it!!!
I can't wait to meet you and Hannah by the way. We are coming to SoCal on Aug. 10 - 12th for a UCLA Orientation. Maybe there will be time to meet up for lunch or something :)
I'll email you when I get home from Tahoe.
Much Love,
Sorry Dore,
I was signed in under my son's account... I'm sure you figured out it was me :)
Hello my dear sweet feathered friend...I think of you often I have been abad blogger & need to visit more. Holding up the fort here..send big hugs & love your way. Wish you were her to feather my nest!!! xooxoLaura
Love this post,your photos are divine!! I would love to see every inch of your home! All the best,Chrissy
What treasures! I completely agree, it's difficult to go 'scouring' for something specific. But charming little finds always find me.
Off to explore...
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I love your blog and am planning to explore it further. I love what you had to say about letting the salvaged pieces find us. I think that is why I love French and even British style. Layer upon layer of things gathered over time.
you say "I have a fond passion for old pieces, chippy, and rusted with a hidden story to them"...I totally agree! love old things and in the french antique market you can find so many beautiful things...
I love your blog so inspiring! Thanks for visiting me...I hope we can keep in touch!
have a great week
It sounds like we have the exact same design aesthetic.
These images are just lovely, I think you have *fabulous* style! :-)
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Hi Dore,
Thanks for your comment on my blog. You are the best!
I will email you when I get back from Tahoe and we will see it we can make arrangements to meet up next month!!! Give Hannah my love and tell her good luck with her wisdom teeth. I had a friend whose 4 children all had theirs out at the same time!!! I remember a couple of summers ago when Chris did it. Hopefully she's a quick healer.
Talk to you soon :)
See...this is what I love and what I knew deep down, but didn't know how to put into words. Thank you for doing it so beautifully for us! What a lovely blog and especially loved today's post. How beautiful to be able to share this all with your precious daughter.
That is so true. A piece can truly speak to you. When you find something special there is no hesitation, no indecision, you just know it needs to be in you home. I had the same feeling when I found the birdcage I posted today. I saw it, it drew me to it and I bought it. Thanks for sharing.
If any of these great pieces found me I'd be thrilled. Love them all!
Take care,
Beautiful! Love the decor..Love the photos!!
I just found your blog!It's just gorgeous and Im looking forward to surfing thru your blog to soak it up. I tried to become a follower but it said it couldnt find the page so I'll have to try again later.I love chandeliers too and I hope to collect more.Your daughter is stunning! you must be so proud!Fiona
Dore, Dear,
Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello. So good to hear form old friends! I'm resurfacing after the empty nesting transition. :)
Hope you don't mind, but you're my "daily Sweetie" over at ddna's facebook page.
Love, Colleen
Dore, oh how I admire your design and decor philosophy. The natural process of time. Your pieces are gorgeous and they belong together. Just a beautiful post and photos!
OMGoodness, they are beautiful!! I completely agree with your philosophy.. I let the pieces find me, grab me from my steps & I pounce while I have the opportunity. ;) Incredible finds!!
xoxo, L
Hey Dore,
Everything here is always so beautiful!!!!
Sending hugs to you!!
P.S. If you've got a chance, my house is posted on my whimsical musings blog today...
Your mantra is true for me also, I like to let the pieces that grace my home find me - beautiful post!
I love all your peices you have such good taste!
Just a quick note to wish you a wonderful weekend!
I always love how you put things together!!
Beautiful and inspiring .I want to see more pictures of your home
Beautifully altered!! Blessings... Polly
This is a lovely post I totally enjoyed reading it and admiring the lovely images.
Love your blog! Sooo inspiring! :)
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