I then said to my daughter Hannah with excitement, I am inspired, "Oh no!" she said. "I am inspired with your lamp shade" I said... "No not the shade please!" she pleaded. I said "Trust me it is time, we need to change the fabric of that old calico print." As I heard the word okay coming out of her small voice I ran for the shade and it was stripped down naked in no time. While noticing panic in her 16 year old face, a look that I have not seen in a long time I say to her, "Not to fear my dear it is all going to be alright, and why so much fuss over a lamp shade?" I have always wondered. The day was getting by and that shade of her's sat all day undressed looking pretty sad, that night with a wake up call at 2:00 a.m. for whatever reason that I could not sleep, I woke to the undressed shade. I then got up and got busy on the wire form to surprise my sick daughter with a cold and sick over her naked lamp shade.
By her morning awakening she was well rested and myself tired, I walked into her room holding her lamp shade in my hands, this beam of surprise and joy beyond joy that I could see in her face and her not wanting to admitt to how pleased she was. She was so taken with the shade as if I had made her the most magical couture fashionable lamp shade there ever was. It was a perfect dress for her naked shade and well suited for her room.
I hope this inspires you all to dress your shade up in muslin torn and tattered, couture in gypsy style, perfectly imperfect.

Thank you KIM at http://WhiteWhispers2u.blogspot.com who thanks SHELLAGH at http://tickingandtoile.blogspot.com for the JOURNEY that this simple MUSLIN FABRIC has made giving the same shade new light.
I hope this inspires all of you to dress your lampshade up in muslin, torn and tattered couture in gypsy style, perfectly imperfect.
(OLD calico fabric and NEW hand me down muslin)

As usual Dore you have created a beautiful piece. No wonder your daughter loves it so much! What a wonderful way to use the muslin!
love this shade & idea..your taste is the best! I think you are on your way to many great things! xo laura
Adorable! I hope you save the calico and make it into something special for her...maybe a little jewelry bag or something? Very sweet.
It's Beautiful! I just got home and will get back to your (email) My Girl had her bambino and all is well, after a few days in the hospital with her, I'm so glad to be home.
We are loving our new lil Man Ryder and will show pics soon.I am just to old for this and I'm a very tired Mom/Grandma.
I am so happy you reused the muslin after it served it's purpose twice.Like I said, I'll take two please.
Glad Miss Hannah was a happy Girl! ~Cheers Kim
Can't wait to see what you do with the calico! So glad you popped by!
Lovely idea and such a pretty shade. I adore white too, all shades. I'm slowly painting and turning our house white. :)
So glad you enjoyed your cupcake! Oh and don't worry, you never should share a cupcake. hahaha
Have a lovely day!
It's gorgeous! Soft, sweet - perfection! I love it!!!
Its Lovely!
I LOVE this post. Your Blog is so gorgeous!
My big Giveaway is on April 5th and 6th. I hope you'll come back for another visit and enter!
Take care,
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you.
Hi Dore, Thanks for visiting my blog, and allowing me to find yours. Despite my colourful approach, I am too, a big fan of white and all its many nuances! I love the way you've upcycled the muslin. Amanda
G'Day My Sweet Friend~I am sending you a Beautiful Blogger Award if you would like please see me @ whitewhispers2u.blogspot.com ~Cheers Kim
Hello Dore! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! You have a gorgeous blog and a wonderful daughter! I'm impressed by your talent!
Happy Easter!
Love the lamp shade!!great job!you have a very nice touch...congrats on your award too(:
Hello Dore!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! I am so happy to find you and I have to say I just love your blog!! You have such wonderful taste and a wonderful sense of style. I am loving the lampshade, but I am also loving some of your older posts too...the fun door, the pretty silver trays, your gorgeous paintings and the cool French paper art. You're really something and I can tell I will be enjoying coming back to visit!!
Have a wonderful holiday and congrats on your blog award!!
I just love white ! We have hardwood floors and I would even love to paint them white!
Hi Dore,
Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower. When I stopped by your the other day I didn't have time to look around, sorry. But I love your blog.. I love the chalk boards, I've got a few that I getting ready to make. Don't you just love that chalk spray, wish I would have thought of that.
I just wanted to tell you, your daughter is beautiful! She looks like a model...
If you noticed, I had Rachel Ashwell set the table for our Apple Rum Cake and tea!! :)
Hope your having a wonderful Easter!
The lampshade is absolutely the best!! Please do a tutorial for us!!!!!!! :) I'm so glad the muslin got used in such a beautiful way! Love it!
Dore, I love that you found my blog so that I could find yours.
It´s lovely!
Lots of wishes from a Stockholm in springtime.
Love the shade Dore, can't believe how much we think alike!!
Have a great day!!!
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