Oh! lovely voices of the sky
Which hymned the Saviour's birth,
Are ye not singing still on high,
Ye that sang, "Peace on earth"
~Felicia Hemans
How did Ann, and her flea market chic GiveAway that I won over at "The Tin Rabbit" know that she was designing a perfect vintage tattered holiday center piece for my home, and see how well it fit right in. I would love to thank Ann for adding her beauty to my home for the holidays. The moment it arrived and I unpacked it, I let it tell me where it wanted to be placed. You will find it on my chest in front of the sitting room sofa, its the first holiday piece that greets you with tattered charm. What I love about it is when people pass through they take beautiful notice, while capturing there creative eye. Please go visit Ann at...
"http://thetinrabbit.blogspot.com" while taking lessons in creativity. We all thank you Ann, we are so looking forward to all your creative beauty in the New Year!!

Ann's Inspiring piece from "The Tin Rabbit" and her lessons in creativity.
THE PERFECT DETAILS of all the colors and textures that make YOUR home and MINE, the places that we love...oh Doré, this is a fine gift and I must visit the TIN RABBIT! The name itself is intriguing, for I love rabbits!!!
Merry Christmas Dore!
Love your centerpiece! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!
Take care, Laura
Awww,Dore, you are sooo sweet! Thank you~! The centerpiece looks so happy in your BEAUTIFUL home and it is just the right colors! I am glad you are enjoying it! Wishing you are your family a beautiful Christmas Day and blessings for this New Year~ Love & Hugs, Ann
What a lovely center piece! Ann is such a talented person! I'm hoping to get to meet her in Jan. at her Texas home! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Should be... you (((and))) your family! I should proof-read before I post..ha!
Dearest Doré,
Merry Christmas to you and enjoy your won prize!
Mariette's Back to Basics
Merry Christmas from a cold and frosty England.
Warm smiles, Angela.
treasures said...
It is perfect for your table and sofa! Lucky winner! I love that giveaway. So pretty! Merry Christmas.
~ Julie
Gorgeous little treasure!! Merry Christmas! Xoxoxo
Ahh, It's perfect. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas.
Love the centerpiece.
Have a wonderful Holiday!
Merry Christmas! Lucky Lady, you have been to be blessed with such treats.~Enjoy Kim
Simply gorgeous decors! Have a happy holiday! Kellie xx
A very merry, merry Christmas to you and yours, dahling!!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you create this coming year, Ms. Creatrix Extraordinaire :) I'm so happy to have enjoyed this year with you and gaze upon all of your pretties.
Sending sweet hugs and Christmas kisses your way, Dore'!!
Congratulations on winning that beautiful centerpiece, Dore! It looks beautiful in your living room and fits in perfectly with your artistic spirit that I adore so much! :)
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, my friend!
Jo :)
Hi Dore! I know I'm a day late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS :) Thinking of you!! Love this piece. Could it transition into Easter perhaps?? Hope you're well! XO, Kelly
Ma belle....your words are always so full of God's love... what a wonderful life He has given us to DREAM, CREATE and GIVE.
May your 2011 be filled with MUCH JOY and you will be the first to see my new rooms in FRENCH GRAY AND WHITE!!!!!
Merci for all of your wise counsel on colors and their application!!!
Grosses bises, Anita
Dore, your winning treasure is beautiful...as is every word and photo you post on your blog for all of us to see. Yes, visiting you is a joy and I look forward to what the New Year will bring to your wonderful, creative mind! XOXO
Happy Monday, Dore. :)
Congrats on winning a lovely centerpiece.. it fits in perfect with your home. I hope your Xmas was both merry & sweet. Looking forward to your creativity you will share with us in the new year! Hugs to you, xx
Created just for you! How nice :-) I hope your Christmas was wonderful my friend.
I just found your beautiful blog, and can't wait to look around. I love your little shabby centerpeice!
That is a beautiful decoration/centerpiece.
Congrats to you.
Happy New Year!!!!
How beautiful, her creations are wonderful. So glad they went to such a good home.
Hope your Christmas was just as you hoped for, many blessings to you in the new year.
Be Blessed
Hello Dore,
congratulations - the beautiful centerpiece fits perfectly in your home.
Happy New Year.
Dore, it's so sweet, like you! C’est ravaissant!
Joyeux Noel!
Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio
Meowllo Dore!
I'm sorry it's taken me a bit longer than expected to arrive. You see I got caught in some of those California storms. But you knew that didn't you? Why else would you leave me a soft towel by the door? I stood on it so as not to get water on the floor and waited for you. You see "she" always dries me off when I come in after loosing the race to arrive inside before the rain gets me. But as I was waiting, I noticed that you'd also left me some cream. Not just any cream either....WARM creme....ah Dore, I luff mew! So I took a few sips and then threw myself down on the towel to roll around and dry off. Suddenly, I realized that I must have just missed you since the creme was still warm. So I finished it off and then curled up on this wonderful towel. Go ahead and wake me when you get home so that we can visit and I can give you my best purrs of appreciation for your kindness. Purrhaps we can sit in the living room and admire your new treasure from Ann.....waiting for you patiently and faithfully.
dore, that is so gorgeous! how lucky to win such a work of art. love your blog. happy new year and hope you have a fabulous 2011!
Lucky you to win such a lovely, fitting centerpiece. Happy New Year!
- Susan
What a fun piece! It does look perfect on your table=0)
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Love the centerpiece! Have a very Happy New Year
Beautiful piece of art!
Wish you a Happy New Year!
........|000|... Happy New Year!
........|000|... per un anno magico.
...........||..... La mia casa
...........||..... nel vento
........._||_.... ♥¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
DORÉ MA BELLE! JE VOIS QUE TU ES VENUE À MON AUTRE BILLET!!! Bonne année ma precieuse amie et que le bonheur soit avec vous tous!!!! BISES, Anita
What a year in blogging, it has been wonderful getting to know so many creative souls, and you certainly are gifted and very talented. I adore visiting your blog it is always so inspirational, and I appreciate your kind comments and support on mine.
As the world around the globe joins in to celebrate and bring in the new year --may creativity, love and beauty continue to be part of your every moment of 2011. Your future is where ever your heart leads you and has not been written so make it a good one,,
Looking forward to more of your beautiful artistic posts.
Hi Dore,
Happy New Year!!! Hope it is the best ever!!! Sending hugs and blessings!!!
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Irish Blessing
That is just beautiful!
Ann is so very talented!!
Wishing you only the very best! I adore the centerpiece but sharing of with is is what makes all the more adorable in my book. Have a great new year!
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