September 02, 2010

I'm Featured In Romantic Homes Magazine

"click photos to enlarge"
The word is out, and yes I am featured in "Romantic Homes" magazine. I am honored to have been asked to be in the October 2010 issue Setting your sites, what a great month this is. How did this happen to me?... When I was approached by Romantic Homes magazine editor's asking if they could feature my Burlap Luxe, I was so excited, beyond excitement. While LOUDLY thinking in my head, "are you sure you have the right Burlap Luxe, the right Dore' Callaway" If not, I'm claiming it!!

This is the most color I have had on my Burlap Luxe blog site to date. It took being featured in Romantic Homes to bring color to my Burlap Luxe, enjoying simple delights set before me. I woke to read comments from all you beautiful bloggers, and truly without you I would not be here. To my surprise I was reading my first alert as to being featured in Romantic Homes from Debra at her... What a surprise, because I had not even seen it yet, and could not wait to! Debra is a beautiful blogger, please go visit her passion. I also want to thank all you soulful bloggers, for holding my hand through this wonderful journey.

Continuing to bring inspiration to a simple life, moved by Romantic Homes magazines culture in flea market design style, art and literature. Thank-You Romantic Homes!


Alexandra said...

Congratulations Dore! I must order the magazin :)Have a nice day. l.G. Alexandra

joanna said...

Wonderful, congratulations, but then again, Romantic Homes Magazine is the real winner for they have you featured.

Will go buy a copy.

enjoy your week end.

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Oooh, Dore that is wonderful.Congratulation.
Now I need to by a copy!Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dore! This is so exciting. Romantic Homes is one of my favorite magazines....I can't wait to see your layout! Regards, Sheilla

Cindy said...

OMG!!! I am so excited for you Dore! I know what a big deal it was for me so I know exactly how you feel!! Congratulations friend!!! Yay!!! I can't wait to see it!

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh how exciting, congratulations on this great honor, such a wonderful magazine! I am thrilled for you! I will be getting a copy! I am happy I found your blog via Cindy's My Romantic Home blog.

Have a wonderful day!


awal.ny said...

That is so great for you! I am glad that the magazines are realizing that there is so many talented women here. Congratulations.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Congratulations, Doré! How exciting! Have a wonderful weekend!...hugs...Debbie

Dream House Trish said...

Congratulations Dore, what an achievement, I will have to keep an eye out for a coppy here in Australia, never know my luck...Cheers!!

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Well Dore, I am so not surprised! It couldn't have happened to a more lovely person, blogger and artist :) You have officially arrived and I am celebrating with you in my heart. Happy long weekend and cheers to you! XO, Kelly

Anji Johnston said...

What a great surprise for you - and us! You so deserve this and many more features. Congratulations Dore!

Unknown said...

Hi Dore.........I am so happy for you. I am shopping today and will look for a copy of the magazine. Things are better over at my house...havn't seen a critter in two days, except for a lizard the cat brought me as a gift. Life is good!

Marlene said...

Dore!!!! Congratulations!!! I did not know!!!! How did other people know this???? Romantic Homes!! My favortie magazine!! I can't wait to get my one deserves it more..your beautiful Art and blog..just a matter of time!
xoxo Marlene

stefanie said... your blog!!!

Linda Marie said...

Wonderful !! Love all your work !!! And your Blog !! And your beautiful Daughter !!
Linda Marie

Donna Lynn said...

No wonder you got chosen, everything is beautiful!

Raspberries and Rose Petals said...

Congratulations, Dore! A well-deserved accomplishment!


FrenchGardenHouse said...

Congratulations, Dore! I can't wait to get my copy and read your feature. xo Lidy

Debra@CommonGround said...

Oh My Gosh, didn't know?!!!! I can't believe they didn't email you to give you a heads up!! It was a great spot and I recognized you before I even saw your name...unmistakably beautiful Dore and her art! Congratulations Girl, I hope this is the first of many wonderful opportunities to share your passion with the world!
p.s. I'm emailing you, too!

Miss Gracie's House said...

OHH! What an honor...congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Doré!!! I am so excited for you - and can't wait to see it in print!!! :)

Seawashed said...

Oh Yeah!!!! Twirling and smiling for you. I have a little shop here in Old Town called The Red Door and the owner always gives me a deal on my Romantic Homes magazines. Last month he gave the September issue to me for free. He is so nice. So I will hop on my beach cruiser and ride down there this evening to get the October issue. Can't wait to see you in there Dore. ox

PS...I love, love the Sea Cottage sign. I am thinking since you still have it that it was meant to be for me to buy that one. So let me know how I can do that. ox love, Kerrie

Donna said...

Congratulations to you Dore! You deserve the honor creative lady!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Doré,
Congratulations! It's spectacular, spectacular for you! Can't wait to see it in print too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dore! How very exciting! I'm not surprised, though... you so deserve it. Your artwork is so beautiful! I can't wait to get my copy of Romantic Homes in the mail, so I can see your lovely feature.
Enjoy, my friend!
Hugs ~ Jo :)

Rosemary said...

Congrats Dore!!!
How fun for you, as I know since I was in the last issue. I can't wait to get this issue!!!
I'm so excited for you.
I hope my copy gets here soon!!!

Rosemary said...

I"m thinking of Romantic Country, that is the one I was in, but I just as excited, as this is one of my favorite magazines!!! Both of them are so amazing. Can't wait to see it.
Your work is amazing!!!

savvycityfarmer said...

girl, I knew you when ...

seriously, you deserve mention such as this!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello sweet lady...

Ohhhh my goodness!!! Dore, I am soooo excited for you...Congratulations, my friend!!! I have to say though...I'm not a bit surprised! From the moment I met you and seen your beautiful home, etc...I just knew that you should be featured in a design publication!!! Why, every photo of your home that I've seen on your blog...already looked like it just came off of a page of a magazine!!! Girlfriend, I am sooo happy for you!!! I can just imagine how you are feeling right couldn't have happened to anyone sweeter than you!!! Well, I ordered a subscription for Romantic Homes last month...and I suspect that my very first issue will be this October issue! So now I am extra excited to get my copy!!! Congratulations sweet better just hold onto your boot straps just never know what journey that this will take you on!!! And I want to see...

Warmest wishes, Dore!
Chari @Happy To Design

PS...oh my gosh, now I can say that I actually know someone famous! Hehe! I love it!!!

Allison Shops said...

Congratulations! Dropping by from Common Ground.


Beach House Living said...

Romantic Homes and your style are a perfect pairing. I'm truly thrilled for you and hope it brings many, many good things your way.
Your talent was too good of a secret!

Tara said...

Well done to you.
Absolutely deserve it as everything is gorgeous..xx

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Fabulous! Congratulations! I will keep my eye out!

Simple Home said...

Congratulations Dore! I'm so happy for you. It looks wonderful. Now everyone will know what we do, that this is a wonderful blog!

Unknown said...

Wow, Dore! That's exciting! Congratulations, it's very well deserved. I'm happy for you!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH MA BELLE!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I am so sorry that I am late, but I have been preparing my classroom all week long. I congratulate you wholeheartedly!!!!! WHAT AN HONOR! BISES, Anita

Romeo said...

My whiskers are at high salute for mew, dear Dore!!! You so deserve this!!!! Ah, where will we see you next?!?!?! Purrhaps, I should throw you a party with fresh fish and creme....only with you would I share! And this....well certainly deserving and expected BUT this is a no less than a reason for a celebration!!!!

Purrs and more purrs!

Romeo and "her"

WhiteWhispers2u said...

OMG! How exciting I can't wait to run out and get mine.You have done an amazing job and are very talented and a special soul as well.I adore your friendship.You "Rock"

I was going to get back to you about your last comment but this is so exciting I have lost my mind.~Cheers Kim

Tamra said...

Way to go Girlie!!

I can't wait for the issue to come out! Congratulations, well deserved.

Prior said...

Aww what a treat! You truly deserve it, so enjoy! Lezlee

Shell said...

An honor well deserved! Love your little hand painted bird! Congrats!
I have my copy and will bring it into work today and show the Shopgirls at Joyworks!

Have a great weekend!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

How exciting! I am thrilled for you! Congratulations!

Aubrey said...

Dore this is just fabulous- I cant wait to pick up a personal copy and display it on my coffee table!
<3 Aubrey

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Congratulations dear! I would very love to bought one...but will it be also in the italian version?

Unknown said...

Hi Dore! It's Mara - again! Yes they do print this magazine in Italy (I usually buy it!), I really hope to find the same news and have a look at your home featured! Thank you for your sweet comment!
A big hug!

Rosemary said...

Hi again,
Just got in the mail today. Love your work!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Doré ma belle!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND FRIENDSHIP! To see your comments is a joy! And as for school....I had been teaching all subjects in FRENCH for seven years. A typical class size is 25. Because of budget cuts, our English teachers were laid off. SO, amongst four fourth grade teachers (my team), two of us need to teach the English language arts to our own children AND the students of another team member, while still teaching the other subjects in French. SO, I now have 50 students to teach English to, AND French science and social studies. Granted, my team teacher will be teaching my students as well as hers, math in French and French language arts.....this has made for a stressful planning of the schedule school-wide and La Rentrée is this coming Tuesday. But, I am a pro, and we do what we have to do...but it is nice to know that friends abound to TALK TO!!!! I went out today dearest and bought a book called, French Home. It has all the grays, whites and splashes of gold that you and I love. What bliss!

ENJOY AND I am running out to get a copy of this magazine tomorrow!!!! My friend Doré is in it!

Grosses bises, Anita

French Kissed said...

How exciting...I am so thrilled for you. You and your wonderful creations are certainly worthy of being honored with this feature. Congratualtions!


Burlap Luxe said...

Ma fille Anita, heureux d'entendre que tout va bien avec vous. Je avoir ce merveilleux livre français à domicile. J'aime ce beau livre, rempli d'inspiration et de passion pour tous ce qui est français. Merci de visiter mon ami inspirant.
J'apprécie la vie française, comme vous l'êtes aussi.

La Dolfina said...

OMG, How in the world did I miss this?
I must run out and get a copy first thing tomorrow!
I'm so so thrilled for you Dore!!
It couldn't have happened to a better person. You are so deserving of this and I can't wait to savor ever word and image.
Congrats to you my sweet friend. It's just the beginning of great things to come your way.
Much love,

Paint Me White said...

Congratulations Dore you so deserve this - well done. Sandy xx

Elizabeth said...

That is super cool! Congrats! I'm gonna have to buy that issue for sure! Can't wait to see it!
Definetely well deserved! Your things are beautiful!

Laura Venosa Verbena said...

Dore how exciting that is awsome!!! I know how hard you have been working.. you deserve it. xooxLaura

Jeanne Oliver said...

So excited for you!!! I can't wait to see the article. You are so talented and I am so glad that you are being noticed.

re:Inspire said...

Congratulations and well deserved! Hopefully more women will discover how lovely you are from reading the magazine!

Tuire said...

Congratulations! I will have to go and buy it. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you, Dore'!! Of course Romantic Homes approached you. You're our Queen Gypsy Vintage Tres Chic Boho Woman =-)

I can't wait to see this issue, and am especially proud knowing my new friend and wonderful artist/designer is featured!!

Your talent is beautiful just like you dear one...
Ciao Bella!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Wonderful news! I cannot wait to get my copy! Your blog and artwork are so deserving! :) Laura

Eva said...


Sandy said...

You must have jumped for joy with such an invitation... and now you have the magazine framed in your home, I know I would! Congrats to you!
Thank you for your visit to my blog today and your kind comments on my side table.. I brought it inside today to let it dry.. rained on it last night.. I tried the 'kitchen island' idea but it's a bit too low.. it's in the dining room until I can get started on it!
Again Congratulations!
Nice blog!

My Dream Canvas said...

This is beautiful!! I m hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway and would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!

Heaven's Walk said...

Congrats, Dore! How thrilling for you! Doesn't surprise me, though. Your work is just beautiful! I can hardly wait to get my RH mag in the mail! :)

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Tina said...

Hi Dore. Congratulations on your fabulous feature, it looks so beautiful!! ENJOY :) ~ Tina x

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Dore, wonderful news for you! I stumbled on your site from Rory's Monday party and your lovely style is enticing me. My home (and blog) are super saturated with color and I find your peaceful, shabby whites very alluring. I'm feeling the seduction of simplicity and a white vision thanks to you.

Bohemian said...

CONGRATULATIONS Dore... I subscribe to 'Romantic Homes' and love the magazine and your Blog... a perfect pairing, I'm so happy for you!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Terrell said...

WOW!! This is so amazing!!! Great job and I'm sooo happy for you, Dore! This is truly and honor and it's so well deserved of all your talents!!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

La Brocanteuse said...

Hello Dore, thank you for visiting my blog and welcome there!I appreciate your lovely comment and compliments. Congratulations with your creative acknowledgment in Romantic is well deserved! it is not a magazine we are familiar here in South Africa, so I hope you will share the article once it has been published?..looking forward to get to know you too.~ off to read the rest of your blog. I like what I see so far a lot..also added you to my blogroll and became a follower.kind regards, Colette

Harmony said...

hey Dore, so you did that..well you always deserve more than this and will one day..
its so wonderful and mindblowing that you have been featured in the Homes Magazine..
Actually your work is soo good that everybody wishes to have that type of Specialisation but GOD give to you only are a marvel Dore!

Hope you will continue this work and keeps on Inspiring all .thanx to the magazine as well..its sad that this magazine has no Issues here!but its so joyful''..take care!wheres the treat?..have a good day!

Kristen White said...

Wow! How exciting this must be....congratulations!!! You deserve it :o)

OneCraftyFox said...

Congratulations doll!! You completely deserve this :)

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I hope this opens more doors, you deserve it!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

Olivia said...

Congrats, this is a dream come true I am sure. Your site is beautiful and so are the pictures.

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

Well I announced to my sons playgroup this morning that you were featured in Romantic Homes :) A couple more copies have been sold!

Tina said...


Mary Ann said...

congratulations! can't wait to check it out....hope you are having a blast of celebration this weekend! verbena cottage

June said...

Congratulation on your feature. I saw it there yesterday. It was wonderful.

sf said...

How wonderful!! I am running out to get my copy now!

Seawashed said...

Dore~ Merci' I received your beautiful sign and fleur de lys...I love them! I posted about it on my blog...go take a peek. Love you ox

aurorafedora said...

wow! that is really nice! congrats!

Privet and Holly said...

Congratulations, Dore!
I can't wait to pick
up my own copy and see
your beautiful work
featured there. Your
reputation proceeds a generous and
kind blogger! Enjoy all
the wonderful press!
xx Suzanne

Razmataz said...

Congratulations Dore. What an achievement.

VINTAGE HOME lifestyle said...

CONGRATS Dore!!! You are so very deserve it!
Cathleen alyce

French said...

oh no wonder your blog name sounded familiar...I did see it in RH!