May 05, 2014

A French Quarters Vintage Lantern...le coup de foudre

Burlap Luxe Home

The essence of French white.

Coup de foudre
( "love at first sight" )

Most pieces I bring home are love at first sight.

Here is one of them... Yes it was le coup d foundre
( "love at frist sight" )

This lantern was a piece to love, yet not for the owner who sold it to me.
A shopping day in Malibu California was a day of all days to love. My daughter
Hannah and I headed to Malibu with a tip from a friend that a large remolding job
on a beach house was taking place, and selling off the old.

Having a thing for old and French white with the patina of grey, and not to mention
lanterns, this lantern was love at first sight with a fear of it's price tag. I can tell you that
vintage pieces come with a price, and new ones are pricey enough. I held my breath
while asking the good looking seaside gentlemen how much!
How much do you want to pay he replied?

Ummm, ummm! I was without words and fear of even giving him a price, I was in
Malibu Ca. need I say more?
It was then he said how about $23 what ran through my mind was he wanted
$2,300. Then he repeated yes ladies you can have it for $23.00 dollars, it took
all my might holding back from telling him I loved him, and then yes I said
those words...I love you!

Look at the crusty decayed finish, sea washed with a patina so perfectly perfect.
The lantern is made of iron even the ceiling cover. The glass is seeded wave glass
weather beaten like sea glass. Sadly one panel of the wavey glass is broken but,
who cares I will get this replaced.

A lantern like this would be in the upwards price in any of the beach chic salvage
shops for at least $1,100 and the upwards of much more.

Size: 25" 1/2 in height before chain and 17" wide.

You can tell it was painted white, and now white and worn with the sea breeze.

Its going to look amazing to me in my kitchen over the rustic center island
of white.
Look at the old weathered glass, so French quarters.

The old apothecary age with authentic history looks perfect with
the lantern.
The stool was another great find the same day for $15.00
Iron legs and a weathered oak seat.
This was my day and I was loving it.

Then to top it off in my mail was Artful Blogging and a feature,
Blogging buzz...
I am so blessed to be included with past, present, and future featured bloggers
with there beautiful art and talents in designs.

Also I noticed that My feature of my home and art was a part of Artful Blogging advertising
for back issues.

Thank you Artful Blogging Magazine for adding beauty to my life.

Now I am keeping a watchful eye open for pieces to dress up my French
chest of drawers, in the mean time I love the space of calm to create around.


  1. Your French chest of drawers is gorgeous, Dore! I know the top will soon be styled to perfection. And what can I say, the lantern is FABULOUS!!! If we had been together, you and I would have been fighting over that. :-) And the great stool with the iron legs...what a steal! So many of my favorite accessories are those I've found for very few dollars.
    Mary Alice

  2. SPLENDID, SPLENDID!!!! From that $23 lantern (SIGH) to the Artful Blogging entry, you are JUST the right person to lift my spirits this morning dear Doré! I am in the mood (though STILL imbalanced!) to get my white/French/gray/patina groove on! These are great and inspirational images that I am pondering for the day, as I teach French...what a great life I have.

    MILLE BISES!!!! Anita

  3. Oh Doré,
    the lantern - THIS lantern, oh, lucky you :) I had the same experience once, but the other way - in paris, a pair of antique lamps, and that man said 22... and he meant 22000,--ohoooo, I almost fainted, hahaha.
    But yeii, now you are the owner of this cuties, and sooo sweeet the little candel-electrificitions... whatever they are called ;)
    Hugs, Méa

  4. Perfect finds for your home, Dore.

    I can't wait to see your lantern hanging in place in your beautiful kitchen. And it has seeded wave glass no less. Perfect!


  5. What a beautiful found! The lantern is just perfect but the bottle too... I love this vintage bottles, I have a small collection... I often use it for flowers. Have a nice week. Alexandra

  6. Oh Dore, that lantern was waiting there especially for you! It's going to look amazing hanging in your kitchen:) What a great price too. Love your little stool also:)

    Haha, I definitely had "Coup de foudre" with my hubby:)

  7. Dore, the lantern is stunning! What a wonderful find at an even more wonderful price!

  8. What a lucky shopping trip for you! Lucky Lucky you--I am not jealous or anything! Ha Ha Have a great week!

  9. the lantern was meant to come home with you, and what a lucky lantern!

    congrats on artful blogging and seeing the fruits of your creativity and blogging!

    happy monday, dore.


  10. Oh Doré,
    So much beauty in this new post ... To enjoy a day of adventure with your daughter and find your wonderful lantern and stool so inexpensively priced was a day graced by magical charm.

    Can't wait to see your photos of the light after it's been re-wired and seeded glass replaced in the one panel. Oh the bulb choices, Edison, flicker - so much fun! The patina is only one that can be achieved by the salt in the gentle breezes, truly a treasure to cherish.

    Doré the wood tone contast of your Allure plank floors spotlight your bedroom of whiteness with amazing delightful warmth. My eyes dance around the pink flowers. I have much appreciation for your talent in the bureau redo and all that you do.

    Your home reflects the love and beauty that dwells in your heart.

    Wishing you an exciting new week.

  11. Doré!
    Your lantern is exquisite!
    A higher power knew that it should go home with you to cherish and display in your lovely French White home! The real "value" is that it has been gifted to all of our eyes this morning! Somehow I can feel you or Hannah interpreting it one day as an amazing "rough luxe French" sculpture!
    Thank you for your recent visit to 34th street!

  12. What a beautiful find, the price is just a gift! I think he wanted you to have it!!! A beautiful lantern, I bet you can't wait to get the electric to it!
    Have a lovely week!

  13. The lantern find is amazing! How generous! It's all so pretty! xoxo

  14. Oh that chest drawer is gorgeous. Love the lantern too. Your finds are just beautiful.

    Hugs from here

  15. Beautiful! Beautiful as always!! My hub just threw out a lantern similar collecting dust in the garage....Did I mention: Kicking Myself??


  16. GASP!!! You did NOT get that insanely gorgeous fixture for $23.00!! Ohhh my gosh. It is so you. It looks like it was made for you!, or even BY you! It's BEAUTIFUL! So is your chest of drawers! Wow... Everything in your house is just so gorgeous... what a totally fun day of shopping that must have been...


  17. Hello Dore....lovely things i see..have a nice week...nice to see you in that beautiful magazine !!!...enjoy love Ria...x !

  18. Oh I am so happy for your good fortune! Such a wonderful and perfect piece. Vintage often does come with a little bother (Like having to replace a pane of glass) but so worth the trouble. The existing glass is fabulous. That is a gasping price! No doubt about it! It will be so beautiful in your rooms.

  19. Hello Dore

    I have a feeling the seller took one look at you and decided you should have his lantern. It is a beauty and will fit perfectly in your home.

    Have a glorious week


  20. Coup de foudre pour moi aussi. And I love your pictures. Very very nice blogs!

  21. Love love love the Lantern Dore. What a wonderful treasure you found. It is going to look beautiful in your gorgeous home. Glad to see your feature in Artful blogging. So deserving.

  22. The lantern is an amazing beautiful vintage find. It is perfectly wonderful for your home

  23. Sigh..I fear I will no longer have dreams, since your images are exactly what I dream beautifully aged, your lantern.
    Yes, it was your day and deserve many more days as this. Adore it all, completely adore it all.

  24. Always a happy day when my sweet Dore has posted some beautiful new treasures.

    What an Amazing Score !!! So love the lantern.Happy Dance for sure :)

    You deserve it my dear.Hugs :)

  25. Don't you just love finding such a perfect TREASURE?!?!?!?

    happy dance!!!!!!

    it is lovely. so are you.
    and delightful!

    ~ Violet

  26. Dearest Dore,
    I so agree with you.. What an excellent find, and price! I would have fell over..
    Your surroundings give me such a sense of peace.. Love your French Chest.... It is a joy to see you featured in Artful blogging. You make such a wonderful addition.

    Thank you for visiting and leaving such a kind note. Yes, my chick does share the same name as your beautiful daughter... Actually it was Mavis Mudd (Jeri) of Hopalong Hollow that suggested it.. Apparently Mavis has a chick with a brown notch on her noggin, so she suggested I name her Hannah. It just seemed to fit.

    Wishing you a beautiful week.

  27. What absolutely beautiful finds, Dore! I can only imagine how your heart was racing with excitement as you danced away with that lovely lantern --- for so cheap! lol Love it!!!

    xoxo laurie

  28. What a Fantastic find,love the lantern! It is absolutely beautiful!!! Congrats on your feature as well. Love your bedroom space, I have all dark furniture and want so badly to paint it all but am SO scared I'll ruin it all.... Blessings, Cindy

  29. Dear Dore, first of all, congratulations on your Artful Blogging inclusion. How could they not? Your home, your creations, your eye for beauty. It's what so many of us desire, and love! Your blog is an oasis, among a sea of artful bloggers! There are few blogs that incorporate a feeling of serenity, and beauty like yours! I love the lantern, how perfect to light your kitchen island! I have a huge soft spot for of course the apothecary bottle is a fabulous find too! Have a wonderful week, thank you for sharing your beautiful home, and work. It is a welcomed dose of AHHHH. :) xoxox Christel

  30. Dear Dore, I am so excited for you...the lantern could not be more perfect and of course is a major score! You ARE blessed!

    Soiree by Danielle Rollins Giveaway!

  31. Dore, your lantern is simply gorgeous and I love the stool, too! They were both meant to be with you! :)

  32. What a gorgeous lantern. It was waiting for you.

  33. Absolutely gorgeous chest of drawers! The curves and color pure perfection! I am in love with that sweet lantern too <3 Congratulations on your feature.

  34. Only you speak to the soul with the beauty you unfold to us. You are a rare and beautiful one that I am blessed to know to be loved by and to call friend.

    Everything here is a place of divine goodness that you create. The joy that you leave in my heart and the inspiration to my spirit I am so grateful.

    Thank you for loving words and comment the other day!

    Love to you always
    Kate xoxo

  35. Your images are always so beautiful - just love your lantern!!

  36. So excited about your being featured! Great publication!

    AND THE lantern!!!...fabulous.! It went to the BEST home! and for a stunning price!
    I can not wait to see it hanging over your island!

  37. p.s. your dresser is beautiful! Is this a before after....or did you purchase it this way?

  38. I know the feeling you must have felt when you spotted that fabulous lantern and then to hear the quoted price....giddy with excitement and grinning all the way home. I love it! and that darling stool too. :)

  39. Dear Dore,
    You words have touched my heart.
    I am so happy you enjoyed viewing my roses.. It is one of my true pleasures..
    Andre sends his best.. Who is he?
    Come see when you have a moment.

  40. LOVEEEE the lantern, Dore. And that French dresser, amazing! Your home is so peaceful.

  41. It is all incredible. I love the lines of the lantern..just the perfect amount of curve. The stool is wonderful too!

  42. I've not been here for some time, so I had to catch up on your posts. This lantern is so very perfect for your home, Dore. I absolutely LOVE your post about your wire baskets. They are amazing! It's always such a treat to visit here.

  43. That lantern is gorgeous!! Great look for your room.

  44. Dore, So glad you stopped by! During my switch to WordPress and move .. I lost touch with followers along with a few of my favorite blogs. I'll get you back up on the blog roll asap.

    The lantern is gorgeous. I love the French white/grey and patina. It will look beautiful when you get in put up!

    Congratulations on the magazine feature!!


  45. What a gorgeous find, Dore! The light is going to be amazing over the table. But the chest of drawers is my favorite. Another fabulous find!

  46. You have the most exquisite taste - I'd love to spend an afternoon shopping with you so you could help me find these gems!
    Your dresser and bed are fabulous - did you paint that yourself?
    Huge congrats on your feature - so well earned ♥

  47. Oh how I love your blog, I have so enjoyed perusing the beautiful photos. Your Italian greyhound is beautiful too, I've been telling my husband I want one for years. Does she have a sweet temperament? ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  48. I love the soft pink of your roses mixed in with your lovely white pieces!

  49. Not sure how I missed this post, but wanted to stop by and say how much I love that lantern light's perfect in all it's imperfections:-)

    Enjoy your weekend, my friend!


  50. Sweet Dore'

    I had to come back for more ethereal B E A U T Y!!!!!!!

    oh so lovely

    ~ Violet

  51. Hello Dore' ... me again! This morning Anita showed me your fabulous vintage circus creation
    you made and have in your Etsy shop, and I had to come tell you how amazing it is!!!!!

    I like your lantern here in your post. I am in the process of altering a new lantern, adding wood trim to the metal and have hung a chandelier..... It is going to be a display case for some items I've made. As I am waiting for the glue to dry I've been polishing up the kitchen, but somehow was drawn back to view some blogs..... which of course is much more fun : )

    Blessings to you this day,

  52. Dear Dore, I saw the most beautiful piece on Pinterest last night. Our sweet friend Anita had posted it of your work. I won't give it away in case your readers have not seen it, but I had not seen it before now, and am hoping it is something you will soon be blogging about! Hope everything is wonderful in sunny California. It is beautiful here in Ky! Much love, Christel

  53. The lantern has found the perfect home, thank goodness!

  54. The lantern is just fabulous. A lucky shopping trip indeed. It sounds like you have the perfect home for it above your rustic kitchen island. Congratulations too on being featured in Artful Blogging!
    Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my 70s fashion post - much appreciated!
