March 03, 2013

Innocent Appeal To Its Placement With French Garden

"All photos Burlap Luxe Home"

Spring is here with distressed grey and white.
An antique garden planter box is now cared for in my home as a piece of old artfully and soulfully placed under the kitchen window.

There is something so forgiving when life has not treated forgotten pieces well.
Designing with garden antiques is all about making them important, it's all about the blend of bringing them in from outside to inside a French country home easing them in making it a perfect fit of old.

A planter box left behind for me to find and it joyed my heart with its grace and beauty. It wore my heart down with its design and peeled aged of very little paint life to it with just enough white and grey washed over it as if it had plans of becoming garden driftwood.
Its small voice echoed, "Love me" and I did.

A yummy magazine that is more like a book, Jeanne d' Arc inspires the beauty of European homes with brocante designs, gracious and authentic. 

This planter box filled with innocent appeal to its placement was as if a decorator wasn't the least bit involved. 

A beautiful fragment we tore away from the bottom side of a vintage garden patio lantern and when set right-side up it became a beautiful crown on top of my vintage poetry books naked of their covers.

Thank you David of The Garden Shed & Co. for adding this brocante beauty to my inspiration 

A lantern crown that inspires garden out-doors lighting now lights up and inspires my kitchen desk. My corner muses inspirational ideas.

Thank you Stephanie of IL. for making a purchase of my two Théâtres lyriques français (French opera theatre's) built by Doré (me) from all things French and vintage from my Burlap Luxe etsy shop.

Congratulations to becoming a first time grandma, she will love that you have added a theatre of performance to her nursery where she will grow up performing song and dance.

Soon to arrive to my Burlap Luxe etsy more of my French theatres built and crafted by
Doré Callaway (Me)
Inspiring a passion for the art of all things French Opera.


  1. Bonjour ma belle!

    Tes meubles en gris et blanc sont toujours des inspirations chez moi. Maintenant, je transforme la salle à sejour, petit à petit, en gris. C'est si beau, et je la préfére ainsi.

    Le jardin cette année va être garni en fleurs BLANCHES. RIEN D'AUTRE. Ensuite, une table gris va être placée dans le jardin and voilà!

    Je t'embrasse chère amie! Anita

  2. Even before I started reading your post Doré I kept starring at your garden planter, it's FABULOUS! Like you I have unusal smalls on my desk, things that simply make me happy. I'm off to see your theatres on etsy I love the stories behind them.


  3. This garden planter is just beautiful Dore and is a perfect fit into your home which is such an inspiration to me. I often visit your pages when I am tackling a project for home or my space, so thank you.
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. The garden planter is fabulous, just beautiful and it is perfect for your home. I love it. Your little theatres are so wonderful too ~ Thank you for all of your inspiration

  5. With every new addition, you home shines brighter, Dore! This little antique garden planter box is gorgeous, and perfectly at home in your beautiful home.
    Hope you have a lovely week!

  6. Good morning, Dore! That gorgeous vintage garden box is fabulous in your kitchen! I love the looks amazing with your curtains and chair. You put it all together so perfectly :)
    Have a happy week!

  7. The vintage garden box is gorgeous Dore! I love your little French theatres also, what a wonderful idea the buyer had to put them in a nursery!

  8. The antique planter box is a thing of beauty, Dore, and I love your inspiration board, too! The little theater is pure whimsy!

  9. Oh une douce! C'est tellement fabuleux et inspirant que je fasse l'amour more.I ce morceau vous avez sauvé de la lanterne, il semble parfait sur votre bureau.

    Combien est précieuse l'une de vos salles de cinéma dans une pépinière.

    Je voudrais que nous soyons plus près que nous pourrions obtenir dans certains vrais problèmes en même temps je suis sure.Keep tous vos inspirations.Always créatives afin de rêve!

    ~ Bénédictions Mon ami Mlle Kim

  10. Ai-je vous envoyer un chapelet français dans vos festins de Noël je ne peux pas remember.If vous voulez j'en ai une pour vous. ~ Kim

  11. Oh, that chair would fit so nicely with my folding table.....and that planter box! Such wonderful patina. I do believe we are soulmates in our love for all things weathered and worn:-)


  12. so charming! I just love to find little surprises like this in a garden. I first discovered it in Gruene an herb garden and have loved it ever since

  13. The soul of a life well lived...with no regrets.




  14. Oh my gosh, that planter box is epic. It looks like one of your fabulous artistic works of beauty. You must just love it. It's amazing how these cool things find you. I think they must sit and wait and hope that you will find them and take them home with you, where you will fix them up, make them into treasures and show the world their beauty. I think YOU should have a book of your works and creations! And... the theaters, sigh... i will always love them. Some lucky person just bought a treasure


  15. J'adore cette petite jardinière qui peut se balalder partout dans la maison

  16. The French Theater is just adorable:) Such a sweet planter box with just the right amount of patina.. I want one! The tin containers look perfect. Your home and decor is so pretty. Thanks for sharing all these lovely pieces:)

    Enjoy your week!


  17. Love all your chippy white beautiful things! Those little theatres are precious--so unique and adorable!

  18. as always all your photos are inspiring and beautiful.


  19. Dore I absolutely love your vintage French garden inspiration!!!!! The piece looks gorgeous in your home!!! You have such great style!

    Hope you are enjoying your week ~


    :) T

    p.s. thank you for always leaving such lovingly kind comments on my blog! They are so very much appreciated...a big thank you!!

  20. I am so LOVING your garden planter. Perfect time worn piece to bring inside to enjoy! What a terrific ever so charming find!
    Mary Alice

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. so lovely and sooo you! I hope you are doing well dear Dore. I adore your theaters as well. Have a great one!

  23. Anita, mon ami soulful, un jardin blanc est un rêve, si seulement roses ont fleuri en gris.

    Votre véritable ami d'un blog aimer.
    Baisers et des caresses.


  24. Nell, soulful d'entre vous de prendre connaissance profonde de toutes les choses françaises dans ma maison paisible petite rustique.

    Nous vous remercions de votre visite.

  25. Ma chère, j'attends avec impatience le printemps dans mon jardin. Je veux bien me profiter de tes suggestions ici afin de créer un atmosphère si doux, si français. Merci d'être venue voir mon billet. GROSSES BISES MA CHÈRE~ Anita

  26. J'aime ce mobilier et les couleurs de votre maison. Ils sont calmes et très jolie. Vous êtes créative tourjours. Bisous

  27. Love, love. I wanted to walk right through my screen into your home!

  28. I don't even know what to start with Dore! I am enamored by the beautiful planter. It is gorgeous!!! What a wonderful eye you have for beauty! You always have such lovely vignettes too.
    I also adore your theatres. You are so inspiring.

  29. Oh Boy! That planter box is just dreamy. It's color, and perfectly chippy appearence, I love. Lucky you!

  30. Your vintage planter box is so yummy and wonderful!! I love it!!

  31. Wonderful Dore! I adore the planter & your theaters always enthrall me!
    Visit when you have a bit of time!
    Art by Karena

  32. Hi Dore,
    I just love that gorgeous planter box! THe patina is just perfection. You find the greatest treasures. Who else would have used that light fixture as a crown?! Gorgeous!
    Your theatres are always a delight.

  33. So much Patina Love! Love it with your bucket!

  34. I can't wait to see it brimming with herbs and flowers. Beautiful!

  35. I loved the garden planter very fabulous! I'll be happy if you check out my blog too=)

  36. Dearest Dore,

    Could you please send me your address?



  37. Precious friend! THANK YOU for coming to visit my post. I have to run off to school at the moment, but seeing your comment is so refreshing. Much love, Anita

  38. Dearest Dore,
    The beauty you create with your magic touch always warms my heart.. I love to see your transformations..
    Exquisite Dore! You must know how much I love your Theatres, but this one would have to be one of my favorites.

  39. Hello Dore~
    What a amazing treasures you have found. So lovely to see forgotten pieces newly loved again, and this time true love that lasts :)
    I always love seeing your beautiful French theatres. Fabulous!
    Happy Weekend~

  40. Lovely pics!! Furniture with patina is just so charming, love it :-) Wish you a nice sunday!
    Hugs Paula

  41. Dear Dore,
    You are so sweet to wander over to meet Fredrick.. So happy you enjoyed. Well, most of the time I just pick a subject and go with it.. As for Fredrick, I suppose in the back of my mind Sir Percial had inspired me. He is an amazing painting of Jeri's over at Hopalong Hollow.. I had forgot all about it until someone asked if he could be realated. teee
