October 10, 2016

Worth Every French Penny...Rural And Rustic

 Burlap Luxe French Home Cottage

"Everything you love can find a place."
~Dore Callaway

Burlap Luxe designer Dore,
took a vintage French ladder back and gave it a new old paint finish. 

 This vintage French chair did not look like this when it
found me, telling me just what it wanted to

Harmony is attainable.

 French furniture is designed to play a part in a
country home.
French furniture is certainly decorative, and so easy to
live with.

 My before photo of a thrift shop French find.
 Dated, a bit drab, and in need of some purpose.

Deconstructing was the beginning.
A good strip down and this French Chair was loved all 
over again.
Never, never.
Well, maybe at one time in the 80's
 Yes, yes!!
your seeing the Price!

This French ladder back arm chair solid oak, sturdy, and so 
meant for me and my home.

 A little French love, and a weathered ageing of white.
Painted and upholstered 
~By Dore of Burlap Luxe 

I had the sand paper, plenty of it, paints in abundance, and
a perfect piece of French worn canvas that I am so glad I
did not cut it up for a project a week before.
Yes, I had
the vintage canvas on hand and a staple gun with 
plenty of power, so this chair cost me
no more then time, and $3.99

 Country rural furniture is defined by simple in style, 
and used for a purpose.

"Everything you love can find a place."
~Dore Callaway


  1. Yeah, if THIS is no BEFORE-AFTER!! Oh, Dore, if they could see it now - well, they would swear, it is not the same. Isn´t it a triumph to be so independent? Creating a kingdom? But the devotion to this, YOUR devotion it is, that crowns it. And of course your enormous talent.
    I am soo happy for you, you found this treasure, seeing the possibilities, and now, such a solid piece, lookes like it has cost a fortune.
    Happy hugs, my dear Doré, your friend Méa :))

  2. Wow, the chair looks wonderful! Love the painting technique that you have used. Great find. Great price. Just right for your home.


  3. oh my...
    looks like a long loved piece
    of historical wonderfulness now!
    again, you create magic. ♥

  4. Woww woww wowww you did a great job with That chair....Dore !!!!....i love it......happy new week enjoy october.....have autumn fun....love Ria x ❤️

  5. Dear Dore,
    You transformed it into a beautiful piece of art!
    I love it!
    Have a nice week!

  6. I love this repurposed piece you lovingly transformed into a rustic French chair to grace your home. This will inspire many viewers to tackle a DIY project to add beauty in their home. YOU my friend are inspirational!
    Sending love,

  7. You did a beautiful job Dore, there was never a better spent 3.99

  8. Absolutely adore what you've done with this upcycled chair. Love it.
    I passed up a chair at Goodwill the other day, the legs just weren't my style. I wish I knew how to shape table and chair legs....

  9. Unbelievebel!!!
    This price and this chair after preparing, amazing!!!!

  10. Hello Dore,
    Your keen eye spotted the chair and your painting and upholstery skills are superb. I love your vision.

    Helen xx

  11. You are a wonder, what a change in that chair. It looks like
    it has Dutch legs, is it old? You may have a real prize there.

  12. Oh I just love the chair, Dore. You did a fantastic job as usually.
    Hugs from here

  13. It's lovely and so much more appreciated than an expensive piece purchased from a showroom. I believe rescues of all kinds always carry more meaning. Hard work is a reward of it's own. <3

  14. Great tranformation, Dore! how happy the chair must be now in your possession. you and i are two peas in a pod when it comes to the joy we feel painting just about anything white. your white treatment is definitely more intentional and labor intensive than mine (lazily slop it on and hope it ages the piece; allow it to become distressed on its own from use) yet we are after the same thing: age and character. bravo! xox

  15. WOW!!!

    You totally just made my DAY!

    I adore your new chair - it is perfect in your home! ♥♥♥

    Well done, Dore!!!! Hugs!

  16. What a transformation!! No one would ever guess you paid less than $4.00 for that chair! You made her into such a beauty!

  17. A transformation like this must give you so much pleasure! Beautiful job. And what a difference! Perfect for your beautiful rooms.

  18. You can turn anything into something so beautiful and unique! You really inspire me to look for a hidden treasure like that and transform it. The vintage canvas fabric was meant for this chair! It's perfect! Great job!

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  20. What a beautiful surprise in that chair Dore and your artistic treatment made it even more gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful in every respect. Hope you are having a joyous Fall and that all is well in your world!

  21. What a steal. The transformation is amazing. Beautiful.

  22. Wow....what you did for that chair is amazing!!!!
    Beautifully done.
    diane @ thoughts&shots

  23. What a bargain Dore .... it looks wonderful and, after your handiwork, fit's in beautifully with your decor. XXXX

  24. Just hope you are enjoying this beautiful fall season and the colors.
    I am happy to be alive. Go for a drive every day with beautiful music
    the windows open and my beautiful Mr. Benny.
    He likes to hang his head out the window.

  25. Like the way the French chair gets converted.

  26. I love how you gave that chair a great makeover ~ love your style!


  27. Oh Dore just beautiful. Love love love your re love of this chair. Your creative heart came through on this chair.
    Just love!

  28. dore you are so talented and i love coming here to see your beautiful creations. it's so peaceful and calm and soothing. thank you for that. we must meet in this new year approaching. take care, xo janet

  29. You transformed it into a beautiful piece.
    Love the photos
