February 15, 2016

The Art Of Arrangement

Burlap Luxe Home

Salvage Style
A little arranging, pieces with patina, and salvaged finds.
That one piece that anchors the room.

"Seeing how something is made, you understand its value"

For me its the layers of history, pieces of old against the
pale, and living creatively.

My New Favorite
Flipping this piece from the other end of the sofa, to this end
allowed me to breathe deeply and enjoy its new placement.

The backdrop of a family door, 250 plus years old leads
nowhere, but to the memories it once opened to.
Making it a wonderful piece to layer upon.

Natural objects and junk shop bargains.

French Wire Basket
Vintage French flea market find brought back from a brocante
Paris France.

Now for sale in my etsy BURLAP LUXE shop.

Now! in my esty shop.
I have created upon request and demand, my hand-created,
Cartapesta French paper mache crowns.

Now! in my etsy Burlap luxe shop.

French oyster shells

Rural French designs reach out to me.
Adding contrast from smooth to rough with a
pale depth.

The art of arrangement.


  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing my dear!
    Greats, be blessed!

  2. Your photos are very delicious for my eyes. Your way to put things in the right place is amazing. I love your style. It is peaceful and cozy.
    Hugs Kuni

  3. Love!!!! The colours! Hugs Justys

  4. Dearest Dore, My heart was filled with koy to see you had visited, and to read your comment. I too, am Christian, and believe in the power of prayer. I have read, and re- read Rorys blog . He has such love for Joey, and she is filled with grace, and hope, even in her darkest hour. I believe every word he writes. For me, this is a rare thing this day and age, to find someone who writes with such raw emotion, and is so genuine. Now about you my sweet friend! The backdrop of the door is the perfect setting for this piece. It draws your eye up, and completes a statement! I hear " I am not forgotten, I am purposeful, and beautiful" I was straightening up my studio last week, and noticed how many wooden boxes I have! They call to me from every thrift shop I enter:) The oval box you have is gorgeous, I have an old, and very tarnished, silver plated one I adore. Every time I look at it, I think of you!:) Just knowing you and Hannah are following the heartbreaking story of Joey+ Rory comforts me. I have always been drawn to you, now even more so! Have a wonderful week, thank you for your prayers, and visit to my blog. Much Love, Christel

  5. Hey Dorè, what's a nice story behind your images , the old scenery door is just a dream ! I love this post, I love your amazing ideas and I love to stay here for a while!!! XOX, Meisje

  6. As always, well done and a feast for the senses.

    How I would love to visit your beautiful spaces and take it all in.

    Have a wonderful and blessed day and week, sweet lady.

    Hugs. ♥

  7. Oh, so much depth now, contrasts to highten the magic. To achor, as you say. Such a wonderful word for it. And then the oysters (I am collecting them since January, they are so beautiful to me), your creations out of it and the crowns, so sweet and noble.
    I can hear the sea, see it in the patina of your furniture, like driftwood and salt, the patina of the brass reminding on ols sailorships (how is this called, oii, sometimes it is hard to find these Engleish words...;))
    It is like an awaiting of the first days, on which you can go outside to the beach, like southern France. You carry it in yourself, now shining through, Doré, mooore with these contrast, like you have clarified the picture, like you have turned the lens to sharpen the softness on special spots.
    Have a HUG, a huge one, see? Your friend Méa

  8. Love your style of decoration.......so you...yes yes !..it is great.....love your stuff for your shop....lovely week love from me Ria x ❤️❤️❤️

  9. "The art of arrangement" truly is an art form. I believe negative space is so important!
    Off to visit your little shop...

  10. your layering is stunning and I love all the serene and soft colors and mood. I love the door as a backdrop and the hardware on your chest is amazing!

  11. Doré,
    It is all in the arrangement of the room, pieces placed with visual impact and interest with room/visual space for the eyes appreciation. You have mastered this ability. Perfect staging (of course your interior design background enables you to perfectly understand harmony and balance in a room).

    I find relaxation and inspiration in my visits to you as you embrace the pale and the antique paiina in layers of legacy. I love your tiny crowns that tell a story in their beauty. I adore your contrasts in the variety of pales of White, Cream and Browns and now Black additions, Layered with dimension it lures our imagination to reflect in its unique poetic intrinsic beauty.
    Love ya girl!

  12. Doré, I love the new arrangement and the layers. Your home always looks peaceful and serene. Have a wonderful day. xoxo Su

  13. I love how all the pieces are layered together. It adds depth and the patinas are really gorgeous together. Ahhh can we talk about that mirror in the corner? So beautiful! I long for the day when my arrangements stay in the same spot. : ) Dore, I am going to be in Socal again in March. I will be in the OC area but would love to get together if you are not too far away. Please let me know.

  14. Absolutely beautiful Dore .... I especially love the door and the sentiments behind it. XXXX

  15. what beauty living amongst you, dore. and how refreshing and fun it is to shift the arrangement from time to time so as to create a whole new energy in a space. of course you are a true artist who understands this perfectly. your wee crowns are precious and such a treasure for those seeking handmade objects of sacred works of love. thank you for opening your dreamy world to the planet and for modeling so beautifully what the creative life looks like when lived well. peace.

  16. I just sit here and sigh...your home your furniture your French finds...all so pretty and dreamy. Now those petit crowns are absolutely gorgeous.
    Much love to you Dore!!

  17. Greetings Dore! What a beautifully written post and the images make my heart sing. Such glorious colors, patina, and thought. You are a master of creating the serene and lovely.

  18. You definitely have the art for arranging Dore! Your home is so artistic, light-filled and welcoming. Even through pictures, you can sense that your home has soul. Your crowns are beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful week... Xo, ~julie

  19. Well used and worn items appeal to me too, Dore. They stimulate the imagination about who used them in years gone by and where. Those crowns are so sweet and the old door is just perfect! I am hoping you will enjoy a beautiful week ahead!

  20. So much beauty in your home Dore! I adore those little crowns you created, so pretty:) Moving furniture around is always so much fun, it feels like a new room in a way!

  21. You are an artist par excellence, Dore, when it comes to arrangement and layering. The special treasures and textures you use create such intriguing vignettes throughout your charming French cottage. Don't you love how moving a piece of furniture changes the entire feel and mood of a room? I'm always inspired when you invite us into your home.
    Mary Alice

  22. I was glad to come here and see this newest blog. Love the new arrangement you have created and the mix of textures and patinas to really balance the space. I love seeing the former desk piece in it's newest place in front of that charming door with that great history to it. It's always fun to try new arrangements to see things in a fresh new way. It makes you appreciate the pieces all over again. I love to get some inspiration after coming here. I love the little crowns and glad I have purchased some for my home. They are just so sweet. Blessings, my dear friend! xo

  23. Hey Dore, I always enjoy your styling! Your photos are so artistic and beautiful. You have such a way of creating and layering while keeping your space light and airy. Simply beautiful. Xo

  24. love your home and style dore. adore the coat in the previous post. so stunning! x

  25. You are always so true to the beautiful style in your home. The little crowns are a wonderful reflection of it. But I see your signature in each exquisite detail. So pleasant to visit here.

  26. Dear Dore. I love it all. Everything looks so beautiful and serene. I said it before; love your home.
    Hugs from here

  27. I love that mirror.
    It is wonderful.
    In fact the whole post is Delicious.
    You know how to put it together Lady.

  28. You have so many lovely things to play with. I love the serenity of your vignettes.

  29. The gentle colors and some of your rustic furnishings really make your rooms an oasis of comfort. Beautiful, Dore.

    Read your last post as well...I have been incorporating a bit of black here and there and I'm amazed by the effect. Proof positive we need to step away from our comfort zones!

    Pia Bleu is precious.


  30. Your way of arranging is truly an art.
    Lovely as always.

  31. Very pretty! Love your style. Love your little crowns too....heading over to your shop to see them closer!

  32. Hi Dore, such a beautiful space and I so agree with the placement and details.
    Love your neutral style, and like you, enjoy many of these anchor elements in my own home. It just brings peace and calm. Thank you for sharing and also for stopping by and your kind comment. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. xo

  33. You captured me again!
    w / L

  34. Hi Dore,
    The touches are effortless and yet seem to be the way you adorn your spaces, I love the feeling the photos offer. I hope you will always enjoy the hand of creativity you share.
    A beautiful weekend to you,

  35. How I love coming here for a visit, Dore'.
    Your images are always soothing, with the wonderful washes you bathe your furniture in, to the layering of gorgeous pieces you decorate with.
    Your style is unique to you alone....love it!!

  36. I am excited to see what you will be creating out of the oyster shells, Dore! In my favorite shop down in Savannah, The Paris Market, I remember seeing "chandeliers" made entirely from oyster shells. They were gorgeous! Your petite French crowns are just adorable! Love them:) Thanks so much for your visit to my Coastal Shopping post. It was very tempting to bring everything that I saw home!!
    Oh, I adore your wire basket too! Tres chic:)

  37. You have been on my mind! Just returned from a short visit to Northern California to visit my daughter, her husband and two precious grand babies.
    So wonderful to see your creative, inspiring talent and artistic touches this evening.
    Sending love your way,

  38. Your artistic eye is so very evident in your arrangements, Dore. Love the mix of darkened patinas and various shades of white. The layering of textures and materials. Your home is dreamy and timeless. I visited last week but didn't have time to comment the way I wanted to. And now coming back and reading your post again I see more to love, more to appreciate. Of course, it's all beautifully photographed. Coming here is so much better than looking through any magazine. Fabulous, my friend. Hugs, Nancy

  39. Oooo, I love that mirror. Your house is so lovely, and it's fun to rearrange things around once in awhile. It gives it a whole new look. I have a thing for crowns, and your paper mache crowns are delightful. You make such creative things.

    How interesting that your Grandfather was an art producer for Paramount Studios in Hollywood. I bet he had a lot of fun stories to tell. I see you were glad also that Leo won Best Actor. It was well deserving for sure.

    Happy March!


  40. Hello Dorè, I'm still dropping by for inspiration. You make beautiful spaces look effortless.............if only I could achieve the same look! Bisous

  41. Charming furnitures and I love the spirit in the photos!

    Happy weekend from the Almond Valley!

  42. happy March my talented and lovely friend!

  43. A lovely serene arrangement, allowing even the viewer a chance to breathe in your beautiful home. Your passion and creativity is inspiring! Creating patina isn't easy, and sometimes can look contrived, but yours has a 'history" to it... so well done. xx Rié | Portobello Design

  44. Always beautiful and inspring Dore! I so enjoy seeing your creative touches, to your home and in the pieces you design.

    ~ violet

  45. So Pretty! I bet you've heard that before, but I love you style and blog. Thank you for sharing and please continue to do so.

  46. So much beauty in your home, love the mirrors!
    Amazing pictures...
    Have a great day, take care.
