November 08, 2013

Newest Addition To Our Home

All Photos Taken by Dore Callaway
BurlapLuxe Home.

Nearing the end of blooming season I am getting ready to welcome winters calm
and a new addition to our home.

The quiet spaces in our home are now filled with little foot prints.

Anticipation for her to arrive where we welcomed her home.


October 16th 2013
9 week old, ITALIAN GREYHOUND my daughter Hannah's favorite breed became
her new love and mine too!
She had a long flight with lay overs that ended up 10 hours and her flight was too much for
her to handle that ended her in the hospital where she barely survived her travel.
after a week of nursing her back to health with around the clock care this little girl knew she
was loved.

Shy and delicate at 1 pound 5oz.
Wondering what name we will be calling her.

Her breed colour: Blue Fawn, white
this means her fawn colour is not true fawn in colour but, a cast of grey to her coat.
Her grey eyes are so soulful...

Here she is at 12 weeks, in all her grace and beauty.


Pia Bleu

She insist on resting in piles of linens making sure you get her good side.

At home with the love Pia Bleu brings, she had no idea how much she needed us
and how much we needed her.


  1. Oh my --she is just precious! What a tiny little thing at under 2 lbs. My parents neighbors have 3 of them. They are such elegant dogs. Enjoy her--she looks so sweet!

  2. So freaking cute! My Frenchie will eventually have to make the long flight from Germany to the US and I'm am scared he will have problems especially since he is a snub nosed dog. But he's not a puppy anymore so hopefully it will be okay.

  3. What a little darling. Have fun. Alaina

  4. I can see why you have fallen in love with Pia Bleu - just adorable.
    We too have a recent addition to our family M. Hugo who appears to be growing before our eyes. He is just the tonic we all needed - a funny and loving little fellow. Unanimously the family thought that we could never get another feline as wonderful as out last, (who lived a long and very pampered life), but gratefully Hugo has proven us to be wrong.
    Bon weekend.

  5. She is so precious Dore... I just love her already... puppy kisses sweet little one!... and I know just what you mean about needing each other... when we rescued our precious Tessy as she was lost and abandoned, little did we know that we needed her just as much as she needed us... God's creatures... I love them all... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Ma chère amie,

    J'ai des larmes qui coulent à ce moment; cette chienne si délicate nommée Pia Bleu est parfaite pour vous deux. Une telle chienne - sa couleur (PARFAITE!) et le profondeur de ses yeux nous dit quelques secrets: L'AMOUR NOUS SAUVE LA VIE.


  7. Super cute dog and I love the name Pia Blue, so pretty. She is very dainty looking. I know you will enjoy her for many years to come!

  8. Oh Dore what a doll. Pia Bleu is just beautiful. I love greyhounds they are so calm and loving. I have to smile because she fits your decor so nicely too!! What a love enjoy your new addition.

  9. She is just adorable and you are all so lucky to have found new love. So glad she is ok now.

  10. Oh...My...Gorgeous! Petite Pia Bleu!
    She is so very exquisite, so precious!

    How blessed is she!
    ...recovered, and wrapped in love and luxe!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a delicate little darling! She will bring you so much joy.

  13. I can't help repeating what everyone else has said Pia Bleu is precious and adorable. You did a beautiful job photographing her for this post.

  14. Sei Bella Pia Blue.

    A perfect match. Enjoy your long life, filled with happiness at Burlap Luxe. We shall look forward to hearing reports of your mischief...
    Thanks Dore for sharing
    Helen x

  15. She is precious and what a beautiful name. Enjoy her, there's nothing like a fur baby to make life complete.

  16. What a beauty. Thanks for sharing her with us. I too love the name. Keep the pics coming.

  17. Owww i am melting Dore.....what a sweettie !!!!!...lovely weekend...enjoy the Ria...x !

  18. I am sure with all yours and Hannah's love she is feeling pretty amazing.So happy she made it and is doing better.Lots of love my freinds!

  19. Dore,Pia Bleu is so sweet! Love her name too! Beautiful photos Dore! Love the soft linens and beautiful roses....sigh <3

  20. Dore, what a little darling!! Pia Bleu is perfect. She already knows what a loving caring home she is in!

    Oh come and see my new post!

    The Arts by Karena

  21. It´s aLways such a pleasure to visit you - your pictures are so beautiful,as always.ANd today there´s even a hound!!!!I´ve got two afghans,but am dreaming of a little italian guy as well,they are gorgeous :))))
    TOvehugs :)

  22. Oh oh oh....speechless. That face!


  23. Ooh, how delightful! She is absolutely precious! I love her so much, that sweet face. She is blessed to have a home with you.

    My little Sophie only weighed under 1 pound when I brought her home. She loves to sleep on linens, too!

    Pia Bleu, you are going to be adored!

  24. Oh, what a sweet addition to your home. She looks like she fits right in snuggled among all your linen...girl after my own heart:-)

    We recently had a new addition at our home as well. A cute little black kitty just showed up one day right before Halloween. She was very skittish until she realized she would be loved and now she has so much energy and wants attention...all the time!

    Enjoy Pia Bleu


  25. Oh my gosh Dore, she's darling!!! She fits into your home so perfectly with her regal beauty! Love how she strikes a pose:) I have dreams of getting a Doberman someday, I want one so badly but not while we're apartment dwellers...someday I hope though!

  26. Oh my goodness, she's adorable!! How fortunate for her to have such a wonderful home and new family where she'll be so loved and nurtured.
    Mary Alice

  27. Congratulations on your new addition, she is just precious! Love the name and you are right, she does have soulful eyes!
    Happy Sunday Dore!

  28. Doré and Hannah,

    Pia Bleu is absolutely precious. IG are great dogs, happy bursts of energy.

    Our friend Steve has an IG named Rocket... Why Rocket?
    Because when he goes outside and runs, he flys by like a rocket!

    Much happiness and play with sweet Pia Bleu.

  29. Dear Dore,

    firstable thank you so much for your blessed and honored words on my blog.
    It means alot to me.

    It's unbelievable, how I love to read every comment I get on my blog, and your's ( I cant find words to describe it 'speechess' in a postive way ). :-)

    I do absolutely adore your blog, as well as your amazing talent for interior design/decorating .. wow speechless again.
    You got me.

    Congratulations to your adorable new family member. She found a wonderful new home.
    And a big place in your heart.

    Thank you that I got to know you.

    All the best and big hugs

    Ps: You got a new follower :-)

  30. Oh, Pia Blue is soo very cute. I`m sure you have a great time with her. Beautiful photos from you as always, Dore.

    Big hug from here

  31. God bless you Dore,

    you have written the most unbelievable comment in my hole blogger life! <3
    I have/had tears in my eyes, even if I was reading it.
    Your words are full with power and emotions.
    It means so much to me every line your wrote/write.

    I thank you so soo much <3
    Hopefully one day I'll be in your favorite magazine Jeanne d' Arc Living.

    I am happy right now to read your wonderful words, and that I won a rare beautiful cream white pair of mid. 18th century victorian evening/bridal slippers/shoes.
    Can't wait to add them to my interior they will look great under a huge glass bell :-)
    Stay tuned and you can see them soon on my blog.

    Thanks so much dear Dore

    Happy Sunday to you... & big hugs

  32. Ooooooo I think I have a crush on Pia Bleu!!!!!
    How sweet is that face!!!!
    Have fun with her.

  33. Much Love to that Gorgeous little puppy!!!SO glad she is doing well!

  34. I love Pia Bleu! She is bella bella!! Can't wait to see more pics with your lovely decor and your newest model ;)

  35. Dore, Pia is adorable. I am not familiar with the Italian Greyhound breed. Is she going to be a miniature? Congrats on your new arrival! Have a beautiful week!

  36. Contessa
    I am sure this can be abbreviated without losing the context.
    She is regal, stunning and adorable.

  37. Hi Dore, Finally getting to stop by to see your beautiful new baby girl!!! Pia is a special pup & she has a special mommy & sister. I love her name & I think she was sent from the Heavens above to you both.. she is really very precious & lucky to be surrounded by so much beauty & love. Pia Bleu I love you too!

  38. How adorable! And I love the name you chose for her! You are both lucky to have found each other:)

  39. Oh Dore....what a doll Pia Bleu is! She is just a tiny little bundle of sweetness! I can see why you and your daughter were drawn to that certain breed. There's just something so beautifully exquisite about it. Graceful. Petite. Elegant. She is just perfect for your home! Congratulations, sweet momma! :)

    xoxo laurie

  40. She is so precious!!! I'm so glad that you were able to nurse her back to health. Poor thing. She's so tiny. I'm sure that made her condition worse. Good luck with her and enjoy your future together!

  41. Oh, what a sweet little thing!! She will be well loved for sure! Congrats :)

  42. Dear Dore, how wonderful, a new addition to your beautiful home. Little Pia Bleu seems well adjusted already. It is perfect that she is with you, and Hannah.The love we feel for, and from our animals is like no other. It is completely unconditional, just as it should be.I am so happy she is with you! XOXOX Christel

  43. What an incredible beauty! Congratulations! My son wakes up each and every morning and asks when are we getting a dog? The time is not right but soon, we tell him. I understand the anticipation, and the love. I found you today over at must love junk and I am your newest follower. Love, love, love your blog! xoxo Kathleen

  44. oooo....sweeeet! she's so her little crown!

  45. Oh my goodness, you know of my love for dogs. This tiny girl its beautiful. Not sure why but she looks to me like a Feu (for the fire inside her to survive that travel).

  46. She is a love dear Dore! I love Italian greyhounds. Such sweet dispositions. I had a whippet for years and she always loved being buried in cozy throws too.
    She is lucky to have you and Hannah.
    hugs from here...

  47. Dearest Dore,
    Be still my heart...
    Pia Bleu is a little piece of heaven that has come to fill your heart with joy.. What a sweetheart she is.. And to sit so still with a CROWN! Sweet!!!!
    Love and blessings to you, Hannah and little Pia Bleu.

  48. Your home is beautiful. I love the crisp clean white! And that salvaged door is amazing!

  49. She is just gorgeous! Pets add so much to a family. So happy for all of you, and glad she is fine in her forever home!
    Big hugs,

  50. Really beautiful! So welcoming and warm for winter! We absolutely love it, gorgeous pictures as well! Thanks so much for sharing Home For Handmade

  51. pia bleu....sweet...petite...and full of love. a beautiful addition to your already beautiful family. blessings....

  52. AWWWWWWWW!!! Oh my gosh, she is wonderful, just heavenly. I love everything about her. Her soulful eyes, her delicate little body, and she is the prettiest colors. It sounds like she is filling a space in your lives that was feeling empty too. How completely touching and sweet. I can't wait to watch her grow.
    Your photos here are just gorgeous too. The soft pink roses in the pewter vase are perfect. I think the pink rose petals are probably close to the texture and color of Pia's soft little belly. I love puppy tummies...


  53. Bonjour,

    Votre lévrier est tout "trognon !...
    J'adore les photos avec lui.
    Gros bisous

  54. merhaba,o'nu da sizi de çok sevdim:)))

  55. Bless the little dogs heart
    so glad it survived its long trip to love

  56. Pia Bleu is the perfect name for your new little girl. Congratulations!

    Your home looks lovely, as always, Dore!

    xo xo


  57. Sending animals in cargo is very risky for them. I suspect you or your daughter now know it is not the right thing to do.

  58. I think you should report the dog's breeder to the local Humane Society.

  59. SHe is simply precious! I can see that she will be very elegant as she grows! For the money you paid in vet bills, I bet you could have flown over to get her and placed her under your seat! Next time, that will be the way to go!!! When I was looking for a cavalier King Charles spaniel, a breeder far away insisted that I fly out to get her, and I would have, had I not found a lovely puppy within driving distance! Pia Bleu, that sweet baby will bring much joy!
