October 16, 2010

Feed The Soul, Paper Art by Dore

"Click on photo's to enlarge"
Ephemera, collage mixed-media peaceful art piece. This is a repost celebrating my daughter Hannah's birthday October 17th Sunday's child...HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear one!

THIS ART WAS CREATED BY ME! "DORE CALLAWAY" and I want to thank my daughter Hannah Bailey Callaway for inspiring me...
I continue to marvel at the ability she has to celebrate and capture her passion with beauty in an artful life, as well as her heart. She moves you to tears, laughter and will take you to a place of wanting to feed the soul. Media art left me with the feeling of needing to put our hands on this piece of art by using tattered POETIC book pages, you will soon understand why I had to put these hands to this special piece of paper art. Myself being an interior designer, also artist who works in mixed-media, altered art, paper and paint, needed to put my daughters artful words in the likeness and style of this art piece. Her words as a child inspired me to do something with my hand and the hand of my daughter putting it to poetic work with paper.

WHO CAN EXPLAIN the nurturing, sustaining role art plays in all our lives? Perhaps it is the dream-like quality of art, and it's ability to engender ideas, that makes art so important. I hope my art shows a celebration of love.

The left hand is mine, the right hand is my daughter Hannah's, the bird was hers from the wild.

Being inspired to do this art brought back a dear memory of my daughter when she was age 4 now she is 17 and graduated senior year 2010. I was amazed at her heart and her fond love of caring for her wild birds, they were hers because they were loved from her heart and making sure they all ate more then there fair share of the 40 pounds of seed monthly. One afternoon one had flown into the glass door and fell to the ground, she cried yelling for my help and ran out to care for it, as she picked it up stroking it's head with her tiny 4 year old finger she told it to sing and fly, you can only imagine what that did to my heart. The little bird was soon not in shock from it's near fatal crash into the glass door and flew from her soft grip. She really believed it was her love that helped it to sing and fly. So now you can see why I had to do this poetic paper art and how the words Sing and fly were perfect for this piece.

The paper art is now framed under glass and hanging over our storage buffet in our kitchen, reminding us everyday to "Sing And Fly"


  1. Hello Dore...

    My friend, what a beautiful and inspiring piece your, "Sing and Fly" is! Ohhh...I just loved reading the story about your dear daughter and her love for the sweet little birds. I am most positive that it WAS her sweet and caring nature...and her words "sing and fly" that sent the little bird back into flight! I just love this! Your art captured that moment perfectly! It really is beautiful...and so very inspiring! I hope to "sing and fly" each day of my life!!! Thank you for sharing it with us, my friend!!! My heart is smiling!!!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Dear Dore,
    thank you for sharing your story about your beautiful daughter with us.Youe art piece sing and fly is absolutely beautiful and captured that moment perfectly!Happy Birthday Hannah!
    Hope you always sing and fly.
    Best wishes and a wonderful Sunday,

  3. What a sweet story and lovely tribute to your daughter.

  4. Sing and fly - what wonderful words to live life by. Isn't it amazing how much love and joy our children bring us? Some days I feel my heart will burst with pride. We are lucky souls to be so inspired by our loved ones. I thank the universe everyday that I have been blessed and I'm sure you do the same Dore. Have a wonderful day with your daughter and wish her a happy, peaceful birthday from me!

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet Hannah Enjoy your Day! I love your art and the special story Sweet Memories.Life is Good ~Cheers Kim

  6. What a lovely inspirational story behind the art! Beautiful piece with lovely memories. Take care Cathy

  7. What a beautiful work of art Dore, and the story behind it all makes it even more special. I love that each of your hands are represented in the piece and that you used the bird to illustrate such a special memory. Best wishes :)

  8. Happy Birthday to beautiful Hannah Bailey...she is beauty inside and out.

  9. Beautiful art...beautiful story!! Happy birthday to Hannah! It's also my husband's birthday.

  10. Dore - this is just a beautifully inspiring piece of art. Bravo! Love the story behind it and the story it tells. :)

    And Happy Birthday to you, Hannah! Keep the vision and the love of wildbirds. You're certainly on the right path! :)

    xoxo laurie

  11. Oh Dore,
    This brought tears to my eyes! You did such a beautiful job,it's just breathtaking. And your words for your sweet daughter are awe inspiring!!!
    You are such a true heart Dore! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!
    Have a great Sunday.

  12. Oh man! I'm on the 4 yr end over here...but I know how quickly time passes. My goodness!! You're daughter will hold so dear to the pieces you've made. How special her entire being must feel to see her mother be so inspired. How special is it that you both share the gift of artistry!!

    I would just love to see the inside of your home. I can only image that's heave here on earth as well :)



  13. Happy B-day to your daughter! I remember the first time you posted about this art piece and the story behind it. I thought it was sweet then... and still do. It's amazing how quickly they grow up, isn't it? I hope your Hannah has a wonderful day tomorrow, Dore!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  14. Sing and fly beautiful Hannah! Happy Birthday!

    And of course purrs, to my favorite milk-addicted-enabler >^.,^< I hope you are having a grand weekend!


  15. Ma belle, this is just exquisite. Not only are the hues of gray stunning, but the subject matter steals the show. Lovely idea, wonderful execution, and the memories attached to it are priceless! BRAVO DORE! Anita

  16. They say the best art is art that has meaning & sentiment & you don't get much more sentiment than what you have in this beautiful piece. Love it !!

  17. Your artwork is very pretty, I love the different textures. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  18. Happy Birthday Hannah! It is wonderful to share an October birthday with you! You and your mom are amazing women who know how to express your creative side...you are both beautiful!

  19. how beautiful...your art AND your sweet daughters words..........

  20. ...oh Happiest Birthday to your dear Hannah!!
    My son is the same age and will be graduating this year as well! Beautiful young spirits, ready to take flight in their adventure of young adults. How fortunate are we, to witness such a treasure???
    The hands releasing the bird depict this perfectly! Well done kindrid spirit, WELL DONE!!
    xo, Rosemary

  21. Oh Dore..thank you for sharing with us! Happy Birthday to sweet Hannah from another October birthday girl!!

    Enjoy this beautiful day!

  22. Dear Dore,
    So beautiful!!! Oh my gosh--I can't believe you captured that story like this because I remember when you posted about it...this is purely amazing! And Happy Birthday to Hannah!

  23. Dear Dore...........My daughter is going through a troubled time. There is nothing anyone can do except pray for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

  24. Congratulations to your daughter! Love your art!!

    Lieve groet & happy new week,


  25. DORÉ! BON ANNIVERSAIRE À HANNAH! Come on y'all........let's dance! Let's stay young at heart! THank you for coming by dearest. Bonne semaine...Anita

  26. Happy Birthday to your dear daughter Hannah. That is a beautiful and inspiring piece of art. I love the story behind it.



  28. omg!! this is simply fabulous! Congratulations to your daughter and have a fab. day!

  29. Dore, love, you are such a wonderful artist, mother, lover of nature...soul sister. This is so beautiful and I know how you feel about your daughter, I have two and cannot imagine life without them. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous creation.
    Thank you, too, for adding the button to your blog... yes, every Friday!!

  30. For some reason, I have not managed to post my message so here I try again! First, the artwork brought tears to my eyes. Do you mind too much if my little girl and I do something similar for memory keeping. It is oh so inspiring. Your post was inspiring and lovely as well!

  31. You really are a great artist and congrats on being the RH magazine! Have a great week, T

  32. those pieces are gorgeous !


  33. Beautiful pieces. Congrats to your daughter being so multi talented. I wish her well with her education and I love your beautiful treasure she created for you. Anne

  34. Beautiful Art piece Dore! love the colors and the sentiment behind it! What a lovely tribute to you daughter! Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

  35. What a truly special story and view to share with us! this is just beautiful as well as inspiring. congratulations to both you and your darling daughter. XX
    re you comment on my blog: THANKS!!!

    thank you very much for your lovely comments and MUCH APPRECIATED that you mentioned on Ticking and Toile that this was my post..I was very surprised that after giving permission on her request to use some of the pictures, she still did not give any credit on her blog to where Pauline's White house could be found. It hurts a little bit..since I really put a lot of effort into that post as well as getting permission to use it since these were images I took for a magazine shoot.
    any way , now I know to add my name in the future to images..which I don't like to do because it can be cropped off as well...
    why do I feel bad even mentioning this?...but I would have appreciated the mention.

    We adore our afghans and have always had at least two since our first love affair with this species began 30 years ago!
    have a lovely week
    Colette xx

  36. Beautiful words and beautiful composition. I love all of it.

  37. Hi Dore! It's just beautiful! Really special!!!

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  38. What a lovely inspirational story behind the art!Lovely,lovely,lovely!
    had to come a second time to thank you for your visit to my blog and uplifting comment.

  39. Hey there my dear Dore! I simply love this piece! It's just charming and the story is amazing as well!! I hope your sweet daughter had a beautiful birthday too!! Hugs to you!
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  40. I remember this charming story of little Hannah. It is so precious and this amazing art piece is the perfect embodiment of that wonderful memory you cherish so! My son told me that they finally made a connection on facebook and that she was very nice which of course I knew! He said he was going to invite her to the campus for a tour. I hope it happens soon. I just love your daughter because of how you love her. Your bond is so beautiful!
    Every post you do is nothing short of inspiring.
    Thank you Dore and Hannah for sharing your love for each other with all of us. It's a gift!

  41. Beautiful as always Dore. Happy belated birthday to your sweet daughter. Such a lovely inspiration for such a lovely piece of art:) Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

  42. what a very beautiful and inspiring piece....hope you had a lovely day!

  43. Happy Belated Birthday to your precious daughter!!! Your art is so beautiful and a lovely tribute to your mother/daughter bond:) Thank you for sharing!

  44. That is really beautiful, I love it!

  45. I love this piece!
    And your daughter and I share the same birthday, too. :-)

  46. What a precious story and precious work of art! Everything I see on your blog makes my heart sing:)
    Thank you!

  47. What exquisite taste and talent. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  48. Dore, thanks so much for linking up with VIF!!!

  49. Dear, dear Doré

    Your kindness is exactly the element that moves me to stop and think and be so grateful that there are people that take the time to be kind. MERCI MILLE FOIS MA BELLE, LA GENTILLESSE EST SI PRECIEUSE....Oh, you have one of those fabulous French chests? It would be so lovely in its natural color! I am so torn between gray, natural, and this aqua everyone is so FOU about this year! Oh, the decisions!

    I hope you have a wonderful week dear friend...here is sending you love on wings of gossamer! Anita

  50. Darling,
    THIS IS LOVELY! I love it so much and the way you framed it is WONDERFUL. I just bought 55 canvases for my little 1st graders to work on a mixed piece like this. I love the hands! I thought I'd let them pick their favorite things to add. I hope they turn our half as wonderful as yours.

    Have a wonderful night,

  51. This is so lovely. I was almost in tears, as my son's 30th birthday was also October 17. Happy belated birthday to your lovely daughter.

  52. Dore~
    I received a beautiful card in the mail from you!!!!oxox What an enchanting suprise! I am sick with a cold/flu this week so this was such a treat to find in my postbox. Thank you thank you thank you ox

    The seashore tag hangs from my display wire in the studio, above my computer desk area to inspire me daily and remind me of you!

    I hope you are well...and busy creating beauty. love, kerrie

  53. Hi Dore,
    I loved your answer about "growing down!" I hope you're doing great...I've been so busy I know I must have made it through this week with the help of angels!! I want to see "Eat, Pray, Love"--It looks so awesome!!! Have a Happy Halloween..Oh, I've got a pic of my daughter on Whimsical Musings for Halloween--you'll get a smile on your face for sure when you see it!!!
    Love & hugs,

  54. Ma belle, merci pour ta gentillesse et ton amitié....tes commentaires sont toujours doux à mon âme, et me touchent veritablement. J'espère que ton NOVEMBRE sera formidable, en partagant l'amour....le resource le plus disponible dans l'univers....GROSSES BISES MA BELLE, Anita

  55. Ma belle Anita,
    Vous êtes celui que nous pouvons appeler un ami.

  56. Oh ma chèrie, l'amitié est une perle très chère....c'est ce que j'aime bien.....Anita

  57. Anita,Godspeed cher ami qui est vêtu de blanc comme un ange.
    Un éclat de la beauté avec vos mots.

  58. Gorgeous, Dore.
    You are so talented
    and your daughter
    obviously shares the
    same kind heart as
    you do!
    xx Suzanne

  59. Lovely Lovely Lovely!
    I was very moved by this piece. It has given me such inspiration. Thank you
